November, 2019

Courtney Owens

Classroom: Food Groups

This past week we talked about the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, dairy, proteins, and grains.  The students learned about MyPlate which is a healthy guide that shows how much to eat from each food group every day.  As a group the children created a MyPlate chart and listed a variety of foods in each group. They also talked about how being active plays a big part of being healthy. The students learned that they should get at least one hour of exercise daily and eat healthy foods to live a healthy life.

A peek into next week: Pilgrims and Indians

Kindergarten: Addition

This week the kindergarten students used the stamp game to discover that when you put two small numbers together (addends) you get a larger number (sum) and that this process is called addition.

A peek into next week: Addition


11/ 14 Operation Christmas Child | Packing Party

11/22 Fall Progress Reports

11/2711/29 Thanksgiving Break | NO SCHOOL

Enrichment Highlight:
In art class the students made a group art piece with a long line because they learned that a line is a dot that went on a long walk.
Work Time:
Stamp Game: These children are doing static addition (a sum without exchanging) problems using the stamp game. They are practicing addition at a higher level of abstraction.
Triangle Box: This child is exploring different ways to use smaller triangles to make larger triangles.
Cursive Chalkboard Writing: This child is practicing writing an uppercase cursive M on a chalkboard. She is developing multiple skills involving her eyes, arms, hands, memory, posture and body control.

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