A Peek Into Reading Group

The kindergartners have been listening to the book Waiting Is Not Easy by Mo Willems. In the story, Piggie tells Gerald  that he has a surprise for him. Gerald is excited but Piggie tells him he has to wait for the surprise. Elephant becomes impatient and does not want to wait anymore. Piggie tells him it will be worth the wait. After waiting all day, Piggie shows Gerald the stars and Elephant realizes it was worth the wait.

After the readings, we disscussed how Elephant was behaving while he was waiting and that sometimes it is hard to be patient. They drew a time that they had a hard time waiting, wote about what they wondered during the story, and why they thought Gerald was not happy about waiting, and then we made a  chart together as a group.

A Peek Into the Next Two Weeks

-The students will be listening to My Friend is Sad

-The students will be participating in group discussions

-The students will be participating in comprehension activities

A Peek at Our Week | Ms. Courtney’s Classroom | Week of November 4th

Classroom: Food Groups

This past week we talked about the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, dairy, proteins, and grains.  The students learned about MyPlate which is a healthy guide that shows how much to eat from each food group every day.  As a group the children created a MyPlate chart and listed a variety of foods in each group. They also talked about how being active plays a big part of being healthy. The students learned that they should get at least one hour of exercise daily and eat healthy foods to live a healthy life.

A peek into next week: Pilgrims and Indians

Kindergarten: Addition

This week the kindergarten students used the stamp game to discover that when you put two small numbers together (addends) you get a larger number (sum) and that this process is called addition.

A peek into next week: Addition


11/ 14 Operation Christmas Child | Packing Party

11/22 Fall Progress Reports

11/2711/29 Thanksgiving Break | NO SCHOOL

Enrichment Highlight:
In art class the students made a group art piece with a long line because they learned that a line is a dot that went on a long walk.
Work Time:
Stamp Game: These children are doing static addition (a sum without exchanging) problems using the stamp game. They are practicing addition at a higher level of abstraction.
Triangle Box: This child is exploring different ways to use smaller triangles to make larger triangles.
Cursive Chalkboard Writing: This child is practicing writing an uppercase cursive M on a chalkboard. She is developing multiple skills involving her eyes, arms, hands, memory, posture and body control.

A Peek at Our Week | Elementary | Week of November 4

“There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” -Mahatma Ghandi

Today is our last day with Ms. Marlee. We want to thank her for all of her time and patience helping and teaching in our rooms. We will cherish our memories of all of her lessons, rap skills, and dance moves. We hope she cherishes all the moments we have forced her to love Harry Potter and insects. We love you, Ms. Marlee, and can’t wait for your next visit. Best of luck!

Lower Elementary

This first year student is working on the Addition Snake Game. This “game” is an engaging way for students to practice the memorization of their addition facts. Completing this work helps students easily understand which numbers can be added together to make ten and which combinations make more than ten.
These second and third year students invented a game for our classroom about the solar system. They were inspired by our Animal Stories work which uses riddles to help students learn about different types of animals. After drawing their answer cards and writing their riddles, these students laminated their work, organized it on our shelf, and labeled it for students to easily find!

Upper Elementary

This week, our fourth year students continued their study of multiples. Using bead bars, students researched the multiples of numbers they have struggled to memorize. This student is researching the multiples of twelve to see what patterns she can find!
These students reviewed the layers of the Earth recently and had to choose how they would show me what they had learned. Two of them decided to build a model of the layers of the Earth using Styrofoam. It was a messy, but incredibly creative project. Check out our Instagram later to see their end result!


Practicing some freestyle solos before working on our dance for the Christmas Show!

Academic Enrichment ||| Cuyahoga Falls Campus ||| Week Of 11/4/2019

Weekly Theme:
This weeek the K-kids did addition with carry overs (dynamic) using the manipulatives of the Golden Beads.  Did you know the two numbers added together are called addends and the answer is called the sum?


We practiced writing in cursive vowel blends of ua, ue, ui, uo, uu.


Cultural Subjects:
We now can count to ten in 17 languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian).


Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Addition with other materials

Synonym Of The Week: BIG, vast, gigantic, huge, large, enormous, colossal

Sight Words Of The Week: said by

Adding Irish to the languages







11/4 Weekly Enrichment Spotlight

Weekly Enrichment Spotlight

This week in science class, Mr. John taught us about surface tension! We poured some pepper into a bowl of water, and then placed a cotton swab covered in dish soap into the bowl. We observed the pepper move away from the dish soap. Thank you for such a fun science class!

Peek In Our Week ||| Mr. John’s Class ||| Week Of November 4, 2019

Line Time:
This week we learned about insects and arachnids. Creepy Crawly, creepy crawly creepy creep creepy crawly (reminds me of The Who song, Boris The Spider).  When we went over the five animals all of them were vertebrates (having a backbone and spine) but looking at Insects and arachnids they were invertebrates (no back bone or spine).   Most had what we call an exoskeleton which is the skeleton is on the outside.  This gives the creature support and protection.  We learned insects have a head, thorax, and abdomen, six legs, and two antennae.  We sang the characteristics of an insect to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Some insects are ants, bees, and butterflies. Arachnids have a head and abdomen, and eight legs. Some examples of arachnids are spiders, scorpions, ticks and mites.







Did You Know:
Since it is the season… Did you know there is a difference between apple juice and apple cider?  Here is the explanation.  Apple cider is made from apples that are washed, cut and ground into an “apple mash” similar to applesauce. The mash is then wrapped in cloth and pressed into fresh juice. On the other hand, apple juice undergoes filtration to remove pulp and is then pasteurized to extend the shelf life.


November Birthdays:
A Montessori classroom consists of students ranging in age from three years to six years.  Here are our newest four and five year old students.




Grandparent’s Day:

A full house on Grandparents Day.


Alumnus Reader:

This alumnus is 10 years old and is in the 5th grade. He carried a 4.0 this term and said he misses the Montessori classroom. He is almost as tall as I am and take a look at that foot. I would be interested to see this boy’s grocery bill. All alumni are welcome to come back to my classroom and read!


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 15 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew).


Peek In The Classroom:

Surprise! This boy is working on 3 part cards on the week’s subject, birds.


One of my readers is reading the chapter books Billy B. Brown.


One of my Kindergarten students working in her Binder (The Letter Of The Week and Rhyming Word Of The week).


These girls are practicing their handwriting. One is tracing name in cursive and the other is working on her pre-cursive folder.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Dinosaurs

Letter Of The Week- L l

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bot

Next Language is Korean


Upcoming Events:
Operation Christmas Child: Thursday, November 14th Check your email! Also, follow the below link to donate.


Follow link to help set up for Operation Christmas Child.


Thanksgiving Break:
We are off Wednesday November 27th and returning Monday December 2.



Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Shennanigans at lunch. He must be weak from hunger.


Now I can honestly say “I like the raccoon on your shirt”


It appears he is strangling her but actually he is being a gentleman and putting on her necklace for her.


Just good friends…










Art and science erinchments for 10/28/19


Art enrichments, learning how to listen and follow directions while using simple shapes to create a work of art!


Listening and observing how to draw owls using different types of media. This art class we earned the privilege  of using a sharpie to draw our lines and contour for our owls!


Using our sharpies responsibly and drawing our owls.  Next step, adding color with water color paints.


Mr. John’s  super spooky Halloween  science experiment!  Fun with dry ice!


Adding our dry ice to water! Whoa, what happened?  Bubbling water and lots of fog! How much dry ice can we add to our water?  Experimenting and formulating our hypothesis is fun! Science!!



A Peek at Our Week | Ms. Courtney’s Classroom | Week of October 28th

Classroom: Bats

This week the students learned about different types of bats from micro to mega and even found out that there is a bat that is as small as a bumblebee! The students also discovered how and where bats sleep and that they find their food through echolocation. They were amazed to discover that bats are also mammals like them because they: have fur all over their bodies, born alive, drink mothers milk and are warm blooded. The students even learned that bats are nocturnal and that when we are sleeping they are eating all of the insects like mosquitoes, beetles and ants helping humans by stopping the spread of diseases and insects from eating crops.

A peek into next week: Food Groups

Kindergarten: Addition

This week the kindergarten students used the golden beads to discover that when you put two small numbers together (addends) you get a larger number (sum) and that this process is called addition.

A peek into next week: Addition


11/ 14 Operation Christmas Child | Packing Party

11/22 Fall Progress Reports

11/2711/29 Thanksgiving Break | NO SCHOOL

Enrichment Highlight:
During music class this week, we learned some new listening songs about telling the truth and being kind. During the songs we got to play tambourines and dance along with the music while still using our listening skills to do what the lyrics were telling us to do.

Work Time:

Ten Board: This child is being introduced to the names for the tens quantities “twenty”, “thirty”, “forty”…”ninety”.
Fabric Box: This child used a blindfold to feel each piece of fabric and match it to its pair.
Shoe Tying: This child is learning how to care for himself while developing a sense of independence and refining his fine motor skills and coordination of movements to successfully tie a shoe.

A Peek at Our Week | Elementary | Week of October 28

“The only thing to fear, is fear itself…and children with Halloween candy.”

Our Halloween Party was a blast! Our students prepared games like pumpkin bowling and balloon hockey. Our decorations group prepared a mummy craft with masking tape and Popsicle stick spider webs. Our food committee planned for us to have Rice Krispy treats and ghost cookies. Our decoration committee did a spooktacular job!

Lower Elementary by Ms. Marlee

This second grader really enjoys picking math works off the shelf. Here he is working on the multiplication bead board where he uses beads to visually represent the multiplication equations. Not only is he committing these math facts to memory using a tangible representation but he is perfecting his fine motor skills and concentration.
We love seeing our students research new topics! This second grader is reading one of our new library books about the RMS Titanic, RMS Olympic, and HMHS Britannic. Before beginning his reading he wrote questions based on what he wanted to know. While reading he added to his research and even asked more questions as he went.

Upper Elementary by Ms. Ashley

This student is working on plotting points on a graph. He is reading x and y coordinates to create a pattern, which leads to a picture of something familiar. Previously, they made a comic “Zap” picture and are now working on the Earth and an animal! Check these out on our bulletin board!
This fourth year student is working on diagramming sentences. He is finding the predicate, the subject, and the direct and indirect objects! This helps children become familiar with how to write sentences of varying lengths and parts.


This week, Ms. Dayna was out, so Ms. Marlee stepped in to lead our art class! Our students completed “Yarn Paintings.” These “paintings” were created by students laying yarn out to create a picture on contact paper. They had a great time!

Academic Enrichment ^^^ Cuyahoga Falls Campus ^^^ Week Of 10/28/2019

Weekly Theme:
This week we started our journey into MATH…. GULP!  We started out by composing numbers with beads and symbols then worked our way into doing addition with manipulatives with the nine tray.



We practiced writing in cursive vowel blends of oa, oe, oi, oo, ou.


Cultural Subjects:
We now can count to ten in 16 languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean).


Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Addition manipulatives (Dynamic/Carry Overs)

Synonym Of The Week: OLD: ancient, elderly, used, seasoned, mature

Sight Words Of The Week: how each

Adding Hungarian to the languages