A Peek At Our Week – Aspen – 02/27/23 – 03/03/23 Dr. Seuss Week!!

This week in Aspen it was all about rhyming, word play, and having fun exploring the literary world with Dr. Seuss Week! As we dove into the literary world, we explored rhyming, alliteration, and vocabulary! Aspen learned that in order for a word to rhyme, they need to have the same ending sounds! After learning this, we all practiced rhyming words during our group lessons. The Aspen children quickly became rhyming experts! We discovered that sometimes rhyming words are not spelled the same but have the same ending sounds! For example, dance and pants follow this rule. At the same time, we also read various Dr. Seuss books, discovering that he is the true Rhyming Expert. We spent the week searching for rhyming words and alliteration; in the process, we made an interesting discovery! We realized that occasionally Dr. Seuss would create nonsense words! This prompted follow-up work with vocabulary and thinking of words that make sense (real words) and words that don’t (nonesense words)! Dr. Seuss also happens to be a Nonsense Word Expert!

A very special thank you to all of the Aspen families participating in Dr. Seuss Week! The outfits, creativity, and participation was amazing! We could not do what we do without you!

In Kindergarten Workshop, the kindergarteners explored Geometry! They looked at two-dimensional shapes with the Geometric Cabinet and three-dimensional shapes with the Geometric Solids. At the same time, the Kindergarteners discussed angles, vertices, and the geometric names of triangles. In Readers Workshop, the kindergarteners began their introduction into the world of poetry and began the process of becoming poets themselves! We took a look at poems that rhyme, reading Shel Silverstein’s “Where The Sidewalk Ends” and Dr. Seuss books. We discussed how poems are written in rows or lines and how there are different types of poems. The Kindergarten Reading groups also discussed alliteration, and we practiced this concept together. Finally, both groups discussed how to brainstorm: to think of ideas to create their own poems. The kindergarteners wrote word lists and then found their rhyming words so that they can create their very own rhyming poem! All of the kindergarteners had amazing ideas! In Writers Workshop, the Kindergarteners practiced their handwriting skills by “copy writing” information off a white-board, practicing for Elementary expectations!

It was another fun- filled, amazing week in Aspen! Have a great weekend! Next week our thematic topic will be Amphibians and Reptiles!

Here are some of our Crazy Socks from Crazy Sock Day!

Dr. Seuss Letter Rescue! Rescuing letters from the tangled web and matching them to lowercase and uppercase cards!

A group picture of our outfits representing our future goals of what we would like to be when we grow up.

Creating sentences with the Moveable Alphabet!

Pin pricking shamrock shapes!

Story time with good friends!!

Fun with the Sandpaper Numbers!

A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of 2/27/23

Our Focus Lesson: Read Across America/Dr. Seuss

“Congratulations!   Today is your day. You’re off to great places!  You’re off and away!

You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

You’ll be on your way up!  You’ll be seeing great sights!  You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high heights! 

Wherever you fly, you’ll be the best of the best.  Wherever you go, you will top all the rest.

Oh, the places you’ll go!  There is fun to be done!  There are points to be scored.  There are games to be won. 

You’ll get mixed up, of course, as you already know.  You’ll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go.

So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act. 

And will you succeed?  Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed!)


You’re off to Great Places!  Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. 

So… get on your way!

– “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!’ by Dr. Seuss


Happy Birthday to our newest 4 year old!

It’s Time for International Festival!

The Cherry Blossom Class will be studying the continents of NORTH AMERICA and SOUTH AMERICA for the International Festival.  We have already started our research so make sure your child signs up for the country that they would like to represent by Friday, March 10th!  


Peek into Next Week!

Focus Lesson: Fish

Preschool Lesson: Land and Water Forms

Kindergarten Lessons: Geometric Solids & Poetry

Important Dates:

March 27-March 31: Spring Break

April 7: Good Friday – Early Release 12:00pm

April 10: Easter Monday – No School

April 26: International Festival Rehearsal

April 28: International Festival

A Peek At Our Week – Aspen – 02/13/23 – 02/17/23 and 02/20/23 – 02/24/23 – South America and Presidents Day and North America.

For the past couple of weeks Aspen has been exploring the Western Hemisphere! We started this adventure by traveling to South America! We learned the names and locations of countries in South America, explored culture, studied the geography of South America, became Amazon Rainforest experts, and listened to relaxing South American pan flute music during the work period. As we discussed South America, we explored the topography and different biomes found within the continent. We learned that South America has humid rainforests, tall mountains, and dry deserts. We further discovered that parts of South America are very close to the Equator and are very hot while others are cold and dry. Did you know that part of Antarctic belongs to Chile? As we explored culture, we learned that Carnival, a huge celebration, was happening the same week we were studying South America! The Aspen kids spent the week completing the South American puzzle maps, coloring the countries in South America, learning how to identify South American flags, and engaged in classification work with animals and life within the continent of South America.

This week the Aspen classroom learned all about Presidents Day and the presidents of the United States. We learned all about the work a president does, explored U.S. landmarks, and engaged in classification work with identifying Presidents and placing them in linear sequence according to their Presidential terms. As we were discussing the United States of America and Presidents, Aspen decided to investigate other countries within the continent of North America. We then engaged in classification work with the flags of North America, learned all about the topography of North America and its different biomes, and learned all about North American culture while learning the names and locations of its countries. Aspen sure had a busy two weeks exploring the Western Hemisphere.

In Kindergarten Workshop, the kindergarteners have been exploring Fractions and Math with Fractions. They experimented with putting different fractions together to make a whole and learned how to identify different fractions. In Reading Workshop, both groups have been reviewing lessons focusing on phonics, phonemic awareness and phonograms. At the same time, the have worked on Reading Comprehension skills, sounding out words and then writing them on paper, and practiced how to S.A.N.D our worksheets and papers with subject, name, and date. In Writers Workshop, the Kindergarteners finished up their books and then held Authors Share where they published their books and then read them aloud to their classmates! Each kindergartner has shown so much growth writing their books! They completed entire words and put their whole thought down on paper while using punctuation and capital letters at the beginning of each sentence!

Putting the Presidents in chronological order by their presidential term(s)!

Fun with phonics and the Snowman Phonetic Object Box!

Cleaning pennies with salt and vinegar!

Working together to complete the Alphabetical Order puzzle!

Peek In Our Week /\/\ Thee Buckeye Room /\/\ Week Of February 20, 2023

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
This week we went back in time and took a look at Ancient Greece and talked about Greek Mythology. The Greek Gods hung out on Mt. Olympus and we learned the King of all Gods was Zeus and if you made him angry he had a lightning bolt in his hand that he would throw at you.  Zeus had a wife named Hera and she was the Goddess of Marriage.  If you were a sailor you dare not make Poseidon angry because he was the the God of the Seas and held a trident (a fork like spear) in his hand.  Zeus had a brother that he sent to the under world and that God was named Hades.  Hades had a pet that was a three headed dog named Cerberus.  We also learned about Pan and Medusa.

Did you know (Barbie):
Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Barbie was named after Ruth Handler’s daughter, Barbara, and Ken after her son, Kenneth. She is from (fictional) Willows, Wisconsin, where she attended high school.

Punk/Goth Barbies, hehe

A Message From Mr. John (Hair Cuts. Your Hair Knows):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 25 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay)

Know Your Languages (Malay):

Flower measuring and tracking:

We concluded measuring our plant and it turns out it looks like a work in the classroom. The measurements were…
1‐11‐23: 5in and 7cm.
2-3-23: 8in and 20cm.
2-17-23: 21in and 51cm.
2‐24‐23: 22in and 53 cm
and notice the photobomb

Peek In The Classroom:

She is working on a Math material called the addition Strip Board. Montessori addition strip board teaches children the mathematical concept of adding numerals 1 to 9 more abstractly as it leads the child through all the combinations in addition. There are no combinations beyond 9+9.
This is an extension with the aim of coordination. The children have been walking the maze all year but on this day they discovered a new twist. A beanbag on their head. Now they have to be extra cautious so the beanbag does not fall off their heads. They came up with this all on their own.
This boy is learning the symbols (numbers) and the quantity (beads) and their relationship. See how meticulous he is placing the beads neatly in order?
She is working on a phonics workbook to support her reading.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Hibernation/Migration/Adaption

Letter Of The Week- W w

Rhyming Word Of The Week- beg

Next Language is Hindi

Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme: Fractions

Learning fractions they separated into boys and girls. Both girls and boys equals 6/12.

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Geometry

Synonym Of The Week: BAD: incorrect, awful, unsatisfactory, faulty, defective

Sight Words Of The Week: then out

Upcoming Events:
A few days off and other stuff.
-No School: SPRING BREAK- March 27 through April 2 — Returning Monday April 3
-Early Release/No Aftercare: Good Friday April 7. ***** Dismissal 12 noon/NO AFTERCARE *****
-No School: Easter Monday, April 10

Dr. Seuss Week: Monday 2/27/2023 thru Friday 3/3/2023. A flyer and Remind message already sent.
Akron Art Museum Field Trip:  
Thursday, March 9 (from 9 am to 12 pm)  IT IS FREE! (Forms sent via Remind and in take home folders)

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

On Fat Tuesday this boy was ready for Mardi Gras. Nawlins or bust! Oh, and look at the photobomb
Sometimes or more than not you just do not ask in a preschool/kindergarten room.
An obvious forced, staged, photo op by Mr. John

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (swings and making Mr. John nervous):

A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of 2/20/23

Our Focus Lesson – Winter

We have spent the past two weeks learning about the season of Winter… which was a tad challenging this year with our current weather. However, we made the most of it! We reviewed the Four Seasons and talked about what is special about Winter. The cold temperatures, the snow, how trees are dormant , and what different animals do.

We also read some fun books about snowmen and The Mitten by Jan Brett!

We had snow much fun reading these books this week! Did you know there is a hidden mouse on every page?
We practiced retelling the story of The Mitten by coloring and cutting out the animals and mitten from the story. We hope you enjoy the children’s retelling at home this weekend!

Preschool Lesson – Hibernation, Migration, Adaptation

Ms. Sam taught us all about hibernation, migration, and adaption over the past couple weeks! We read the story Under and Over the Snow as we learned what types of animals sleep all winter long, which animals fly south for the winter, and which animals stay here and adapt to the cold weather. We enjoyed watching our fluffy sparrows outside at our bird feeder adapt to the temperature. We also thought about why we would love to hibernate. But alas, people adapt.

“I would love to hibernate because I would like to go to sleep all day.”

Kindergarten Lessons

Kindergarteners were introduced to Fractions this week during Kindergarten Lesson. They also ended the week with a special Skittles surprise from Mr. John!

Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop celebrated this week with an Author’s Share! Each Kindergartener chooses one book that they have written recently, sits in the Author’s Chair, and reads their book to the class. They did so well reading to their friends!

This Kindergartener is reading her book The Trail to other Kindergarten friends.

Enrichment Spotlight – Art with Ms. Varela

We continued out pottery study this week, by drawing and coloring our stories on paper.

Peek into Work Time

This young Blossom is working with the Metal Insets. She is strengthening her fine motor skills by tracing inside the pink part of the inset and by tracing the outside of the blue part of the inset. She is also reinforcing her knowledge of this shape’s name.
This older Blossom is also working with the Metal Insets. This child is now using two shapes to create designs with the metal insets. He traces inside and outside of the inset, and then fills the design with different types of lines to further develop those fine motor skills.
This child is exploring the concept of Heavy and Light with the parts of a snowman! We weighed snoman eyes, a snowman nose, a snowman mouth, and a snowman scarf!
Look how proud this Blossom is! He completed the 100 Board for the very first time! We absolutely LOVE these kinds of smiles!
Out Kindergarteners participate in “Buddy Reading” each week. They have a bag of books that are perfect for them, and they practice reading those books out loud to Mr. Gnome and Mrs. Gnome in the classroom. They absolutely love to share these books with our classroom gnomes!

Peek into Next Week!

Focus Lesson: Dr. Seuss/Read Across America Week!

Monday: Wear crazy socks!

Tuesday: Wear your favorite hat!

Wednesday: Dress wacky!

Thursday: Wear green!

Important Dates:

March 26-March 31: Spring Break – No School!

Peek In Our Week【】Thee Buckeye Room【】Week Of February 13, 2023

Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
We went back in time and learned about Ancient Egypt.  We learned that the leaders or kings were called Pharaohs and when a king died they used a method to preserve them called mummification.  The pharaohs that were mummified look nothing like you see at Halloween or on cartoons.  The ancient Egyptians had a a written language called hieroglyphics which incorporated symbols such as cats,humans, and other daily objects. We also learned that the ancient Egyptians were responsible for building the Great Pyramids and The Sphinx which has the body of a lion and a head of a man. 


I actually saw the original airing of this.
How did they get their hair like that?

Did You Know? (Russia is GiNormous):
Russia has a whopping 11 time zones within the country, which gives you an idea of just how large it is.

A Message From Mr. John: Your fave Movie(s):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 24 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano)

Know Your Languages (Cebuano):

Tracking and Recording(Flower):

Things are starting to happen.

Peek In The Classroom:

He is working on the Number Rods found in the Math area. The Number Rods also help children learn the names of numbers and their sequence and learn to correctly associate between the spoken number and its quantity. Children grow to understand that each rod represents a unique quantity and that each number is represented by a single object as a whole, separate from others.
They are working on skip counting and recording their findings.
He is working on the Movable Alphabet and creating words.
She is doing equations using the Stamp Game.

Peek Into Next Week: Line Time- Ancient Greece

Letter Of The Week-V v

Rhyming Word Of The Week- ben

Next Language is Malay

Academic Enrichment Weekly Theme:
Division with borrowing (dynamic)

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Fractions

Synonym Of The Week:  GOOD,  pleasant, fine, honorable, wonderful, valuable

Sight Words Of The Week: write them

Just a bunch of cool children.

Upcoming Events:
A few days off and other stuff.

-No School:
Monday, February 20th (President’s Day)
-No School: SPRING BREAK- March 27 through April 2 — Returning Monday April 3
-Early Release/No Aftercare: Good Friday April 7. ***** Dismissal 12 noon/NO AFTERCARE *****
-No School: Easter Monday, April 10

Akron Art Museum Field Trip:  
Thursday, March 9 (from 9 am to 12 pm)  IT IS FREE! (Forms sent via Remind and in take home folders)

 Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Another raccoon!
Chillaxing reading a book.
Now that’s some hair products!
Kinder buddies

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (Shampoo):

Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of 2/6/23

Our Focus Lesson & Preschool Lesson: Dinosaurs

We learned about Dinosaurs this week! Our new vocabulary that we were introduced to is herbivore, carnivore, extinct, paleontologist, and fossils. This was certainly a favorite topic for our kiddos! We spent the whole week asking questions and sharing what we know about dinosaurs with our friends. We read books, watched paleontologists at work, and discussed our favorite dinosaurs. Everyone has a favorite dinosaur, what is yours?

Ms. Brandy from the elementary classroom let us borrow her BIG dinosaur books! We enjoyed looking at all of the pictures inside!
We used paint and straws to create a volcano exploding!

Enrichment Spotlight:

In Music Class, Ms Lisa used a slide whistle to teach us about high and low sounds in music.
In Art Class, Ms. Varela had us look for patterns and designs on clay pots. This is the beginning step to our clay pot lessons! We’ll be designing our pots and then building them with clay!
Science lessons with Mr. John is our favorite part of Thursday!

Valentine’s Day!

We designed bird and dinosaur Valentines to send to residents at a local nursing home.
We also created these adorable “I Love You to Pieces” artwork to bring home to our families!
We collected data and created a bar graph using conversation hearts! Then we got to eat them!

Peek Into Next Week!

Focus Lesson: Winter

Preschool Lesson: Hibernation, Migration, and Adaptation

Kindergarten Lesson: Division

Important Dates:

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 – NO SCHOOL, Teacher Inservice Day

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 – NO SCHOOL, President’s Day

Peek In Our Week ||| Thee Buckeye Room ||| Week Of February 6, 2023

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
We first learned about George Washington and how he was our first president and was the General of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. Our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln came from a poor family, freed the slaves and was president during the Civil War.  We were introduced to Franklin D. Roosevelt and how he was president during World War II and how John F. Kennedy fought for equal rights.  We then learned that Joe Biden was current president. The children were taught that the president’s wives are called the first lady and that the president lives in the white house in Washington DC, and flies on a jet called Air Force 1.  We discussed what responsibilities the President has.  The children came up with keeping us safe, keeping the world safe, and running the country. 

Presidents Of The United States Of America (Wasn’t that a 90’s band? Gunna eat a lot of peaches!)…

Again… Too much TV and radio.



What’s The Diff? (Supper and Dinner)?
Dinner and supper are both used to refer to the main meal of the day, and especially to that meal as eaten in the evening. Supper is used especially when the meal is an informal one eaten at home, while dinner tends to be the term chosen when the meal is more formal.

Chicken Paprikash with heavy cream, dark meat, no “light stuff” allowed. I am waiting (im)patiently for Ms. Angela to make me this dish!!!!!!!!!

A Message From Mr. John (Ear bugs):

Half Birthdays:

Summer birthdays need love too.

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 23 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation)

Know Your Languages (Serbo-Croation): Audio only

Enrichments (Music):

In music Ms. Lisa is telling the story of Peter and the Wolf.

Measuring and Recording Data:

They noticed the stem is longer than the ruler. They figured out how to use the ruler in this situation.

Peek In The Classroom:

She is proudly showing her favorite color as she works on Color Box 2. The primary purpose of the Montessori color tablet box 2 is to develop visual discrimination of color using primary, secondary and tertiary colors. The secondary purpose of this activity is to help the child develop a sense of visual order.
She is working on the Sandpaper Numbers. The direct purpose of the Sandpaper Numbers is to teach children the symbols that represent each number, allowing them to visually identify any number from 0 – 9. In Montessori education this is specifically taught separately to counting from 0 – 9, where children often fall back on rote memorisation.
He is working on the Teen Board. The traditional Montessori Teen Board is used to show children how tens and ones make teens; it is a visual and physical application of building numbers to enable understanding.
She is working on 5he Ten Board. Montessori Tens Board with Beads, also called Seguin Board B or Seguin Board 2 teaches a child to associate the quantities and symbols from 10 to 90. Using the Tens Boards, the child explores the number names of the tens and the sequence of numbers 11–99.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Ancient Egypt

Letter Of The Week- U u

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bet

Next Language is Cebuano

Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme: Division without borrowing (static)

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Division with borrowing (dynamic)

Synonym Of The Week: Appropriate:  Suitable, fitting, apropos, correct, proper

Sight Words Of The Week:  would about


Upcoming Events:
A few days off and other stuff.

-No School: Friday, February 17th (Teacher In Service day)
-No School: Monday, February 20th (President’s Day)

Akron Art Museum Field Trip:  Thursday, March 9 (from 9am to 12pm)  IT IS FREE! (Details To Follow)

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Our little matryoshka doll wearing her babuska.
Tell me boy’s brains are not wired differently than girls. Boys wrestling.
You should have seen the other guy.
Tell me girls brains are not wired the same as boys. Girls doing ballet.

Your Kids say The Darndest Things (Cupcakes):

Did you hear her say Mr. John’s fave cupcake is chocolate? Just saying.

Peak In Our Week +++ Thee Buckeye Class +++ Week Of January 31, 2023

Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
The class went green for the week learning about recycling, conserving energy, and pollution.  I explained that pollution was anything that made our environment dirty.  We learned there is littering.  Littering can be people throwing trash on the side of the road or dropping a candy wrapper in the woods.  We now know that we need to put trash in an appropriate container.  We learned that air pollution is created by factories’ smokestacks and cars exhaust,  but cars are just one of the factors that produce air pollution, there are also other reasons.  Water Pollution is caused by factories dumping chemicals in the water or people throwing trash in the water instead of putting it in a trash can.  The 3 R’s were introduced and now we all know to reduce, reuse and recycle!  We thought of ways to conserve energy.  We came up with turning off lights in rooms we are not in or turning off the TV if we are not watching it.  We thought of turning off the water while we are brushing our teeth or turning down the heat and wearing a sweater instead.  During the kindergarten lesson a student realized the room was just as light with the lights off as it was if the lights were on.  Now we do our kindergarten lesson without lights.

Did you know? (I Really Don’t Know Clouds, At All)…One of my guilty pleasures. Originally written by Joni Mitchell at age 23 she stated that her lyrics were way beyond her years. Lyrically this is an awesome song. I digress   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjPoWpkBzmM
A cloud can weigh more than a million pounds.

Clouds are not as light and fluffy as they appear. In fact, researchers have found that a single clouds weigh more than 1.1 million pounds. How do they know? Well, that number is calculated by taking the water density of a cloud and multiplying it by its volume. Fortunately, the cloud can still “float” at that weight because the air below it is even heavier.

A Message From Mr. John: Audio Only video Not Working

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 22 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, Polish)

Know Your Languages (Polish): Audio Only video Not working

Chinese New Year: ( (新年好) /Mandarin)  |  ( 恭喜发财/Cantonese)

A visit from our favorite Dental Hygenist, Taylor from Dr. Pollock’s office.

Peek In The Classroom:

He is very proud completing the 45 layout. This layout will help your child to visualize and develop an understanding of place value, order of numbers, and concentration. This work is very large and can take some time.
We are practicing exchanging and we exchange at 10. That is why 10 is the magic number!
He is practicing identifying symbols and writing what he found.
Continuing to measure, track, and draw our data.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Presidents Of The USA

Letter Of The Week- T t

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bed

Next Language is Serbo-Croation

Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme: 
Subtraction with borrowing (dynamic)

They are not in the Vogue video but demonstrating the Subtraction sign.

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Division without borrowing (static).

Synonym Of The Week: FAT: overweight, big, bulky, heavy, plump

Sight Words Of The Week:  more these

Upcoming Events:
A few days off and other stuff.

-No School:
Friday, February 17th (Teacher In Service day)
-No School: Monday, February 20th (President’s Day)

Akron Art Museum Field Trip:  Thursday, March 9 (from 9am to 12pm)  IT IS FREE! (Details To Follow)

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

These past few weeks we’ve experienced the faces of sickness.
Happy Ground Hog’s Day.
He is ready for summer.
I have no idea how you get food on your forehead. It is probably in my best interest not to ask.

Your Kids say The Darndest Things (The Boy Who Loved Cheesecake):
reminds me of this…… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9inOtq0Ayek

A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of 1/30/23

Focus Lesson – Our Skeletal System

This week we finished our study of the human body with the Skeletal System! We learned that we have 206 bones in our body, our bones create blood cells for our body, and they hold us up so that we’re not just a blob. We learned the names of our bones: skull, ribs, spine, pelvis, humorus, radius, ulna, femur, fibula, and tibia. We practiced writing these labels for our bones, labeled a skeleton in class, and created a skeleton to bring home!

This Kindergartener and Preschooler are working with our skeletal system work. They are using a nonfiction book about bones to create their own labels and then labeling the skeleton that they built upon the work mat. Older and younger students working together is just one of the benefits of a multi-age classroom environment!

Preschool Lesson – Geometric Solids

Our younger Blossoms studied Geometric Solids this week! They looked at and touched a sphere, cube, cone, and cylinder. We looked for these 3 dimensional shapes within our classroom, and practiced throwing and catching a sphere!

This preschooler is receiving a lesson on the geometric solids from Ms. Sam. During a Montessori 3 period lesson, a child is introduced to vocabulary associated with these three dimensional shapes. The teacher will introduce the name for the geometric solid
This young preschooler is tactilely exploring the geometric solids and making connections between the three demensional shape and the two dimensional shapes that she is already familiar with.

Kindergarten Lesson

Our older Blossoms continued their study of subtraction this week, using the Golden Bead Materials and the Stamp Game. In Handwriting, they practiced writing phrases in order to get used to only picking up our pencil when we start writing a new word. Reader’s Workshop continued learning about blends and phonograms. And in Writer’s Workshop our young authors are publishing their books and preparing for an Author Share next week!

A Special Visitor!

A wonderful way to wrap up our study of the human body was with a special visitor – Ms. Taylor from Dr. Pollock’s office to talk to us about Dental Health! We learned that we have 20 baby teeth and 32 adult teeth. We also learned how to brush our teeth and how to floss. Did you know that you should brush your teeth for 2 minutes? Ms. Taylor also reviewed healthy foods and sometimes foods with us!

100th Day of School!

WE ARE 100 DAYS SMARTER IN THE CHERRY BLOSSOM CLASSROOM! Ms. Tonya and Ms. Sam are so proud of how hard these children have worked over the past 100 days of school, and wanted to celebrate with a pizza party! We also celebrated by placing 100 stickers on a paper, sorting 100 objects, making 100th day hats, and counting to 100 by ones, fives, and tens! But the best part was seeing your children dressed up like they are 100 years old!

100 Days Smarter!
We love these old men!
And these old ladies!
Sorting 100 items!
Making 100 Day hats.
We did 100 exercises!

Peek into Next Week:

Focus & Preschool Lesson: Dinosaurs!

Kindergarten Lesson: Introduction to Division

Important Dates:

Friday, February 10: Valentine’s Day Celebration

Friday, February 17: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS – Teacher Inservice Day

Monday, February 20: NO SCHOOL – President’s Day