Thee Buckeye Bulletin
Line Time:
Living and Non-Living- This week we talked about living and non-living things. Your children now know what makes a living thing. All living things reproduce, grow, eat or take in nutrients, breathe or exchange gases, and need water. We are all in agreement that plants, animals, trees, grass, are living things! My shoe is not a living thing nor am I at 5:00 am. Some of the parents are not living until they have had their coffee. My youngest son’s shoes may or may not be living. I do not get close enough to tell due to the smell and I may have seen them move on their own…. Boys that are 17 years old, SMH.
A Message From Mr. John (Dang Mosquitos):
Fun Fact: (Dang Mosquitos, again)
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls mosquitoes the “world’s deadliest animal.” It’s a weighty moniker for an insect that weighs just 2.5 milligrams, but it’s well deserved because vector-borne diseases, including those transmitted by mosquitos, cause more than 700,000 deaths worldwide every year. They are truly evil things.
Trivia: What was the name of the band that visited Gilligan’s Island?
Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 7 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek)
Know Your Languages (Greek):
Enrichment (Science):
Peek In Our Week:
Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Mammals
Letter Of The Week- F f
Rhyming Word Of The Week- big
Next Language is Japanese
Upcoming Events:
Nothing really going on. Lets celebrate… hmmm… my pseudo birthday with jelly donuts!
Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Themes:
Next Week:
Geography.. Continent/Fun Facts
Math.. Multiplication w/carryovers
Language.. Nouns/Verbs
Geometry.. More geometric shapes
Synonym Of The Week: SAD, miserable, gloomy, depressing, downtrodden, glum, unhappy
Sight Words Of The Week: from he
Frolic, Friends, and Fun:
Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (ouch!):