Peek In Our Week ||| Mr. John’s Classroom ||| Week Of October 14, 2019

Line Time:
This week we looked at the Amphibian.  We talked about how the Amphibians are vertebrates, cold blooded (the body temperature changes to the temperature that surrounds the amphibian), their skin is soft and moist, and they are born from jelly eggs.  Some examples of Amphibians are toads, frogs, and salamanders.  We learned that the term amphibian means of two worlds.  Amphibians are born in the water but live their life on land.   Who can forget the famous Kermit The Frog?



Weird Scenes Inside The Goldmine:
This past weekend my family and I went to visit my favorite daughter (as she says “my only daughter”) at BGSU.  I learned/saw a few things…

*The most revered road trip food across the board are Slim Jims.  I prefer Slim Jims, cheddar or pizza flavored Combos, and a Coke and Dr, Pepper mix (1:1 ratio) with lots of crushed not cubed ice.

*The funniest saying on the electronic sign “Camp in Ohio State Parks NOT in the left lane”  Future rant.

*Don’t detail your car before a road trip!  Even though there were 3 adults and a teen it still ended up looking like something out of Animal House.

*Do NOT let a 13 year old boy take off his shoes in the car, HEINOUS!

*My princess may never move back home especially when she is on my cell plan with unlimited data and with my credit card in her pocket  :((




Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 12 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian).


Peek In The Classroom:

This boy is working on a matching activity found in the language area. The purpose of this materials is to improve concentration, train visual memory, increase short term memory, increase attention to detail, improve the ability to find similarities and differences in objects, help to classify objects that are grouped by similar traits, and improve vocabulary.


Ms. Tonya is working with the Opposite Cards with this student. The aim for this material is introducing the child to opposites not only increases vocabulary, but it is a fun activity that forces the child to use higher order thinking skills thereby building his/her intelligence. Using picture cards that illustrate opposites gives the child a visual understanding of the words introduced. I love the excitement of this child as she finds the “match”.


She is working on the introductory work in the Math area called the Number Rods. The Number Rods purpose is to learn to count to ten and understand the value of each number. To learn the names “one” to “ten” and to associate the names with the quantities. As you notice the “quantities” is represented by the length of each rod. As a side note do you remember some Sensorial works that help with visual discrepancies? See how it starts to all come together?


The next step after the aforementioned Number Rods is the Number Rods with Symbols (actual numbers). After the child is comfortable associating the number rods with a quantity, Montessori classrooms use the Number Cards to introduce a symbol. This is an example of the concrete correlation of numbers and quantity.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Fish

Letter Of The Week- I i

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bin

Next Language is Swedish

Person bringing snack for week of 10/21/2019 is Harper G


Upcoming Events:
Halloween Party: Friday, November 1, 11 am  (pizza lunch provided)… details to follow via email

Grandparents Day- Tuesday, Novemeber 5

BOX TOPS  BOX TOPS  BOX TOPS  Mr. John wants pizza!  Due 10/25/2019


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Fashion fashion fashion…. All day I thought she was a unicorn until I took the picture then she informed me it is a party hat.


For picture day we have plaid, plaid, plaid, plaid, argyle, and bow tie and suspenders.


Fanciness with big bows and sparkley dress on picture day.


Our newest big sister








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