This week in Aspen it was all about rhyming, word play, and having fun exploring the literary world with Dr. Seuss Week! As we dove into the literary world, we explored rhyming, alliteration, and vocabulary! Aspen learned that in order for a word to rhyme, they need to have the same ending sounds! After learning this, we all practiced rhyming words during our group lessons. The Aspen children quickly became rhyming experts! We discovered that sometimes rhyming words are not spelled the same but have the same ending sounds! For example, dance and pants follow this rule. At the same time, we also read various Dr. Seuss books, discovering that he is the true Rhyming Expert. We spent the week searching for rhyming words and alliteration; in the process, we made an interesting discovery! We realized that occasionally Dr. Seuss would create nonsense words! This prompted follow-up work with vocabulary and thinking of words that make sense (real words) and words that don’t (nonesense words)! Dr. Seuss also happens to be a Nonsense Word Expert!
A very special thank you to all of the Aspen families participating in Dr. Seuss Week! The outfits, creativity, and participation was amazing! We could not do what we do without you!
In Kindergarten Workshop, the kindergarteners explored Geometry! They looked at two-dimensional shapes with the Geometric Cabinet and three-dimensional shapes with the Geometric Solids. At the same time, the Kindergarteners discussed angles, vertices, and the geometric names of triangles. In Readers Workshop, the kindergarteners began their introduction into the world of poetry and began the process of becoming poets themselves! We took a look at poems that rhyme, reading Shel Silverstein’s “Where The Sidewalk Ends” and Dr. Seuss books. We discussed how poems are written in rows or lines and how there are different types of poems. The Kindergarten Reading groups also discussed alliteration, and we practiced this concept together. Finally, both groups discussed how to brainstorm: to think of ideas to create their own poems. The kindergarteners wrote word lists and then found their rhyming words so that they can create their very own rhyming poem! All of the kindergarteners had amazing ideas! In Writers Workshop, the Kindergarteners practiced their handwriting skills by “copy writing” information off a white-board, practicing for Elementary expectations!
It was another fun- filled, amazing week in Aspen! Have a great weekend! Next week our thematic topic will be Amphibians and Reptiles!

Here are some of our Crazy Socks from Crazy Sock Day!

Dr. Seuss Letter Rescue! Rescuing letters from the tangled web and matching them to lowercase and uppercase cards!

A group picture of our outfits representing our future goals of what we would like to be when we grow up.

Creating sentences with the Moveable Alphabet!

Pin pricking shamrock shapes!

Story time with good friends!!

Fun with the Sandpaper Numbers!