The Buckeye Bulletin
Line Time:
We first learned about George Washington and how he was our first president and was the General of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. Our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln came from a poor family, freed the slaves and was president during the Civil War. We were introduced to Franklin D. Roosevelt and how he was president during World War II and how John F. Kennedy fought for equal rights. We then learned that Joe Biden was current president. The children were taught that the president’s wives are called the first lady and that the president lives in the white house in Washington DC, and flies on a jet called Air Force 1. We discussed what responsibilities the President has. The children came up with keeping us safe, keeping the world safe, and running the country.
Presidents Of The United States Of America (Wasn’t that a 90’s band? Gunna eat a lot of peaches!)…
Did You Know?:
You can now get a headstone with a QR code. Called “Living Headstones”, they show pages with photos, video biographies, and comments from loved ones.
A Message From Mr. John (Just giving up on the weekend):
Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 21 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Hungarian, Korean, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish).
Know Your Languages (Dutch/Flemmish):
Peek In The Classroom:
Letter Of The Week- U u
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bet
Language- Dutch/Flemmish
Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:
Weekly Themes:
Cultural.. Telling Time (quarter til)
Math.. Addition Math Facts
Language.. Prepositions
Geometry.. N/A
Next Week:
Weekly Themes:
Cultural.. M/A
Math.. Addition Math Facts
Language.. Prepositions
Geometry.. Square Pythagoras
Synonym Of The Week: APPROPRIATE, suitable, fitting, apropos, correct, proper
Sight Words Of The Week: would about
Future Happenings:
–Bring Your Parent To School: Mondays and Wednesdays starting November 20, 2023… follow the link to sign up,
Monday 2/19: NO SCHOOL President’s Day
Friends, Frolic, and Fun:
Your Children Say The Darndest Things (Mari my friend):