The Buckeye Bulletin
Line Time:
This week we went back in time and took a look at Ancient Greece and talked about Greek Mythology. The Greek Gods hung out on Mt. Olympus and we learned the King of all Gods was Zeus and if you made him angry he had a lightning bolt in his hand that he would throw at you. Zeus had a wife named Hera and she was the Goddess of Marriage. If you were a sailor you dare not make Poseidon angry because he was the the God of the Seas and held a trident (a fork like spear) in his hand. Zeus had a brother that he sent to the under world and that God was named Hades. Hades had a pet that was a three headed dog named Cerberus. We also learned about Pan and Medusa.

Did You Know?
People used to say “prunes” when taking pictures. In the 1840s, it was considered childish to smile for pictures so it became popular for people to say “prunes” instead of “cheese” in order to keep their mouths taut.
A Message From Mr. John (Corroborating My Dad’s Story):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 23 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Hungarian, Korean, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation).
Know Your Languages (Serbo-Croation):
Nature Center:

Know your languages (Serbo-Croation):
Peek In The Classroom:

Letter Of The Week- W w
Rhyming Word Of The Week- beg
Language- Serbo-Croation
Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:
Weekly Themes:
Cultural.. Telling Time (to the minute)
Math.. Multiplication Facts
Language.. Preposition
Geometry.. Review Triangle Box 1
Next Week:
Weekly Themes:
Cultural.. Coins
Math.. Multiplication Facts
Language.. Interjections
Geometry.. Review Rectangle Box 1
Synonym Of The Week: DRY, dehydrated, arid, parched
Sight Words Of The Week: they that
Future Happenings:
Spring Break: From March 25 to April 1/ RETURNING April 2
Upcoming Full Eclipse: Closing Monday 4/8/24
International Festival Rehearsal: Wednesday April 24 Cuyahoga Falls High School
International Festival Show: Friday April 26 Cuyahoga Falls High School
Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Your Children Say The Darndest Things (The Story Of A Gigantic Booger):