A Peek into our Week – Cherry Blossoms – week of 9/11/23

Our Focus Lesson:

We learned all about our 5 Senses this week in the Cherry Blossom classroom! Our 5 senses are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. We learned that we use our 5 senses to learn all about the world around us every day. We practiced using our sense of sight to match pictures, our sense of hearing to pair sound cylinders, our sense of touch to match fabrics, and our sense of smell and taste during lunch!

This child is using our sound cylinders. He is listening to the sound the red cylinder makes and matching it to the blue cylinder that makes the same sound using his sense of hearing.
This child is using our fabric box. The fabric box contains different types of fabrics that feel different from each other. The child may use a blindfold, if they choose to, to match the two pieces of fabric together using their sense of touch.

Ms. Sam introduced the Blossoms to the Where I Am in the World lesson. She started by introducing the children to their planet, then continent, country, state, city, and finally our school. This is an introductory lesson that we will build upon all school year long!

OH – IO!

Preschool Corner:

I am sure you are familiar with the sandpaper letters. This beautiful work is well known in the Montessori classroom environment. But the children use these letters in so many different ways! In the Blossoms class the letters a, c, r, and t can be found in the red pouch. If your child ever mentions the red pouch, then they are working on these letter sounds! We always teach sound first, and letter name later.

This preschooler is tracing the sandpaper letter and writing the letter in the sand tray, while being introduced to the sound!
This preschooler knows the sounds these letters make, so he is now isolating the beginning sound of the word and matching the corresponding picture to the letter sound.
These two preschoolers are playing I Spy. They are helping each other practice isolating the beginning sound of words.

Kindergarten Corner:

Reader’s Workshop and Writer’s Workshop are going so well with this group of Kindergarteners! In Reader’s Workshop, children played games with Ms. Kelley to isolate the beginning sounds of words. Readers also read short stories and answered comprehension questions.

In Writer’s Workshop, our young authors began adding labels to their illustrations. We worked on stretching our words out slowly and writing down the sounds they hear.

This Kindergartener drew an amazing under the sea picture. You can see she is labeling the animals in her illustration with the first sound she hears in the word.
This Kindergartener labeled her zoo illustration and it is wonderful!

Enrichment Spotlight: Tae Kwon Do Demo!

Blossoms had so much fun at the Tae Kwon Do demo this week with Master Barnick! Master Barnick introduced stretching, punching, kicking, and a fun game. We also practiced yelling “Yes, sir!” after directions were given.

A Peek into Work Time:

Blossoms were introduced to Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh in art class this week. We brought this lesson into the classroom and made beautiful pictures using markers.
This Kindergartener was introduced to “magic e” this week! He is working with the Vowel Tree to practice reading words where the vowel says its name.

A Peek into Next Week:

Wednesday 9/20 is Picture Day!

Friday 9/22 is the Ramseyer Farm field trip!

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