A Peek at Our Week | Elementary | Week of October 14

“We must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself; this is the art of those who aspire to serve the spirit.” – Maria Montessori

Below you will see two students working to plan the treat for our Halloween Party. Our students are in charge of breaking into committees, deciding what needs created or bought, and carrying out those tasks before our party. At the Elementary level, what Montessori calls the “Second Plane of Development,” the children have a need for time to socialize and experience different social situations, without the influence of adults.  During the school day, they have time for this during lunch and recess, but not as much during work time unless they are working with a friend or two.  For this reason, we keep our Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and Pajama Day parties as a student-only day.  We have noticed during these student-only parties, that children often socialize with students that they don’t usually work with, or attend lessons together.  This is a great opportunity for younger and older students to learn about and from each other while having a great time. We can make this a success with your help of supplying what we need for our party. You can sign up to provide something here!

Lower Elementary by Ms. Marlee

Our second graders were introduced to a few measuring tools this week. Here, two friends are measuring different items in the classroom including themselves! Their lists of measured items included a shelf, the doorway, and their own heads and waists. Measurement introduces the concepts of length, height, weight, and volume. It also provides a hands-on opportunity to explore the environment in a tactile and productive way.
Two second year students are helping a first year while she works with the Addition Snake Game. As our first year worked through her equations, the second years were helping her check her work and asking her how she could fix it, if needed. Strong bonds like this are formed when older students come alongside younger students in the classroom.

Upper Elementary by Ms. Ashley

These fourth year students are creating a new encyclopedia of animals for our classroom. They noticed the one that we often use does not have all of the animals they are interested in, so they are solving our problem! Each day they have added research into their notebook that is organized by class of animal!
Last Friday, we asked students to journal about things they wished the teachers knew. Some included things we could improve, some included things they personally need help with, and some included information about themselves that they felt we would like to know. All of our third through sixth graders asked for help with learning how to get along and communicate better. This week, Ms. Brandy and I sat down with them to get more information, talk about our different personalities, and discuss the process of making calmer, better decisions. Over the next few weeks, we will take time each day to focus on a habit within ourselves that we can improve to help get along and communicate better!

Enrichments with help from Ms. Breanna!

This week in dance class, we did some warm up exercises and stretches before working on our combinations.


  • Monday, October 21 – Elementary Performance at Mulberry Gardens (staff drivers)
  • Tuesday, October 22 – Grandparents’ Day
  • Thursday, October 31 – 8:30 am – Halloween Play for Parents! Please join us in the gym for two performances!
  • Friday, November 1 – Halloween Play at Falls Campus – ALL ELEMENTARY drop off at Falls Campus by 8:15 – Staff to transport back to Tallmadge Campus
  • Friday, November 1 – Student-Only Halloween Party.
    • Students may bring a costume with them when they are dropped off at the Cuyahoga Falls Campus (no blood, gore, or weapons please).
    • We will begin our party after lunch – please have your child pack their regular lunch as our party will only have a small treat.
    • Students have planned some games to play and to bake their treat together. We will finish our party
    • Students will still need their reading logs for Friday morning.

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