Adventures In Aspen – A Peek At Our Week- 09/09/24 -09/13/24- All About Trees!!!!

This week in Aspen all of our students became Nature Explorers! They began the first of many botany lessons learning all about the Parts Of a Tree. Aspen also learned about the functions or job each part of a tree has to keep the tree growing strong and healthy. Therefore, we learned that each part of the tree has a special job. Here is what Aspen discovered. The roots are like the tree’s feet. They grow underground and help the tree stand tall and strong. Roots also drink up water and nutrients from the soil.We then learned that the trunk is the tree’s body. It’s strong and sturdy, holding up all the branches and leaves. The trunk has a special job of carrying water and nutrients from the roots all the way up to the leaves. It’s like a big straw! The Aspen children then had a special opportunity to explore and investigate a cross section of a tree trunk! Aspen even found the holes in the wood that act like straws to transport the water! The students also learned that the branches are like the tree’s arms. They stretch out from the trunk and hold the leaves, flowers, and fruits. The branches help spread out the leaves so they can catch lots of sunlight in order to perform their job. Leaves are the tree’s food factories. They use sunlight to make food for the tree through a process called photosynthesis. It’s like magic! Leaves also help clean the air we breathe! Did you know……that humans and trees help each other? They have a symbiotic relationship! The Aspen students learned that the oxygen that we breathe comes from trees! It the result or the waste the leaves release when engaging in photosynthesis! At the same time, the gas we get rid of when we breathe out called carbon dioxide is needed by trees! This gas is used by the trees to carry out photosynthesis and make food for the tree! Finally, we learned that the bark is the tree’s skin. It protects the tree from getting hurt by bugs, animals, and bad weather. Bark can be smooth or rough, and it comes in many different colors.

As we learned all this amazing information during line time lessons we then applied our knowledge utilizing the tree puzzle to reinforce the vocabulary terms we learned. Then we practiced labeling the tree puzzle, used three part classification cards to explore vocabulary terms in detail, explored each function of the tree in detail, and classified leaves while matching them to tress! Some of our students even traced and labeled the tree puzzle to create their very own tree! Aspen also had the opportunity to go on a Nature Hunt and took our lesson outdoors. Outdoors we were able to observe trees up close! We were able to find and identify each part of the tree and even found leaves to make leaf rubbing pictures using the leaves we found! Some of us even used the bark of trees to make bark rubbing pictures! Our adventures in Aspen this week were so much fun! Ask your child all about what the learned this week!!

In Kindergarten Readers and Writers Workshop we have been focusing on our observational skills in order to practice being a great “Sound Detective “! We have focused on what sounds each letter of the Alphabet makes and even practiced combining sounds to form phonetic words with the Moveable Alphabet. At the same time, the Aspen kindergarteners have also been practicing writing on lined paper focusing on the proper formation of each letter!

Next week we will be learning all about Apples and their Life Cycle! See you Monday!

Fun with the Color Tablets!!

Making a leaf rubbing during our Nature Hunt!

Classifying parts of a tree! Matching pictures and words!

Cultural work with the Europe puzzle map!

Labeling the parts of a tree!!

Tree Puzzle fun! Matching the corners to fit the pieces in while learning about each part of the tree!

Adventures In Aspen – A Peek At Our Week – 09/02/24 – 09/06/24 – Seasons and Months- The Reason For Seasons

Hello Aspen families!!! We have completed our third week of school and the Aspen classroom has been filled with excitement, learning, and getting to know each other. The Aspen children have begun to settle into their daily/weekly routines and as a result the classroom is a busy and bustling place! The Aspen teachers have had great fun giving lesson presentations while getting to know our newest Aspen students. Returning students have been most helpful modeling classroom expectations, respectful behaviors, and helping their newer classmates while receiving new presentations themselves. The Aspen classroom is becoming a thriving community while exploring the social aspects of the classroom environment and learning new concepts/skills.

This week Aspen learned all about the Seasons and the Months! The Aspen students discovered that there are four seasons that have unique characteristics. Therefore, as a group we learned the names of each season and discussed how we identifying each season! Aspen then discussed that there are twelve months in a year and learned their names as well! At the same time, we also learned the “Reason for Seasons” with our Seasons Experiment! We used our Painted Globe to demonstrate the spinning and rotation of our planet Earth to visually experience why the seasons occur! We learned that during the summer our part of the Earth receives lots of direct sunlight which warms our part of the world so much that it is hot! Then something truly special occurs! As our Earth spins and rotates it will tilt on its axis giving us less direct sunlight! This change in the amount of sunlight in our part if the world causes the temperature to drop slightly giving us the cool temperatures of Fall! Then…our Earth continues to spin and rotate tilting more giving us even less sunlight leading to the super cold and freezing temperatures we experience during the winter. Did you know not every part of our planet experiences four seasons like Ohio? Did you know some places on Earth have only two? A rainy season and a dry season. Did you know that while we are experiencing Summer the southern hemisphere has Winter? The Aspen children learned all of this and more during their exploration of Seasons and Months this week! Ask your child what they discovered!!!

Next week we will be learning about Plants (Trees)! We will take a look at how they grow, learn the parts of a tree, engage in tree classification activities, and explore the trees around us on the playground! See you Monday!

Exploring Seasons with the Painted Globe and a flashlight (our Sun)!

Exploring seasons while sorting pictures with characteristics of each season!

Moveable Alphabet Fun!

Teens and Tens! Learning about number quantities while exploring the teen numbers!

Pink Tower Extensions!

Adventures In Aspen – A Peek at Our Week – 08/26/24-08/30/24 – Days Of The Week

Hello Aspen families!! Welcome to the Aspen Blog where we fill you in on all of the weekly happenings and adventures in Aspen! The past two weeks have focused on the transition from the home environment to the school environment while acclimating to our schedules, routines, and navigating the classroom! We have had so much fun seeing old friends and making new ones! Many new friendships have already been established and it has been a blast getting to know each other! Ms.Angela and I are honored to have the opportunity to teach your child and we are looking forward to a great year!

In regards to morning Group Lessons, we have focused on our Procedural Movement Lessons or the “How To’s” of the Montessori classroom! The Aspen students have learned; how to walk the line, how to raise their hand during lesson time, how to listen politely (one person talks at a time), how to carry a mat, how to unroll and roll a mat, and how to carry a tray! At the same time, the Aspen children also learned our Good Morning Song and the Days Of The Week Song! Ask your child to sing them for you! In fact, this week we even began our calendar work learning the names of the Days Of The Week and how to find the date on a calendar! We were also very lucky to celebrate three Birthdays!!! Thank you to those children and their families who brought in special treats for us to celebrate!!

This week Aspen also got to begin their Enrichment schedules! We had music with Ms. Lisa, Art with Ms. Lindsey, and Science with Mr. John!! We had so much fun in each of our Enrichment Classes and the Aspen students excited to learn more!!

Next week, Aspen will be learning all about Seasons and The Months! See you on Tuesday!!!

Fun with Kindergarten Follow-Up work!! Tracing the Fish Puzzle.

Learning about the Continents!

Cylinder Block Extensions!!

Learning all about quantities with the Number Rods and Cards!

Exploring Practical Life activities! Learning how to weave ribbons!!

Using “Sound Detective” skills to match picture clues to their corresponding letter sounds!!!

A Peek At Our Week – 01/08/24 – 01/12/24 – Solids, Liquids, and Gases!

Welcome back Aspen families!! We hope that your winter break was full of fun, relaxation, and tons of family time! This week we got back into our classroom routine with lots of challenging work, winter fun, socialization with our friends, and became scientists! This week we finally received some snowy weather and the Aspen class was extremely excited! Future group lessons will involve learning about snow and why it snows! But, in order to discuss snow, we had to learn all about Matter first! Aspen learned that Matter is all around us. Matter has mass, volume, and takes up space. There are three states of matter; solids, liquids, and gases. The Aspen student learned that Solids- have a definite shape because the Molecules or atoms are packed tightly together. Solids also have a definite size. Solids will also keep their shape unless they are changed by an outside force. We learned that liquids contain Molecules or atoms that are spaced apart free to move over each other. As a result, liquids do not have a definite shape and take the shape of the container they occupy. Therefore, liquids can be poured, spilled, and move freely. Aspen then experimented with liquids by pouring water into different containers. Ask your child what they learned about liquids this week! We then took a look at gases and learned that the molecules (atoms) in a gas have no shape, size, or color! They can be held in a container or can escape into the air. Atoms in a gas are constantly moving around all over the place. Aspen had so much fun exploring Matter this week! We engaged in fun experiments, played games where we turned ourselves into the three states of matter, danced and sang to songs about matter, and colored books all about Matter! What a great start to the New Year!!!

Next week we will be learning all about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , Rosa Parks, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott! There will be NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 2024 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day! See you on Tuesday!!!

Experimenting with a liquid! Pouring water into different containers!

Challenge accomplished!!! Mastering the Bow Tying Frame!!!

Working together on Sensorial Extensions with the Knobbed Cylinder Blocks!!!

Gluing “molecules” with our solid, Liquid, gas Cultural activity!

A Peek At Our Week – Aspen – 11/27/23 – 12/ 01/23 – Holiday Program Preparations!

This week in Aspen we were busy practicing for our upcoming AMMS Holiday program! Line time lessons were full of Holiday Cheer as we practiced our lines, songs, and hand motions. At the same time, we reviewed proper stage etiquette and the expectations for standing on risers as we perform. All children agreed that safe hands, careful feet, quiet mouths (bubbles), and big smiles are what is expected while performing . The Aspen children rocked it! They have already brought so much Holiday joy and tears of happiness to their teachers eyes! They are absolutely adorable and amazing and this is only practice! You are all in for a real Holiday treat!!

In regards to what to wear , Aspen students need to have a long sleeved solid RED shirt brought in to school by next Friday, December 8!! The Aspen students will be decorating them with a special surprise for the show. Please have your child also wear nice dark colored pants, leggings, or skirt with their shirt the day of the program. We politely request no jeans! The Aspen class get to be “Rockin” Christmas Trees this year and we are looking forward to our performance! Thank you so much for all of the support you have all given/shown us this year! Ms. Angela and I appreciate our Aspen parents so much!

In Readers Workshop, the Cardinals practiced their reading (phonological awareness) skills as they worked on a complete the sentence worksheet. The Cardinals practiced following directions as we completed sentences with the word that made the most sense. Some of our word choices created some super silly sentences! The Cardinals also played ” Sight Word Showdown ” where a card containing a Sight word is held up and the Cardinal students verbally identify them. We are already on our third Sight word box!! The Chickadees continued practing their segmenting and decoding as they received a new phonetic reader booklet containing new sight words. Our Chickadees have all begun to show more confidence and fluency when decoding words and were a amazing with their Sight Words! The Chickadees also played “Sight Word Showdown! ” They also received a new Sight Word called once! We learned that it is super silly and doesn’t follow our typical phonetic rules! I mean….an O making the W sound!! The Chickadees found this hilarious and we had so much fun using it in sentences!

Decorating our classroom tree activity.

Transferring ornaments

Static Addition with the Stamp Game!! Combining numbers is fun!

Pinpricking Holiday pictures!

Library time with Ms. Lindsey!

A Peek At Our Week- 11/20/23 – 11/24/23- Table Manners And Place Setting

This week in Aspen we discussed how we behave at the dinner table with our Table Manners lesson! During Line Time we took turns sharing “What to do” and “What not to do” at the dinner table! All the children agreed that proper manners included lots of please and thank yous!! They also talked a lot about the importance of sitting in a chair appropriately and using eating utensils correctly. We also read How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague. We sure had a lot of fun discussing all the silly and rude things the Dinosaurs did in the book. Our Aspen parents sure have some super polite children!!

This week the Aspen students also practiced how to set a place setting at the dinner table with our Table Setting activity. They are pros! If you need a helper this Thanksgiving , ask your child to show you what they learned!

Extensions with the Red Rods and Number Rods!

Building the Binomial Cube on the lid with no guide!!

Discrimination of height with the Cylinder Blocks.

Labeling the Continent Map!

Building the Trinomial Cube on the table!

A big thank you to Lily for bringing in a special Thanksgiving Turkey craft!!

Coloring our Thankful Wheel project! We got to draw or write all the things we are thankful for!

Watching The Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie with our friends from Buckeye and Cherry Blossom!!!

A Peek At Our Week – Aspen – 11/13/23 – 11/17/23 – Thanksgiving: The Pilgrims and Native Americans

Hello Aspen families! My apologies for not posting a blog for quite awhile! I got locked out of my WordPress account when they updated their security policy! Nevertheless, I am logged in, verified, and our Blog can once again be posted!! Please enjoy a massive amount of photos at the end of this week’s blog as part of my apology!

This week in Aspen it was all about our continent North America, Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, and Native Americans. The students in Aspen have been studying the locations and names of the countries in North America for the past few weeks. However, this week we began to take a look at the history of our continent and the U.S.A focusing on our upcoming holiday. In preparation for Thanksgiving next week we decided to discuss why we celebrate Thanksgiving. Aspen learned that long ago there was a group of people named the Pilgrims that lived in England. The Pilgrims held certain beliefs that were different from the King’s! The King had “Absolute Power” and you could not disagree with the king or you would be punished! The Pilgrims believing strongly held to their beliefs and decided to do something really brave! They decided to leave England for the New World (North America). We learned that the Pilgrims set sail across the Atlantic in a ship called The Mayflower. When the Pilgrims arrived in the new world they only found wilderness (trees, plants, and animals).There were no houses for them to move into, there were no stores like Giant Eagle or Acme to buy food! The Pilgrims had to build their own homes using wood they chopped down from trees in the forest, they had to grow their own crops, and hunt if they wanted meat! Aspen then discussed how the Pilgrims had a very hard and difficult time adjusting to their new environment! The soil for growing crops was different than theirs in England, there were different types of plants and berries (hard to know what was safe) , and they had to work hard planting, harvesting, hunting, and building to survive! Their first season was difficult, many Pilgrims did not make it through the winter! As the Pilgrims worked hard to survive they eventually realized that they shared their environment with a group of people called the Native Americans a tribe called the Wampanoag! The Wampanoag helped teach the Pilgrims how to survive in North America! As a result, during the Fall harvest the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag held a three day feast together celebrating the harvest thankful that they would have enough food and supplies to last the winter! Therefore, establishing our tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving! The children in Aspen used our puzzle maps and our Painted Globe to trace the Pilgrim’s journey while learning all about the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts! We also watched a Scholastic video on YouTube called Pilgrim Life with Scholastic News! We got to see what their daily life was like!

Next week we have a two day school week to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday! Our group lessons will be all about Table Manners! If your child attends school on Tuesday, we will have a Sharing Day! Your child is invited to bring in one item from home to share and discuss during Line Time! Your child’s sharing item should be able to fit in their bookbag and should be limited to one item. Pretend weapons of any kind are prohibited including Lightsabers!

In Readers Workshop both groups have continued their work with segmenting and decoding! Cardinals are continuing their work with Phonograms and Sight Words. They have been reading paragraphs and booklets utilizing their knowledge from group lessons to practice fluency. The Chickadees have continued their work with decoding focusing on booklets (Readers) with new Sight Words weekly! Next week there will be no reading group!

Tweezing corn kernels!

Grinding our corn kernels into cornflour like the Pilgrims with a mortar and pestle!

Fun with the Tree Puzzle!

Sensorial Extensions with the Knobless Cylinders.

Labeling the countries in North America.

Moveable Alphabet Fun and copy writing the words onto lined paper!

A Peek At Our Week – 09/25/23 – 09/29/23 – Aspen – The Life Cycle Of A Pumpkin!

This week in Aspen classroom we learned all about the Life Cycle Of A Pumpkin! Due to our amazing field trip to Ramseyer’s Pumpkin Patch last week Aspen was able to study the Life Cycle Of A Pumpkin up close! We had the amazing opportunity to have a first hand experience seeing and touching the Pumpkin Life Cycle stages on our special botany tray! Aspen also engaged in a variety of pumpkin themed Practical Life such as: using the tongs to transfer pumpkins, cutting out pumpkins, spooning pumpkin seeds, tracing pumpkin number papers, and even did a fun create your own jack-o-lantern bulletin board craft. The Aspen students have been focusing on how to write their numbers properly and have had so much fun practicing! Aspen then watched a video How They Grow: Pumpkins and learned more interesting pumpkin facts. Did you know that the largest pumpkin ever grown weighed over 3,000 pounds! We also had lots of fun using tweezers to remove sunflower seeds from a sunflower. It sure was a busy pumpkin filled week in Aspen!

In Readers Workshop, the Cardinals have been working on phonological awareness focusing on sight words and phonograms. The Cardinals have successfully mastered the red and orange Sight Word boxes and have been learning about Ch, Sh, and Th words. As we practiced reading words with these phonograms we practiced reading them in sentences containing sight words while completing follow-up work activities. The Chickadees continued their phonemic awareness activities practicing segmenting phonetic words. They continued explore the concept of Sight Words practicing reading sight words in the red box. The Chickadees also received a Pumpkin Life Cycle book containing the sight words we have been practicing. At the same time, these booklets also provided the opportunity for the Chickadees to gain confidence sounding out large words while practicing identifying their colors in print! Both groups have been working so hard and continue to challenge themselves weekly with new concepts!

In Writers Workshop both groups have completed writing their lists and have begun to practice writing their sequencing stories. In these stories they practice their writing skills while explaining how to do something ( for example, making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or riding a bike)! Both groups have continued to work hard to refine their handwriting skills!

Next week our group lesson topic will be Color! We are going to learn all about the Primary and Secondary Colors, learn about shade and tint, explore the color wheel, and engage in a special color mixing experiment!

Using the tongs to transfer pumpkins. Note the amazing pumpkin life cycle botany tray in the background!

Removing seeds from a Sunflower!

Practicing segmenting words with the CVC Word boxes!

Fun with the Trinomial Cube!

A Peek At Our Week – Aspen – 09/18/23 – 09/22/23 – All About Apples!!

This week in Aspen it was all about Apples!! The Aspen students spent the week learning how apples grow, what they need to grow, learned how to identify and name the parts of an apple, and got to observe and explore the parts of an apple with our apple observation activity. At the same time, Aspen took their scientific observation to the next level by engaging in a very yummy science experiment involving apples. We took a red apple (Red Delicious), a green apple (Granny Smith), and a yellow apple, (Golden Delicious) and taste tested them! Our experiment was to see if they tasted the same or different! Ask your apple scientist what they discovered! Since we were slicing apples, Aspen then took the opportunity to discuss fractions. Aspen learned about whole, half, one- third, and one- fourth while slicing our apples for our experiment. A very big thank you to Lily for bringing in apples for us to use for this lesson. Finally, we shifted gears and used our apples for something other than eating! We made apple prints with sliced apples and paint. Our Week in Aspen sure was Appletastic!!

This week we also had our first field trip to Ramseyers Farm and enjoyed some Fall themed fun ! We learned all about Pumpkins, how they grow, and got to pick our very own perfect pumpkin!! A big thank you to all of the Aspen parents that made our field trip special and fun! Ms. Angela and I truly enjoyed spending the day with you and your child! Happy pumpkin carving with your perfect pumpkins!!

This week in Readers and Writers Workshop the kindergarten students continued their literary and phonics fun! In Readers Workshop the Cardinals continued their work exploring phonological awareness, sight words, sentence structure, and comprehension skills ( focusing on the concept of sequencing). We read the book If You Give A Pig A Pancake and The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate The Wash and discussed sequencing within these stories. We then placed events in order from from their occurrence within the story! Our Cardinals have some great recollection and comprehension skills!! The Chickadees continued their fun with phonics and phonemic awareness by engaging in sound games, sound activities, and began practicing segmenting words! They also continued to practice following directions and completed two worksheets this week. The Chickadees also engaged in more sight word work!

Next week Aspen will be learning all about Pumpkins and the life cycle of a pumpkin!

Creative fun with the Geometric Magnetic Tiles!

Pattern work with the Apple Pattern activity.

Labeling the parts of an apple.

Exploring phonics with the CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words! Phonics is fun!!

Matching and folding socks is a favorite Practical Life activity in the Aspen room!!

Practicing handwriting skills tracing letters!

A Peek At Our Week – Aspen – 09/11/23 – 09/15/23 – The Parts Of A Tree!

This week in Aspen we began our Botany lessons with learning all about the Parts Of a Tree. The Aspen students used our Botany Tree puzzle to learn the names of each part of a tree. At the same time, we also discussed that each part of the tree has a special job or function that it does. Each part of the tree performs a special job that helps the tree grow strong and healthy. For example, Aspen learned that the roots collect water , minerals, and nutrients from the soil and help to stabilize and keep the tree upright. Aspen then examined the trunk and branches of a tree and learned that the bark protects the wood inside the tree. In fact, something amazing occurs inside the trunk! Aspen learned that the trunk and branches have different types of wood underneath the protective layer of bark. The part called the inner bark or “Phloem” is the part or pipeline through which food is passed to other parts of the tree.This is the part of the tree that; only lives a short time , turns to cork, and eventually becomes part of the protective Outer Bark! The Cambium cell layer or growing part of the tree trunk produces new wood and gets its food through the phloem from the leaves. The Sapwood is the pipeline through which water is transported to the leaves and the Heartwood is the center supporting pillar of a tree. Aspen was fascinated by how many special events occur inside the trunk! Finally, Aspen discussed the important function of the Leaves. We learned that the leaves are the food factories providing nourishment for the tree!

After investigating the parts of a tree, the Aspen children became scientists and discussed the needs of a tree! We learned what trees need in order to grow and then researched different types of trees. For instance, the Aspen students determined that a tree needs water, sunlight, soil (minerals and nutrients), and Carbon Dioxide. We then explored where carbon dioxide comes from and discovered that we help the trees and the trees help us! They help by giving us the Oxygen we need to survive! We learned this is called a symbiotic relationship! Finally, we discussed the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees. We then took a closer look at different kinds of tree seeds, leaves, and bark with our Botany tray! We encourage your child to bring in any leaves, seeds, bark, or scientific nature related objects. However, we do ask that you limit the amount of objects for our Botany tray to two items. I know they will discover so many fascinating treasures but please have them choose their favorites! Happy hunting!!!

In Readers Workshop the Cardinals continued to practice using their decoding skills while practicing preliminary comprehension activities, they also practiced following directions, and mastered their first box of sight words! The Chickadees continued to be Sound Detectives and decoded object clues and matched them to their corresponding letter sounds! We practiced segmenting words and we realized that words are just made up of sound clues! The Chickadees also engaged in following directions by completing worksheets utilizing the skills they have acquired. Both groups are learning how to write the date when writing their name on their work!

Next week it is All About Apples! We will take a close look at the parts of an apple, engage in a scientific taste test, explore fractions with apples, and engage in apple themed art projects!!

PICTURE DAY – Wednesday September 20

RAMSEYER FARM FIELD TRIP – Friday, September 22

Tracing the Sandpaper Numbers while learning the linear sequence of numbers!

Preliminary classification work with our shell activity!

Labeling the Parts Of A Tree!

Science fun with Mr. John!!!