Peek In Our Week %%% Thee Buckeye Room %%% Week Of 1/13/2025 through 1/17/2025

This week we looked at the skeletal system and if we didn’t have a skeleton we would be one messy blob on the ground (insert a flagellant sound).  We learned the skull protects our brain, the rib cage protects our lungs, and the spine keeps us sitting and standing straight.  We learned technical terms for our arms, leg and our digits which is a funny name called phalanges. We brought our life sized foam puzzle into our room.  His name is Elvis because we learned about the pelvis and it was a cool rhyming name.

Line Time (the other stuff):
Letter Of The Week: Q q
Rhyming Word Of The Week: bub

Koalas have fingerprints that are almost identical to human fingerprints. Koalas are the only non-primate animals with unique fingerprints. 

Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian).

Know Your Languages: (Romanian)

We learned about how Polymers love each other and like to hug each other tightly. But if they are too far apart they can’t touch each other shown when pencils pierce a plastic freeze bag and when you pull out the pencils.
Look who is reading her first novel… Charlotte’s Web
She is working on the Five Chain. This will help in skip counting and multiplication.
Montessori Puzzle Maps are educational tools designed Montessori Puzzle Maps are educational tools designed to teach geography to preschool-aged children through hands-on learning. These wooden maps break down the world into different regions, allowing children to explore continents, countries, and bodies of water by handling individual puzzle pieces through hands-on learning. These wooden maps break down the world into different regions, allowing children to explore continents, countries, and bodies of water by handling individual puzzle pieces. He traced and labeled all the continents.
Her job is to sort 40 books/ 4 sets of 10. See how she organized her task?

Weekly Theme: Internal Organs
Letter Of The Week: R r
Rhyming Word Of The Week: but
Next Language is Korean

This Week in Kindergarten:
Reviewing Telling Time
Synonym Of The Week:
 MEAN: selfish, unkind, malicious, hurtful, evil
Sight Words Of The Week: now made

Next Week in Kindergarten:
Review Telling Time
Synonym Of The Week: NICE: kind, pleasant, delightful, good, helpful
Sight Words Of The Week: first than

An action shot of the kindergarten students doing their assigned chores.
Class of 2025 Kindergarten Class. We learned about the Great Lakes and that they make up 20% of the world’s fresh water supply. We learned a really cool acronym of HOMES and a little about the Edmund Fitzgerald. We even played the song The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
I remember riding my bike uptown Amherst and bought this 45 record from Ben Franklins in 1976. As we got older my friends and I would joke… if you want the party to end play The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald. LOL

-NO SCHOOL Monday January 20 for MLK Day. Don’t be that family that shows up.

-Grandparents’ Day: Thursday January 30, 2025. Follow the link to sign up…..

She is the first to be dismissed and last to finish. So type b. In her defense on this day she was telling EVERYONE that passed that she was 3 years old.
Cheetah print is the crowd favorite. Two subjects in the background and the adult has cheetah print.
There’s A New Kid In Town (sung to the tune of that 1976 Eagles song)… that hit the ground running.
Winter Fun!
What is with my voice then the overcompensation.

The Blossoms Buzz – week of 1/13/25 – Hibernation, Migration, Adaptation

Exploring Winter Wonders in the Cherry Blossom Classroom

The winter months bring a wealth of learning experiences as our young students explored the fascinating concepts of hibernation, migration, and adaptation this week. With the season’s chill in the air, it was the perfect time to delve into how animals survive the cold, and these curious learners embraced the opportunity to discover the wonders of winter.

Finally warm enough to explore winter outside!

The Science Behind Winter Survival: Hibernation, Migration, and Adaptation

Our little scientists engaged with the themes of hibernation, migration, and adaptation by exploring how animals prepare for the winter. They learned that some animals, like bears, hibernate to conserve energy during the colder months, while others, such as birds, migrate to warmer climates. They discovered how some animals adapt to the cold by growing thick fur or blubber to stay warm.

We asked all the children if they would like to hibernate, migrate, or adapt during the winter months. Which would you like to do if you could choose?
Sorting different animals by the way they survive the winter months.

A Hands-On Science Experiment: Blubber and Cold Weather Survival

One of the highlights of the unit was a science experiment designed to show the importance of blubber in keeping animals warm in freezing conditions. The children eagerly participated in an experiment using Crisco, which acted as a stand-in for animal blubber. Each child placed their hand in ice water while wearing a sandwich bag coated with Crisco, experiencing how blubber helps insulate and protect animals from the cold. This tactile experiment not only brought the concept to life but also sparked discussions about how different animals use unique adaptations to thrive in winter.

Did the “blubber” keep our hands warmer when touching the snow? Ask your child!

A Cozy Winter Tale: The Mitten by Jan Brett

As part of our winter theme, we read Jan Brett’s The Mitten, a beautifully illustrated story that captivates young imaginations. The book tells the tale of a mitten dropped in the snow, where various animals seek shelter inside, creating a cozy, snug fit. The children loved discussing the animals in the story and drawing parallels between the animals in The Mitten and the real-life adaptations and behaviors they had been learning about.

Sequencing the animals from The Mitten by Jan Brett.

Learning About Feelings – Yellow, Green, Blue, and Red

In addition to exploring the wonders of winter, our Blossoms also focused on emotional awareness and expression. Through engaging activities, they’ve been learning to identify and associate different feelings with specific colors. The children discovered that happiness is often represented by the color yellow, calmness by green, sadness by blue, and anger by red. This color-emotion connection will help them articulate their feelings more clearly, allowing for better self-awareness and empathy toward others.

Coming Up Next: DINOSAURS!

Monday, January 20: NO SCHOOL/Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Thursday, January 30: Grandparent’s Day!

Monday, February 3: 100th Day of School – dress like you are 100 years old! (Date subject to change in case of a snow day.)

Friday, February 14: NO SCHOOL/Teacher Inservice

Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL/President’s Day

The Blossoms Buzz – week of 1/6/25 – Signs of Winter

Exploring Winter Wonders: An Adventure with Snowflakes and Snow!

Welcome Back! Winter is here, and our Blossoms have been diving into the wonders of the season! We’ve been learning all about the characteristics of winter, snow, and snowflakes, and we even conducted an exciting experiment with freezing and melting snow. It’s been a fun-filled, educational first week back!

Discovering Winter’s Magic

To start, we introduced the children to the key characteristics of winter. We talked about how the air feels colder, the days are shorter, and, of course, snow! The kids were eager to share their experiences with snow, and we had some wonderful discussions about how snowflakes are formed, why snow falls from the sky, and what happens when it gets really cold outside.


We also took a closer look at snowflakes! Did you know that every snowflake is unique? We learned that no two snowflakes are exactly alike, and each one is made up of a speck of dust and tiny ice crystals that form in a special pattern. The children loved how the snowflakes looked under a magnifying glass and enjoyed matching them with one of our science work trays. Older students practiced their sewing skills by creating beautiful snowflakes.

Freezing and Melting Snow

The highlight of our week was definitely our snow experiment! We brought in some snow from outside, and the children were able to touch, feel, and examine it up close. Then, we placed the snow in different containers to see what would happen when it was exposed to warmth. We watched as the snow slowly began to melt and turn into water. The kids observed the changes carefully, and we talked about the process of freezing and melting. They were excited to see the snow “disappear” and discussed how snow can melt when the temperature rises. We also put some of the snow into a cold place to see how it would freeze again, allowing the children to witness the transformation of water back into snow. This hands-on experience helped them understand the concept of temperature and the cycle of freezing and melting in a very real and fun way.

A Peek at our Work Trays

Throughout the week, we incorporated winter themes into our activities. From creating snow covered evergreen tree crafts to singing songs about snowflakes, the children had a blast while learning about the winter season. We even added some winter-related work trays throughout the classroom, such as measuring weight with items you would use to build a snowman and “writing the room” by finding winter themed words and copy writing.

Looking Ahead

Next week we will continue our exploration of winter by focusing on what the animals around us do during the winter months, as well as take a closer look at a book titled The Mitten by Jan Brett.

We have also been counting the days of the school year since the very first day – we are currently 85 days smarter! On the 100th Day of School we will celebrate with a pizza party, as well as have your children dress up like they are 100 YEARS OLD! It’s one of our favorite days of the school year!

Upcoming Dates:

Monday, January 20th – NO SCHOOL/Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Thursday, January 30th – Grandparent’s Day – Sign Up Here:

Monday, February 3rd – 100th Day of School Celebration (*subject to change if we have a snow day*) Dress up like you are 100 years old!

Peek In Our Week *** Thee Buckeye Room *** Week 1/6/2025 thru 1/10/2025

Line Time:
To honor the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we learned a bit about his life and his accomplishments.  The students became actresses and actors as they recreated Rosa Parks making her stand on a bus in Montgomery Alabama.  The students enjoyed playing the part of the bus driver, Rosa Parks, “the mean guy”, a police officer, Martin Luther King Jr., and passengers on the bus.  We discussed our differences such as skin color, eye color, hair color, and gender.  Then we discussed how we are similar.  We talked about discrimination and segregation.  We talked about if someone with red hair wouldn’t be allowed to do art “just because” they have red hair or if anyone who had blue eyes would have to go to a different classroom with less materials, broken crayons, or no books “just because” they have blue eyes.  I had only boys fetch the chairs for the skit and brought that to the attention of the class.  We had some very sad girls…. I did let the girls take the chairs back after the skit.

Below is a picture after the skit where everyone can sit where they want.  The thumbs up means the students approve.

Line Time (the other stuff):
Letter Of The Week- Q q
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bub

Did You Know wombats poop is in the shape of a cube?:
Yes, you read that correctly. This furry Australian marsupial squeezes out nearly 100 six-sided turds every day. How does this happen you may ask? The wombat’s intestines contract in sections, with the stiffer parts contracting faster than the softer parts. The softer parts squeeze more slowly, molding the final corners of the cube. 

A Message From Mr. John (Great week to start 2025):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian).

Know Your Languages: (Romanian)

Specials Space (Science):

We learned diapers are more absorbent than paper towels.

Peek In The Classroom:

She is working on the Spindle Box where she is learning the concrete relatio0nship of quantity and symbols from 0 to 9.
He is working on the First Introduction of Decimals. He is learning the concrete relation ship of the unit, ten, hundred, and thousand columns (quantity) and then symbols.
She is working on the Nine Tray where she delves deeper in the unit, ten, hundred, and thousand columns. Here she will compose numbers wit quantity and symbol from 1 to 9,999.
Look who is reading!?

Peek Into Next Week:
Skeletal System
Letter Of The Week- Q q
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bub
Next Language is Korean

Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:

My carefree kindergarten students.

This Week in Kindergarten:
Reviewing Telling Time
Synonym Of The Week:
 SICK, weak, unhealthy, ailing, infected, frail, ill
Sight Words Of The Week: who could

Special Kindergarten Group/SKG:

Your well behaved Kindergarteners studied the continents and Pangea.
Pangaea was a super continent that existed 200 to 300 million years ago.  It was made up of all the landmasses on Earth, including what are now North America, Africa, South America, and Europe. The name Pangaea comes from the Greek word pangaia, which means “all the Earth”. 

Next Week in Kindergarten:
Review Telling Time
Synonym Of The Week: MEAN: selfish, unkind, malicious, hurtful, evil
Sight Words Of The Week: now made

-NO SCHOOL Monday January 20 for MLK Day. Don’t be that family that shows up.

-Grandparents’ Day: Thursday January 30, 2025. Follow the link to sign up…..

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

A very cozy and relaxed work time.
Small but mighty
I am not sure what is going on here but it looks interesting. Then there is a photo bomb.
A comforting hand while discussing Martin Luther King and Rosa Park and how Afican Americans were treated before the Civil Rights Movement.

Your Kids Say The Darndesat Things (rushing in the morning):

Peek In Our Week ^^^ Thee Buckeye Room ^^^ Week of December 16 – December 20, 2024

Line Time:
We practiced A LOT for the show and it was worth it. What a great show!!!!!!!! We also talked about family. Moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents, and cousins were mentioned. We came to the conclusion that pets are part of the family.

Did You Know? (No Saliva. No Taste)
Why you need saliva to taste foods. In order for food to have taste, chemicals from the food must first dissolve in saliva. Once dissolved, the chemicals can be detected by receptors on taste buds.

A Word From Mr. John (Happy Festivus):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 11 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian)

Know Your Languages ( in January)

Glow Stick Party in the Dark:

Peek In The Classroom:

She is working on the number rods found in the math area. The Number Rods help children learn the names of numbers and their sequence and learn to correctly associate between the spoken number and its quantity. Children grow to understand that each rod represents a unique quantity and that each number is represented by a single object as a whole, separate from others. Here she is counting the randomly place rods and finding the appropriate number.
Discovering where George our class Bearded Dragon is. This sparked a conversation about his spikes and eyes.
Look who is reading!
One of the kinders took control and lead an impromptu practice for the Christmas Show.

Kindergarten aka Academic Enrichment:
No Kinder lesson as we were practicing

Enrichment (Science/Skittle Run):

I love the laughter and in the second picture look at the tongue hanging out.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time-

Letter Of The Week-

Rhyming Word Of The Week-

Next Language is in January

Future Happenings:
-Christmas Break: Saturday December 21, 2024 returning Monday January 6, 2025

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Who dont like cupcakes?
Someone got hungry. Maybe the dog ate the homework.
We work’em hard in the Buckeye Class.
Working together to catch a stray cricket.

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (Elfie the Elf on the Shelf):

Elfie wearing the sister’s underwear?

Peek In Our Week *** Thee Buckeye Room *** Week of December 9 – December 13, 2024

Line Time:
Diligently practicing for the Christmas Show. Rockin it out!

All school practice

Did You Know? (Lets just cancel Monday, hehe)
According to an article published in Stroke, a 40-year longitudinal study revealed that the most common day of the week to have a stroke was Monday. In fact, for intracerebral hemorrhages, one-third occurred on a Monday. AND, the least common days of the week? Saturday and Sunday.

A Word From Mr. Mr. John (Pull, Crack, and Rub):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 11 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian)

Know Your Languages ( in January)

Peek In The Classroom:

One of the Kindergarten Students reading Chapter Books.
Teen Beads and Boards provide valuable experience with understanding numbers 11-19. With this material, the child first learns that the quantities greater than 10 are all made up of 10 along with a number from 1 to 9. Next, the child is introduced to the symbols for those numbers with the wooden boards and cards. Finally, they associate the beads and the cards together and practice making and placing them in sequence.
Teamwork washing tables.
We work them hard in the classroom. No Benadryl was used in the making of this picture.

Kindergarten aka Academic Enrichment:

My Kinders practicing cursive.

SPK (Special Kindergarten Group):

This week we continued to gather data and it was the length of the kinders feet. We will gather the same data in May and compare the results. No one passed out due to stinky feet. Also, no one had holes in their socks and two students had mismatched socks.

Enrichments (Library):

Stow Library comes every three weeks to read to the students.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Christmas Show Practice

Letter Of The Week- Taking a break to practice for the Christmas Show

Rhyming Word Of The Week- Taking a break to practice for the Christmas Show

Next Language is in January

Future Happenings:
-Christmas Show Rehearsal: December 18 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm at Cuyahoga Falls High School Auditorium Students arrive by 5:45. USE THE RESTROOM and drop off with assigned group.

-AMMS Annual Christmas Show: December 20 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at Cuyahoga Falls High School Auditorium Students arrive by 5:30pm. USE THE RESTROOM and drop off with assigned group.

-Christmas Break: Saturday December 21, 2024 returning January 6, 2025

-Pajama Day/Show and Tell: Friday December 20, 2024

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

You should have seen the other guy.
Sometimes you just have to be goofy.
Who wore it better?
Did they plan this?

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things: ( I want to go home but I don’t know why)

Peek In Our Week … The Buckeye Bulletin … Week of Decmber 2, 2024

Line Time:
Diligently practicing for the Christmas Show. Rockin it out!

Did You Know?:
A priest once told me there are the same number of stitches on a baseball as on a rosary. With a little research I’ve found this to be true at 108. Prove me wrong.

A Word From Mr. John (I’m baaaack):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 11 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian)

December Birthdays: A Montessori classroom prides itself on having a multiage class. Here are our newest 4 and 5 year old students.

Know Your Languages ( in January)

We had a visit from St. Nicholas on December 6th which is St. Nicholas Day. He left a gift of Hershey Kisses in the children’s shoes. Sorry no pictures but when they discovered the gifts… chaos ensued.

Peek In The Classroom:

To use the Vowel Tree: Have the child take the consonants card and place the card over the vowel. Have the child say the word that is formed, combining the the consonants and short vowel.

They are combining the Brown Stairs found in the Sensorial Area with Elvis the Pelvis. Looks like Elvis is chillin.

She is working in the Math Area and creating 10 in different ways. Did you know 10 is the magic number?

Look at the concentration cutting carrots. This is a Practical Life work to enhance focus.

Kindergarten aka Academic Enrichment:

My Kinder Students!

In my “Special Kindergarten Group” we are measuring height and documenting weight and then we will revisit this in May and compare our data.

Enrichments (Science):

Having fun inflating a balloon using baking soda and vinegar that creates my favorite gas… Carbon Dioxide!

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Christmas Show Practice

Letter Of The Week- Taking a break to practice for the Christmas Show

Rhyming Word Of The Week- Taking a break to practice for the Christmas Show

Next Language is in January

Future Happenings:
-Christmas Show Rehearsal: December 18 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm at Cuyahoga Falls High School Auditorium Students arrive by 5:45. USE THE RESTROOM and drop off with assigned group.

-AMMS Annual Christmas Show: December 20 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at Cuyahoga Falls High School Auditorium Students arrive by 5:30pm. USE THE RESTROOM and drop off with assigned group.

-Christmas Break: Saturday December 21, 2024 returning January 6, 2025

-Pajama Day/Show and Tell: Friday December 20, 2024

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Look at the difference of the oldest/tallest child and the youngest/shortest child. She has taken on the moniker of the new peanut of the classroom.

Ya shouldah seen the other guy!

Empathy runs rampant in the classroom.

What’s going on here? I am not sure but it looks kind of cool.

The Blossoms Buzz – Trees & Leaves

Hello October!

We spent the past two weeks learning all about trees and leaves! Trees are such a fantastic part of the fall season, with their beautiful colors and falling leaves. We discussed the life cycle of a tree, learned that trees are a type of plant, and labeled the parts of a tree. We dove into a leaf study afterwards, learning about photosynthesis and chlorophyll, why leaves change color during the autumn season, and how important those fallen leaves are to animals and insects during the winter months.

We also enjoyed a nature walk on a warm, sunny, fall day! We looked for signs of the autumn season, and Kindergarteners completed a tree study. We brought leaves into the classroom and looked at their parts, drew them, and measured them with rulers.

This preschooler is working with our Tree Puzzle. She was introduced to the vocabulary of the parts of a tree while placing the pieces of the puzzle onto the control card.
This preschooler is making a Parts of a Leaf booklet. She is practicing coloring each part of the leaf, labeling that part, and explaining to a teacher what each part of the leaf does.
This Kindergartener is being introduced to the different parts of the leaf, and what they do, using the Leaf Puzzle and label cards. Just another way to practice our learning!
This Kindergartener has traced and labeled our Tree Puzzle. He has also added some sunshine and rain to his drawing to give some more information about photosynthesis!
We collected leaves outside, observed them, and then drew a detailed drawing of them. Check out this Kindergartener adding the veins of the leaf to her drawing!
It’s time for a Nature Walk!
Ms. Kelly is explaining what may have happened to this tree for it to look this way. We also spied some tree rings which we know gives us information about how old the tree may be!
Kindergarteners each chose a tree to study. Here they are observing their tree.
This Kindergartener found an inch worm on her Tree Observation Book!
Preschoolers went on a scavenger hunt with Ms. Kelly, looking for colors, shapes and textures!
There was a page for a bark rubbing in the Tree Observation Books!
A truly beautiful day for a picnic!

Looking ahead!

Come work with us!

Friday, October 11 – NO SCHOOL – FALL BREAK

Friday, October 25 – Trunk or Treat!

Friday, November 8 – NO SCHOOL – Teacher Inservice

Monday, November 25 – NO SCHOOL – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Tuesday, November 26 – NO SCHOOL – Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 27-29 – NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break

The Blossoms Buzz – September 2024

What a beautiful September we have had in the Cherry Blossom class! We have enjoyed warm, sunny days outside and so many fun activities in the classroom. Our Monarch butterflies hatched from their chrysalis and we set them free as they begin their long migration to Mexico. Blossoms have learned about Living and Non-Living things this month, as well as their 5 senses. They have used those 5 senses as they explored apples and pumpkins, ending the week with an amazing trip to Ramseyer Farm! And we wrapped up the month by welcoming the season of Fall, and learning about the four seasons.

Practical Life/Sensorial

We were able to use all of our 5 senses within the classroom this month, especially in the Sensorial area! We used our sense of sight for sorting and building from biggest to smallest. We used our sense of hearing with our sound cylinders. We used our sense of smell with our smelling jars. We used our sense of touch with our thermic tablets, rough and smooth boards, and fabric box. And we tasted tested sour, salty, sweet, red apples, green apples, and apple cider!


Our Math lessons range from one to one correspondence as the children count quantity, to counting by 10s with our Tens Board, to filling in Ten Frames, and Kindergarteners are working with the Addition Strip Board and recording the sums of their equations.


Our sweet Blossoms are working hard in the Language area as well. Our youngest children are working in the Pre-Language area as they practice What Does Not Belong or Opposites. Older preschoolers are working with Sound Pouches as they are introduced to letters and the sounds they make. Kindergarteners are isolating ending sounds in words or even working on blends in words!


There are so many different ways we practice our handwriting skills throughout the day! Chalkboards, dry erase boards, sand trays, and paper and pencil!


You’ll see hints of our whole group Cultural lessons sprinkled throughout our classroom. Whether the children are working on Parts of a Pumpkin books, or Four Seasons art, or Parts of an Apple books, or even a pumpkin patch and an apple orchard in a child’s sketchbook!

What are the Kindergarteners up to?

My favorite part of a mixed age classroom is observing students teach lessons to other students. Our Kindergarteners practiced math skills with some preschool students this month. Why do we do this? Many reasons! Working together practices communication skills. Teaching a skill to another person strengthens the understanding of the concept. Learning from another person opens up new ways of understanding.

Learning is SO MUCH FUN!

Ms. Kelly has been working with the class on feelings and calming techniques. We have been practicing yoga and different ways to breathe. Here the class is practicing Lotus pose and taking five deep breaths.

Here’s a peek at some of our days! Worm weather, the excitment of finding the picture you’re looking for while sorting, the smiles that apple cider brings, and Cherry Blossom trees with Pink Tower and Brown Stairs!

A Peek Into October!

October will be a busy month as we dive deeper into Fall. We’ll be studying trees and leaves, as well as beginning our Animal Classification unit – a classroom favorite every year!

Important Dates:

Friday, October 11 – No School/Fall Break

Friday, October 25 – Trunk or Treat (more info coming soon!)

That’s all or now!

The Blossoms Buzz – week of 8/26/24

Our Focus Lesson:

What a beautiful first two weeks of learning in the Cherry Blossom classroom! We have spent these first 8 days discussing our classroom’s “Expected Behaviors”. These are our classroom expectations for the school year, such as being respectful to materials and being kind to others. We read books, held classroom discussions, and looked for all the ways we use these Expected Behaviors all day long!

Kindergarten Corner:

Our Kindergarteners returned ready to LEARN! They jumped right back into their addition equations as if they hadn’t been away from school all summer! They excitedly began Reading Groups and Writer’s Workshop this week, are stepping into their roles of leaders within the classroom, and are assisting their teachers throughout the day. We have a feeling that this is going to be an amazing group of kiddos!

Pre-K and Preschool Corner:

Our returning preschoolers have proudly claimed their Pre-K status, and jumped right back into their work activities as well! There has been handwriting, teen numbers, beginning sound isolation, and so much more this week! Our newest learners, or Preschoolers, have spent a wonderful few days learning our classroom routines, exploring Practical Life trays, and enjoying some partner works with older friends.

Enrichment Corner:

We started both Music class with Ms. Lisa and Art class with Ms. Lindsey this week. We were also very excited for our first science experiment of the year with Mr. John!

A Peek at our Week:

We have two very hungry monarch caterpillars growing in our classroom. Ask your child about what stage of the life cycle these insects are in! We also spent so many beautiful days outside exploring our new blacktop play area, running around in the grass, playing basketball and soccer, jumping in puddles, and enjoying popsicles with Ms. Sarah! Also, meet our new neighbors!

Peeking at Next Week:

Our Focus Lesson: Living/Non-Living & Emotions

Important Dates:

Monday, September 2: Labor Day – No School

Monday, September 9: Taekwondo Demo Day

Friday, September 20: Ramseyer Farm Field Trip