A Peek at Our Week | Ms. Courtney’s Classroom | Week of October 14th

Classroom: Apples

This week the students learned all about apples and all the parts that make up an apple like the skin, flesh, core, seeds and stem. The students enjoyed tasting different types of apples: granny smith, red delicious, gala and honey crisp. They also discovered what the inside of an apple looks like and how apples grow.  The students even had the chance to do apple stamping and make homemade applesauce.

A peek into next week: Pumpkins

Kindergarten: Parts of Animals (mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians, insects and arachnids)

The kindergarten students learned the characteristics and body parts of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish by using and working with the animal puzzles and control charts in the classroom.

A peek into next week: Parts of Plants


10/24 Grandparents Day

11/1 Halloween Party

Enrichment Highlight:

In music class this week the students sang Skinnamarink and played tambourines.

Work Time:

Shoe Tying: This child is learning how to care for himself while developing a sense of independence and refining his fine motor skills and coordination of movements to successfully tie a shoe.
Cursive Chalkboard Writing: This child is practicing writing his first name in cursive on a chalkboard. He is developing multiple skills involving his eyes, arms, hands, memory, posture and body control.
Color Box 4: This child is grading different colors from darkest to lightest, while also refining his sense of sight.
Sandpaper Numbers: This child is learning the symbols for the numbers through the sense of touch and sight.

Academic Enrichment ||| Cuyahoga Falls Campus ||| Week of 10/14/2019

Weekly Theme:
This week we looked at the five animals which are mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and birds. Refer to the professionally made chart below for the characteristics of each animal.


We practiced writing in cursive vowel blends of ea, ee, ei, eo, eu.


Cultural Subjects:
We now can count to ten in 14 languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog).


Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Parts Of plants, Arachnids, and Insects

Synonym Of The Week: Cold: freezing, chilly, frigid, frozen, cool

Sight Words Of The Week:  she were

Adding Hebrew to the languages








A Peek at Our Week | Elementary | Week of October 14

“We must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself; this is the art of those who aspire to serve the spirit.” – Maria Montessori

Below you will see two students working to plan the treat for our Halloween Party. Our students are in charge of breaking into committees, deciding what needs created or bought, and carrying out those tasks before our party. At the Elementary level, what Montessori calls the “Second Plane of Development,” the children have a need for time to socialize and experience different social situations, without the influence of adults.  During the school day, they have time for this during lunch and recess, but not as much during work time unless they are working with a friend or two.  For this reason, we keep our Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and Pajama Day parties as a student-only day.  We have noticed during these student-only parties, that children often socialize with students that they don’t usually work with, or attend lessons together.  This is a great opportunity for younger and older students to learn about and from each other while having a great time. We can make this a success with your help of supplying what we need for our party. You can sign up to provide something here!

Lower Elementary by Ms. Marlee

Our second graders were introduced to a few measuring tools this week. Here, two friends are measuring different items in the classroom including themselves! Their lists of measured items included a shelf, the doorway, and their own heads and waists. Measurement introduces the concepts of length, height, weight, and volume. It also provides a hands-on opportunity to explore the environment in a tactile and productive way.
Two second year students are helping a first year while she works with the Addition Snake Game. As our first year worked through her equations, the second years were helping her check her work and asking her how she could fix it, if needed. Strong bonds like this are formed when older students come alongside younger students in the classroom.

Upper Elementary by Ms. Ashley

These fourth year students are creating a new encyclopedia of animals for our classroom. They noticed the one that we often use does not have all of the animals they are interested in, so they are solving our problem! Each day they have added research into their notebook that is organized by class of animal!
Last Friday, we asked students to journal about things they wished the teachers knew. Some included things we could improve, some included things they personally need help with, and some included information about themselves that they felt we would like to know. All of our third through sixth graders asked for help with learning how to get along and communicate better. This week, Ms. Brandy and I sat down with them to get more information, talk about our different personalities, and discuss the process of making calmer, better decisions. Over the next few weeks, we will take time each day to focus on a habit within ourselves that we can improve to help get along and communicate better!

Enrichments with help from Ms. Breanna!

This week in dance class, we did some warm up exercises and stretches before working on our combinations.


  • Monday, October 21 – Elementary Performance at Mulberry Gardens (staff drivers)
  • Tuesday, October 22 – Grandparents’ Day
  • Thursday, October 31 – 8:30 am – Halloween Play for Parents! Please join us in the gym for two performances!
  • Friday, November 1 – Halloween Play at Falls Campus – ALL ELEMENTARY drop off at Falls Campus by 8:15 – Staff to transport back to Tallmadge Campus
  • Friday, November 1 – Student-Only Halloween Party.
    • Students may bring a costume with them when they are dropped off at the Cuyahoga Falls Campus (no blood, gore, or weapons please).
    • We will begin our party after lunch – please have your child pack their regular lunch as our party will only have a small treat.
    • Students have planned some games to play and to bake their treat together. We will finish our party
    • Students will still need their reading logs for Friday morning.

10/14 Weekly Enrichment Spotlight

Weekly Enrichment Spotlight



In art, we got to make pumpkins using crayons and watercolors! Ms. Dana has been teaching us to use texture in our artwork every week. Thank you for such a fun art class, we can’t wait for next week!

A Peek into Reading Group

These past two weeks, we read the Mo Willems’ book We Are in a Book. In this book the characters figure out they are in a book. They decide that it would be fun to make the readers say words. This amuses them a lot, and they continue to make the reader say words. Gerald finds out that the book is going to end and this makes him sad, so he and Piggie ask to be read again.

After I read aloud to the students, we had discussions about the book,  they drew scenes from the story, wrote about what they were wondering during the story, and wrote about how the characters felt in the story. For the last reading, we made puppets and the students acted out the story with their puppets while I read.

These students are drawing a scene from the book.
The kindergartners made puppets to act out the story.

A Peek Into the Next Two Weeks

-The students will listen to the Mo Willems’ book I Am Invited to a Party! 

-The students will participate in group discussions.

-The students will complete comprehension activities.

Peek In Our Week ||| Mr. John’s Classroom ||| Week Of October 14, 2019

Line Time:
This week we looked at the Amphibian.  We talked about how the Amphibians are vertebrates, cold blooded (the body temperature changes to the temperature that surrounds the amphibian), their skin is soft and moist, and they are born from jelly eggs.  Some examples of Amphibians are toads, frogs, and salamanders.  We learned that the term amphibian means of two worlds.  Amphibians are born in the water but live their life on land.   Who can forget the famous Kermit The Frog?



Weird Scenes Inside The Goldmine:
This past weekend my family and I went to visit my favorite daughter (as she says “my only daughter”) at BGSU.  I learned/saw a few things…

*The most revered road trip food across the board are Slim Jims.  I prefer Slim Jims, cheddar or pizza flavored Combos, and a Coke and Dr, Pepper mix (1:1 ratio) with lots of crushed not cubed ice.

*The funniest saying on the electronic sign “Camp in Ohio State Parks NOT in the left lane”  Future rant.

*Don’t detail your car before a road trip!  Even though there were 3 adults and a teen it still ended up looking like something out of Animal House.

*Do NOT let a 13 year old boy take off his shoes in the car, HEINOUS!

*My princess may never move back home especially when she is on my cell plan with unlimited data and with my credit card in her pocket  :((




Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 12 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian).


Peek In The Classroom:

This boy is working on a matching activity found in the language area. The purpose of this materials is to improve concentration, train visual memory, increase short term memory, increase attention to detail, improve the ability to find similarities and differences in objects, help to classify objects that are grouped by similar traits, and improve vocabulary.


Ms. Tonya is working with the Opposite Cards with this student. The aim for this material is introducing the child to opposites not only increases vocabulary, but it is a fun activity that forces the child to use higher order thinking skills thereby building his/her intelligence. Using picture cards that illustrate opposites gives the child a visual understanding of the words introduced. I love the excitement of this child as she finds the “match”.


She is working on the introductory work in the Math area called the Number Rods. The Number Rods purpose is to learn to count to ten and understand the value of each number. To learn the names “one” to “ten” and to associate the names with the quantities. As you notice the “quantities” is represented by the length of each rod. As a side note do you remember some Sensorial works that help with visual discrepancies? See how it starts to all come together?


The next step after the aforementioned Number Rods is the Number Rods with Symbols (actual numbers). After the child is comfortable associating the number rods with a quantity, Montessori classrooms use the Number Cards to introduce a symbol. This is an example of the concrete correlation of numbers and quantity.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Fish

Letter Of The Week- I i

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bin

Next Language is Swedish

Person bringing snack for week of 10/21/2019 is Harper G


Upcoming Events:
Halloween Party: Friday, November 1, 11 am  (pizza lunch provided)… details to follow via email

Grandparents Day- Tuesday, Novemeber 5

BOX TOPS  BOX TOPS  BOX TOPS  Mr. John wants pizza!  Due 10/25/2019


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Fashion fashion fashion…. All day I thought she was a unicorn until I took the picture then she informed me it is a party hat.


For picture day we have plaid, plaid, plaid, plaid, argyle, and bow tie and suspenders.


Fanciness with big bows and sparkley dress on picture day.


Our newest big sister








A Peek at Our Week | Ms. Courtney’s Classroom | Week of October 7th

Classroom: Leaves

This week the students learned that a leaf is one of the most important parts of a plant. They discovered that leaves produce food for the plant through a process called photosynthesis, and that leaves of different plants vary widely in size, shape and color. Also, the students learned the life cycle of a leaf and why leaves change color in the fall. They discovered the different parts of a leaf like: veins, blade, midrib, petiole and stipule.

A peek into next week: Apples

Kindergarten: Biggest (galaxy) to Smallest (person/atom)

This week the kindergarten students started forming an understanding of their relationship to the larger world. They discovered that different places exists within a larger place. They reviewed their place in the universe and geographic location.

A peek into next week: Parts of Animals (mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians, insects and arachnids)


10/17 Picture Day

10/18 Bring Your Parent to Work Time

10/24 Grandparents Day

11/1 Halloween Party

Enrichment Highlight:

Freestyle poses at the end of a new combination the students learned this week during dance class!

Work Time:

Bead Stringing Patterns: This child is developing an understanding that a pattern is something that repeats itself, while also refining her fine motor skills to string beads.
Sandpaper Numbers: This child is demonstrating his knowledge that each number is made up of separate quantities. He is also able to visually see the sequence of numbers and how many separate units go together to form each number.
Pyramid Puzzle: This child is matching the different colors together in order to create the pyramid shape. This puzzle involves not only the ability to concentrate but the ability problem solve.

Enrichment Spotlight – 10/11/19

It was a busy week in Mr. John’s Class this week! We learned so many new things in Music, Science, and Art!

In Music, Miss Lisa introduced us to music that was staccato (jumpy) and legato (smooth). We practiced these concepts with scarves!

Mr. John taught us all about polymers this week. We learned that polymers love to stick together!

In Art, Miss Dayna taught us how to draw a pumpkin step by step with crayon, we even added texture to out pumpkins with shapes and lines. Then we painted our pumpkins with watercolors and were surprised to find that the crayon shine through the paint!

Take A Peek Into Our Week/Ms.Kate/October 11,2019

It was fire prevention week👨‍🚒🚒 in our classroom this week!!

We had so much fun doing a variety of activities that taught your child how to keep their bodies safe if a fire occurs. We did some fantastic activities such as Stop, drop, and roll, get low and go ( how to crawl out of your house), the difference between fire and electric, how firefighters help us, and much much more!! The kids absolutely loved this week!!!!

One of our younger students is working on our pumpkin spooning work! When spooning it helps the child master three finger grip and thus prepares them for activities outside the practical life learning area.
The 45 layout helps your child to visualize and develop an understanding of place value, order of numbers and concentration.
The Metal Insets are used to help with pencil control, to refine hand movements in preparation for writing.
Journal writing can help your child process feelings, build writing skills, and communicate their ideas.

Field Trip to the fire station!


Reminders: please check your child’s folder this weekend, we have another field trip coming up!

Picture day is the 16th!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

Peek In Our Week ### Mr. John’s Classroom ### Week Of October 07, 2019

Line Time:
Reptiles- This week we learned about reptiles and what makes a reptile a reptile.  Reptile are vertebrates, cold blooded (body temperature changes to the temperature around them), they are born from hard shelled eggs and their skin is dry and with scales.  Some examples of reptiles are snakes, turtles, and lizards.   Below is the lesser known Baby Godzilla.




Did you know?
Hot water freezes faster than cold, known as the Mpemba effect. … Evaporation is the strongest candidate to explain the Mpemba effect. As hot water is placed in an open container the water begins to cool, the overall mass decreases as some of the water evaporates. With less water to freeze, the process can take less time.  My thoughts is that it is a misnomer due to less ice is produced.  But who am I to say?


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 11 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian).


Peek In The Classroom:

The Montessori Teacher will introduce this material once the child has demonstrated the ability to analyse and recognize graphic symbols for phonetic sounds. The key purpose of the Moveable Alphabet is to prepare children for writing, reading, and spelling.


This student is working on the Ten Board. The aim of this math material is To teach the names twenty, thirty, forty, etc…and to show the child that twenty is two tens and so for the up to ninety. This student was featured a few weeks back and has mastered the first aim of this material the second aim of this material is to teach sequence… the numbers from 11 to 99. This student now has mastered the second purpose of this material and is ready to move on to more advanced math materials.


Pic 1) The Sensorial material Color Box 3 introduce color through matching activities. The color tablets. A child gets the chance to match 2 tablets of the same color to each other, building their visual discrimination skills while exploring how colors relate to one another. After she matches the colors (by shade) she grades them from darkest to lightest.


Pic 2) When she is done with this material she puts the color tablets back into the box. If you notice there are “dots” on the side of the tablets. She now has to line up the dots and have them facing the same way before putting the material back on the shelf.


This girl is working with the language material called the Vowel Tree. To use the Vowel Tree: The child takes two consonants from the movable alphabet (or write two of them on small pieces of paper). Place one consonant in front of the letter “a” and one after. Have the child say the word that is formed, combining the first two letters into one blended sound. Then have them slide the letters down to the next vowel and say the word. Continue all the way down the tree. For the purposes of this work, they can say a word even if it’s a “nonsense” word, just for the practice of saying the vowel sounds. ***** In the background Kelley and Tonya are plotting something diabolical. Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight? Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky, try to take over the world! *****


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Amphibians

Letter Of The Week- H h

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bit

Next Language is Romanian

Person bringing snack for week of 10/14/2019 is Dylan


Upcoming Events:
Field Trip to the Akron Zoo:  Details to follow shortly

Halloween Party: Friday, November 1, 11 am  (pizza lunch provided)… details to follow via email

Grandparents Day- Tuesday, Novemeber 5

### Bring Your Parent To School .  Follow the link below. ####



BOX TOPS  BOX TOPS  BOX TOPS  Mr. John wants pizza!  Due 10/25/2019


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

More fashion in the classroom. This girl is wearing her babushka!


Three Musketeers, Three Amigos, Three Stooges? You decide, lol


This is as goofy as she gets.


Ms. Tonya greeting children in the morning with a helper.