October, 2019

Kate Case

It was fire prevention week👨‍🚒🚒 in our classroom this week!!

We had so much fun doing a variety of activities that taught your child how to keep their bodies safe if a fire occurs. We did some fantastic activities such as Stop, drop, and roll, get low and go ( how to crawl out of your house), the difference between fire and electric, how firefighters help us, and much much more!! The kids absolutely loved this week!!!!

One of our younger students is working on our pumpkin spooning work! When spooning it helps the child master three finger grip and thus prepares them for activities outside the practical life learning area.
The 45 layout helps your child to visualize and develop an understanding of place value, order of numbers and concentration.
The Metal Insets are used to help with pencil control, to refine hand movements in preparation for writing.
Journal writing can help your child process feelings, build writing skills, and communicate their ideas.

Field Trip to the fire station!


Reminders: please check your child’s folder this weekend, we have another field trip coming up!

Picture day is the 16th!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

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