This week our Blossoms learned about Reptiles! We learned about the characteristics of this animal group, the things that make a reptile a reptile! We know that reptiles are vertebrates, they are cold blooded, they have dry, scaly skin, they hatch from soft shelled eggs, and they breathe with their lungs. The reptile we focused on this week were turtles!
Lighting the World with Kindness!
Enrichment Spotlight!
A Peek Into Work Time!
Peek Into Next Week!
We will be busy the next two weeks! We will be practicing for our Christmas Show, decorating our shirts for the Christmas Show, and creating special gifts for our families!
Important Dates!
Wednesday, December 14 – Rehearsal at Cuyahoga Falls High School 6:00 – 7:00pm. Students should arrive by 5:45pm. Not a dress rehearsal.
Friday, December 16 – Christmas Show at Cuyahoga Falls High School! Students should arrive by 5:30pm! Show begins at 6:00pm. Cherry Blossom children should wear their green shirt, black or green bottoms, and tennis shoes.
Winter Break – December 17 – January 2. School resumes on Tuesday, January 3!
Line Time: We are practicing our lines and practicing the songs for the Christmas Show.
Did You Know? Bangkok is the world’s most visited city.
With 22.78 million international visitors, Bangkok named the most visited city in the world for the fourth year in a row – beating Paris, London, Dubai, and Singapore.
December Birthdays: A Montessori classroom prides itself on a mixed aged classroom of ages between 2 1/2 and 6. Here is our newest 6 year old and 4 year old students.
A Message Mr. John (The Dentist):
Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 17 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian)
Specials Spotlight (Art):
Alumni Corner:
Peek In The Classroom:
Peek Into Next Week: Line Time- Practicing For The Christmas Show
Letter Of The Week- No Letter Of The Week
Rhyming Word Of The Week- No Rhyming Word Of The Week
No new languages until the next year
Academic Enrichment: Weekly Theme: Addition with the Golden Beads (Static/No Carry Overs)
Next Week: Weekly Theme: Addition with the Golden Beads (Dynamic/Carry Overs)
Synonym Of The Week: No Synonyms
Sight Words Of The Week: No Sight Words
Upcoming Events: Christmas Show Rehearsal: Wednesday, December 14 at 6pm to 7pm (not a dress rehearsal).
Christmas Show: Friday, December 16. Arrive at 5:30pm (take your children to the restroom. Even if they say they do not have to go!)
Christmas Break: Monday, December 19. Returning Tuesday January 3
Friends, Frolic, and Fun:
Your Children Say The Darndest Things (She will miss us):
Line Tixe: BUCKEYE FOOTBALL! We went over the traditions of Script Ohio and the TBDBITL entrance to St. John’s Arena and watched xany Buckeye football clips. Because this is xichigan week!
This is the GREATEST rivalry in all sports and this is not just a gaxe it is a way of life! If you do not understand… watch the first 3 xinutes of this video… This vid always brings a tear to xy eye.
Cultural Subjects: Brutus is the xascot of The Ohio State University. Brutus throughout the years:
Peek Into Our Classroox:
Peek Into Next Week: Line Tixe-Practicing for the Christxas Show
Letter Of The Week- No letter Of The Week
Rhyxing Word Of The Week- No Rhyxing Work Of the Week
Next Language is No language next week
Upcoxing Events: Christxas Show Rehearsal: Wednesday, Decexber 14 at 6px to 7px (not a dress rehearsal).
Christxas Show: Friday, Decexber 16. Arrive at 5:30px (take your children to the restroox. Even if they say they do not have to go!)
Christxas Break: Xonday, Decexber 19. Returning Tuesday January 3
This week we learned about Thanksgiving! We briefly covered the history of the day, and how Thanksgiving is a holiday that is celebrated at different times all over the world to give thanks for the harvest in the Fall. We also discussed how this is a time for us to be grateful for all that we have. We talked about what makes our hearts happy, and then told the class what we’re most grateful for. Mom, Dads, sisters, brothers, and pets were at the top of the list!
We also celebrated the holiday with some fun activities including a game of “Turkey Says”, following along with a directed drawing, and creating our own “Recipe for Cooking a Turkey.” We hope you enjoy these recipes for years to come, they truly brought us so much joy! Your children are hilarious!
Community Helpers!
We had a surprise visit from some Community Helpers on Monday! Officer Davis and Officer Dennis from the Cuyahoga Falls Police Department came to talk to us about dog safety. We then got to meet a very special K-9 named Dan! But the best part was making the sirens and lights go off on the police car!
We wrapped up the week with Mr. John’s favorite day of the school year! We all wore our OSU colors to help the Buckeyes get ready for the Big Game this weekend!
We are Thankful for YOU!
Thank you to each of our families, from the bottom of our hearts, for all your help and support. We couldn’t do what we do each day without you. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday full of yummy food and beautiful memories!
Peek Into Next Week:
Focus Lesson & Preschool Lesson: Reptiles and Turtles
Kindergarten Lesson: Addition with Golden Beads
Important Dates:
Friday, Dec. 2: Bring Your Parent to Work Day (all spots filled)
This week in Aspen we began our lessons involving the continent of North America, focusing on the history of Thanksgiving! Aspen learned all about a group of people known as the Pilgrims. We discovered that the Pilgrims once lived in England, and they decided to leave because they held different beliefs than the king of England. Aspen also learned that a king has absolute power! You didn’t argue with the king of England in the 1600’s! We then researched how the Pilgrims traveled to North America, also known as the “New World” in the1600’s. We discovered that they traveled by boat (The Mayflower), and it took sixty-six days before they arrived in Massachusetts! Aspen also learned that when the Pilgrims arrived in the New World they did not find an Acme, a Giant Eagle, or homes ready to move into. The Pilgrims had to hunt for their own food, grow their own crops, and build their own houses from scratch! They couldn’t even purchase wood for their homes at a Home Depot! We further discovered life was harsh and full of hard work for the Pilgrims. Even the Pilgrim children had to work! We then watched a quick video on YouTube about Pilgrim life! We then found out that arriving in a New World brought uncertainty, and growing food or hunting was very difficult. Thankfully, there was a group of people already living near Plymouth, Massachusetts called the Wampanoag! They helped guide the Pilgrims so that they could survive in the New World. After harvest time, the Pilgrims and Wampanoag people gathered together to celebrate and give thanks for the harvest and everything else that they were thankful for! As a group, we then discussed all of the things we are thankful for in our own lives. Check out the bulletin board outside our room to see what our Aspen group gave thanks for!
In Kindergarten Workshop, the kindergarten students began their lessons involving currency. They took a look at different types of currency from around the world, and they learned all about the coins we use in the U.S.A. They then practiced identifying coins with their corresponding amounts. In Readers Workshop, the Cardinals and Chickadees learned how to identify the subject and predicate within a sentence. We learned that the subject is….. and the predicate is…. We then read sentences out loud and located both the subject and predicate within our sentences, practicing our sentence structure and how to form a sentence that makes sense. Then we practiced determining if a sentence made sense by investigating some sample sentences. Being the amazing children they are, the kindergarteners also located sight words within our sample sentences. In Writers Workshop, our kindergarteners focused on putting their entire thought on a paper, creating sentences that make sense.
Next week we will be continuing to talk about North America but we will also be learning about table manners, place setting, and discussing more about what it means to be thankful. Also, as a reminder, there is no school on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday in observance of Thanksgiving.
Learning how to use a baster.
Planting corn like the Native Americans using soil (black river rocks), corn, and fish (Swedish Fish).
Fun with the Geography Puzzle Maps!!
Whisking bubbles is a great indirect preparation for coloring and staying within the lines! You whisk too fast you spill the water! You color to fast , you go out of the lines!!
Line Time: Native Americans/Thanksgiving- We talked about Native Americans and how Indians were named Indians. On student informed us that Christopher Columbus landed in North America but thought he was in India. Hence, the name. We talked about how Native Americans were indigenous. Then the Pilgrims came over from Europe on a ship called the Mayflower. The pilgrims had a rough go of it at the beginning because they didn’t have enough blankets or food. They could not just go to Target or Giant Eagle to get supplies because at that time there were just woods and wild life.
A Message From Mr. John (It is officially hate xichigan week!):
Did you know?: Human teeth are the only part of the human body that can not heal itself. Teeth are coated in enamel which is not a living tissue.
Know Your Languages (Hungarian):
Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 17 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian )
Specials Spotlight (Science):
Operation Christmas Child:
Peek In The Classroom:
Peek Into Next Week: Line Time- Thanksgiving (not really… It is Buckeye Week!)
Letter Of The Week- No letter Of The Week
Rhyming Word Of The Week- No Rhyming Work Of the Week
Next Language is No language next week
Upcoming Events: THANKSGIVING BREAK: Wednesday, November 23 to Sunday November 27 (returning Monday, November 28)
Christmas Show Rehearsal: Wednesday, December 14 at 6pm to 7pm (not a dress rehearsal).
Christmas Show: Friday, December 16. Arrive at 5:30pm (take your children to the restroom. Even if they say they do not have to go!)
Christmas Break: Monday, December 19 Returning Tuesday, January 3
Academic Enrichment: WeeklyTheme: Currency – Identifying coins and bills
Next Week: Weekly Theme: Using a ruler (inches and centimeter)
Synonym Of The Week: No Synonym Of The Week
Sight Words Of The Week: No Sight Word Of The Week
Our Blossoms discussed Community Helpers this week! We learned that Community Helpers are people in our community that help us or help others. We learned about firefighters, police officers, doctors, dentists, paramedics, counselors, mail carriers, teachers, and more! We learned how these people help us, what tools they use to help, and what clothing they wear in their jobs.
We wrapped up our week of Community Helpers by helping others ourselves. We were very happy to participate in Operation Christmas Child. We discussed how there are children in other places of the world that either don’t have the things we have at home or won’t receive many items for Christmas. We learned that we can help those children through Operation Christmas Child! We packed boxes full of gifts for others and imagined all of the continents our boxes could go!
Kindergarten Lesson:
Kindergarteners learned about coins with Mr. John this week. They even brought in coins from home to sort and count. In Handwriting, our Kindergarteners finished learning to write loop letters, and will be practicing writing words that contain loop letters next! Both in Reader’s Workshop and Writer’s Workshop, our Kinders learned about subjects and predicates. Our Readers learned how to find the subject within in a sentence and find the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is doing. And our Writers practiced “writing out the whole thought” in their new books, so that we can tell who and what happened within their stories!
Brrrrr! It’s Cold Outside!
Our Ohio temperatures changed quickly this week! We will continue to play outside, weather permitting, as long as the feels like temperature is above 25 degrees. Please send your child to school with a coat, hat, gloves or mittens, and appropriate outdoor shoes each day. Hats and gloves can be kept in your child’s backpack! Thank you for your help!
A Journey to the North Pole Christmas Show will be Friday, December 16! (Rehearsal will be Wednesday, December 14!) The Blossoms will be singing about Christmas Trees! Your child will need a plain, long sleeve, green shirt , black or green bottoms, and tennis shoes. PLEASE BRING YOUR CHILD’S GREEN SHIRT TO SCHOOL BY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1. We will be decorating our shirts to look like Christmas Trees here at school and will return them to you the week of the show.
This week the Blossoms studied Mammals. We learned the characteristics of a mammal – they are vertebrates, they are warm blooded, they are covered in hair or fur, they give birth to live young, and babies drink their mother’s milk. We talked about many different mammals, but focused on three. We learned the parts of a horse, the life cycle of a human, and had a very special rabbit visitor!
Kindergarten Lesson:
Kindergarteners continued their study of telling time. They are now practicing telling time to the hour, the half hour, and the quarter hour. They finished learning how to write loop letters in cursive this week, and will be practicing more next week. In Reader’s Workshop, our young readers practiced rhyming and word families, and read books to Ms. Kelley! Writer’s Workshop saw the end of another writing unit, our young authors celebrated with an Author Share Day! They read their true stories to their friends, and we celebrated the details in their pictures and the words that they have written!
Book Share Fridays:
This school year we added Book Share Fridays to our weekly routine. At the end of each week one child is able to bring in their favorite book and their favorite stuffed animal. They tell us all about their special friend and then help Ms. Tonya read their favorite book to the class. We LOVE sharing these special stories with your child and can’t wait to keep Book Share Fridays going!
Peek Into Work Time:
Peek Into Next Week!
Focus & Preschool Lesson: Community Helpers! (If you would like to stop in and tell us about your career, let Ms. Tonya or Ms. Sam know! We would love to have you!)
Kindergarten Lesson: Currency
Important Dates:
Wednesday, November 16 – Bring Your Parent to Work Day (all spots filled)
November 23-25 – No School for the Thanksgiving holiday
Line Time: Dinosaurs- We traveled back in time and discovered some fascinating things about certain dinosaurs. We learned that dinosaurs no longer exist and that they are extinct. We know dinosaurs exist because scientist found their bones or fossils. From these fossil we saw that some teeth were long and sharp to tear flesh from it’s prey which belonged to meat eaters or carnivores (T Rex). Some teeth were flat for grinding plants, leaves, and branches and belonged to plant eaters or herbivores (Brachiosauras).
Who remembers Dinosaurs? Not the Momma!
Did You Know? The “German” part of German chocolate cake comes from an American man—not a European country. Specifically, it’s named after Sam German, who in 1852 created the formula for a mild dark baking chocolate bar for Baker’s Chocolate Company, which was subsequently named Baker’s German’s Sweet Chocolate. Fast-forward to June 13, 1957. The Dallas Morning Star published the recipe for the cake, invented and submitted by a reader identified as Mrs. George Clay, according to What’s Cooking America.
Message From Mr. John (I Love What I Do):
Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean)
Know Your Languages (Korean):
Specials Spot (Art):
November Birthdays: A Montessori classroom has mixed ages from 3 to 6. Here are our newest 4 and 6 year old students.
Peek In The Classroom:
Peek Into Next Week: Letter Of The Week- M m
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bop
Next Language is Hungarian
Academic Enrichment: Weekly Theme: Telling Time To the Quarter Past
Next Week: Weekly Theme: Currency, Bills and Coins
Synonym Of The Week: No Synonym of the week this week
Sight Words Of The Week: been down
Upcoming Events: THANKSGIVING BREAK: Wednesday, November 23 to Sunday (Returning Monday, November 29)
Line Time: Arachnids, Insects, Invertebrates- This week we broke away from vertebrates and looked at some invertebrates. Namely, insects, arachnids, and some other invertebrates. We learned that insects have a head, thorax, abdomen, six legs, and two antennae. Some examples of insects are the ladybug, bee, butterfly, and ants. Arachnids are a bit different and have a fused head and thorax (called a cephalothorax) and an abdomen. Some arachnids include spiders, ticks, and scorpions.
Did You Know? (What is that dot?) So why is there a dot above the lowercase i and j? This diacritical mark is also called a tittle and it exists to help the reader easily distinguish them from other letterforms.
Message From Mr. John (Shorts in Winter):
Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 15 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew)
Know Your Languages (Hebrew):
Specials Spotlight (Music):
Peek In The Classroom:
Peek Into Next Week: Line Time: Dinosaurs
Letter Of The Week- L l
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bot
Next Language is Korean
Academic Enrichment: Weekly Theme: Telling Time To the Half Hour
Next Week: Weekly Theme: Telling Time to the Quarter Past
Synonym Of The Week: OLD- ancient, elderly, used, seasoned, mature