Peek In Our Week “”” Thee Buckeye Room “”” Week Of January 17, 2022

Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Skeletal System- 
This week we looked at the skeletal system and if we didn’t have a skeleton we would be one messy blob on the ground (insert a flagellant sound).  We learned the skull protects our brain, the rib cage protects our lungs, and the spine keeps us sitting and standing straight.  We learned technical terms for our arms, leg and our digits which is a funny name called phalanges. We brought our life sized foam puzzle into our room.  His name is Elvis because we learned about the pelvis and it was a cool rhyming name.




A Message From Mr. John (Snowmageddon 2022/first round):



Did You Know (Humpty Dumpty)?
The story given was that a large cannon, which the was colloquially called Humpty Dumpty, was strategically placed on a wall. A shot from a Parliamentary cannon succeeded in damaging the wall beneath Humpty Dumpty, which caused the cannon to tumble to the ground.  AND…  There was never any mention that Humpty Dumpty was an egg.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 19 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili) 


Know Your Languages (Kiswahili):



Enrichments (Science):

The Great Skittle Run. The color of the candy is water soluble that is why the colors run. The reason the colors do not run together is because of Carnuaba Wax (found in car wax, yuck). I ate the leftovers and it wreaked havoc on my blood sugar levels. My poor A1C.


Peek In The Classroom:

Look at her focus while working on a working in Practical life. Practical Life in Montessori is a purposeful activity, develops motor control and coordination, and develops independence, concentration, and a sense of responsibility.


Here are a group of students working on one of the science bins. In this scenario the children are learning valuable social skills such as communication, sharing, and taking turns.


The students are always excited to get new works on the shelves. As you can see Elvis is getting a lot of attention his first day.


This boy is working on the puzzle map of the continent of Asia. The Puzzle maps of the world allow the child to physically see, hold, and trace sections of the world in order to identify each continent, country, and state that is represented in the puzzles. Also, the knobs on the pieces help strengthen fine motor skills.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Internal Organs

Letter Of The Week- R r

Rhyming Word Of The Week- but

Next Language is Welsh


Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:
This Week’s Theme: Subtraction (without borrowing)

We practiced writing sentences in cursive. 

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Subtraction (with borrowing)

Synonym Of The Week: NICE: kind, pleasant, delightful, good, helpful

Sight Words Of The Week: first  than


Just a cool pic.


Upcoming Events:
Sign up for Bring Your Parent To School, follow the link

No School: Friday, February 18th (Teacher In Service day)
No School: Monday, February 20th (President’s Day)


Fun, Frolic, And Friends:

You should have seen the other guy.


A Montessori classroom consists of students from 3 years old to 6 years old. Do you notice a size difference?


I noticed something different about these two students. I asked if they were not wearing their glasses (not it). If they shaved their mustache (nope, not it either). OH! They got haircuts….


Third Eye Blind. Wasn’t that a 90’s band?


Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (Sonic The Hedgehog):





Peek In Our Week <> Thee Buckeye Room <> Week Of January 10, 2022

Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
To honor the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we learned a bit about his life and his accomplishments.  The students became actresses and actors as they recreated Rosa Parks making her stand on a bus in Montgomery Alabama.  The students enjoyed playing the part of the bus driver, Rosa Parks, “the mean guy”, a police officer, Martin Luther King Jr., and passengers on the bus.  We discussed our differences such as skin color, eye color, hair color, and gender.  Then we discussed how we are similar.  We talked about discrimination and segregation.  We talked about if someone with red hair wouldn’t be allowed to do art “just because” they have red hair or if anyone who had blue eyes would have to go to a different classroom with less materials, broken crayons, or no books “just because” they have blue eyes.  I had only boys fetch the chairs for the skit and brought that to the attention of the class.  We had some very sad girls…. I did let the girls take the chairs back after the skit.

Below is a picture after the skit where everyone can sit where they want.  The thumbs up means the students approve.




A Message From Mr. John (Those Pesky Masks):



Did you know?

Roller coasters were invented to distract Americans from sin
In the 1880s, hosiery businessman LaMarcus Thompson hated that Americans were tempted by hedonistic places like saloons and brothels. So he set out to straighten up one of the most immoral places he could think of: Coney Island in New York. There, he built America’s first roller coaster to give New Yorkers some good, clean fun—away from seedier pastimes.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 18 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish) 


Know Your Languages (Irish):



Enrichment (Music):

Children pretending to be ducks for Peter And The Wolf. Sorry it is blurry but it was an action shot.


Peek In The Classroom:

She is working on the material called Cards and Counters found in the math area. It consists of a set of wooden numbered cards and small red wooden circular counters. The purpose of this activity is to help children associate quantities with numbers.


This student is working on a math material called the Second Introduction To decimals. Introduction the Decimal System is a Montessori Math Early Childhood lesson. Pretty straightforward, the goal of this lesson is to introduce the numerals of the decimal system. We play a game of exchanging. When she gives me 10 units I will give her 1 ten and so on. So, in these works and exchanging with addition and multiplication the magic number is “10”


You have heard that a Montessori classroom is child run. Well, no teachers were involved in this activity. One of the most popular extension works is making the Maze with the Red Rods. The children build a winding path that uses the longest rods first and then the smallest rods to make the interior. The students have to use visual discrimination skills to decide where the rods need to be placed in order to make The Maze work. Once completed, the children may quietly take off their shoes and walk inside The Maze taking careful steps to ensure that they do not bump a Red Rod out of place. Taking turns and waiting patiently are also important parts of doing this work cooperatively with a classmate, as only one child at a time is allowed inside The Maze. It looks as if one child is running this activity and calling on the next student to walk the maze.


This boy is doing multiplication with the Color Beads. This helps with a visual quantity while doing his equations.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Skeletal System

Letter Of The Week- Q q

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bub

Next Language is Kiswahili


Academic Enrichment aka kindergarten:
We learned how to multiply with manipulatives with carry overs.

We practiced writing sentences in cursive. 

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Multiplication Review

Synonym Of The Week: MEAN, selfish, unkind, malicious, hurtful, evil

 Sight Words Of The Week: now made


Upcoming Events:
*** MLK DAY January 17, 2021 ***  NO SCHOOL ***

***Don’t be that family that shows up and there is always one family that shows up, lol! ***

But just for the fun of it let me know if you did show up.  I will not tease, honest!


Sign up for Bring Your Parent To School, follow the link


Frolic, Friends, and Fun:

Fun with masks. Doesn’t it look like they are thrilled? Hopefully, this will subside.


Sometimes it is better not to ask.


We have some artist aspiring to be Michelangelo.  Get it? Sistine Chapel/painting on his back?


Children and their prized possessions.


I may have to rethink this next time!


Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (Bunnies):




Peek In Our Week !!! Thee Buckeye Room !!! Week Of January 3, 2022

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin


Line Time:
We started to learn about our body and how it works.  We learned about our five senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste).  Did you know you can “feel” with any part of your body? Of course parents know that.  Who has not stepped on a Lego in bare feet and screamed in pain? But we associate touch with our fingers (hot/cold, hard/soft, rough/smooth).  We hear loud noises, quiet noises, high iand low noises, “Are we there yet?”.  We need light to see and if we close our eyes we can’t see.  The lights being turned on at 5 am on a Saturday morning.   There are good smells like cinnamon, vanilla and bad smells like a dirty diaper and vinegar.  My favorite was the taste test where we tasted sweet (sugar water), salty (salt water), sour (pure lemon juice), and bitter (unsweetened baking chocolate).  The children enjoyed “most” of the tastes.  Hehe!!!!






The calm before the storm.  Drinking sugar water (sweet).


Then BOOOOM! Unsweetened baking chocolate that is representing bitter!

I present to you the collage of disgust.









A Message From Mr. John:



January Birthdays:
A Montessori classroom consists of students ranging in age from three years to six years.  Here is our newest three and six year old students.



Did You Know?

Dolphins are known to be one of the smartest animals on the planet—possibly because they can conserve their brain power. Because they must be constantly on the lookout for predators, the marine mammals have developed a neat trick of maintaining partial consciousness even as part of their brain sleeps. Researchers have tested whether this “half sleep” negatively impacts the animals’ alertness during the day, but have found that even after five days of having their nocturnal alertness constantly tested, they’ve remained as alert and perceptive as ever. ******* Sleep With One Eye open. Clutching Your Pillow Tight. Enter light….. ******** Who knows that song?


Know Your Languages:



Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian)


Academic Enrichment: (Science)

How much water can a diaper hold?  One of these children found out not more than 5.5 cups and got a wet head.





Peek In The Classroom:

One of my Kindergarten students decided to write a book called “The Life Of A Frog”


Simply stated…. Reading


Girls working on a phonics worksheet and a photobomb


If it ain’t messy it ain’t fun. Using shaving cream to practice handwriting.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- MLK/diversity

Letter Of The Week- P p

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bun

Next Language is Irish


Upcoming Events:

Pajama Day and Show and Tell Friday January 14, 2021, No weapons and girls wear shorts under nightgowns

*** MLK DAY Monday January 17, 2022 ***  NO SCHOOL ***
***Don’t be that family that shows up and there is always one family that shows up, lol! ***


Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
We learned how to multiply w/o carry overs 
with manipulatives. We learned what the Multiplicand, Multiplier, and Product are.

5(multiplicand) x 3(multiplier) = 15(product)

Not straight edge but the symbol for multiplicatuion.


 We practiced writing sentences in cursive.

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Multiplication with with carry overs

Synonym Of The Week: Sick: weak, unhealthy, ailing, infected, frail

Sight Words Of The Week: could who


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

A few students mimicking Mr. John. Notice the offering of the hasdsha


We workem hard in Thee Buckeye Room!


I have no idea what is going on.


Children come from other classrooms to visit my animals and that’s ok.


Your Kids Say the Darndest Things: (Taco Bell)





Peek In Our Week Thee Buckeye Room Week Of December 20, 2021

The Buckeye Room Bulletin


What a bummer we had to end the year this way.  Let’s Be Careful Out There!




My hair hasn’t been this long since about 1978 when Aerosmith was popular!

I think I got Live Bootleg or Draw The Line by these guys in 1978 for Christmas.


*****  Back to school the week of 1/3/2022  *****





Peek In Our Week !!! Thee Buckeye Room !!! Week Of December 6, 2021

The Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
We are practicing our lines and practicing the songs for the Christmas Show


Did You Know?
According to a The Wall Street Journal article, the character Capt’n Crunch’s real name is Horatio Magellan Crunch, captains a ship called the Guppy, and was born on Crunch Island, a magical island off the coast of  the Sea of Milk—with talking trees, crazy creatures and a mountain (Mt. Crunchmore) made out of Cap’n Crunch cereal.  The article refers to the Captain’s bicorne as a “Napoleon Style ” hat,  and claims that this has led to speculation that he may be French.




A Message From Mr. John (Your Children):



Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean)


Hair Styles (Of The Rich And Famous):
Some people have equated my hair with Boris Johnson’s and Steve Bannon’s hair.  You decide.




At least my hair is blonde like Boris Johnson’s and not gray like Steve Bannon’s, right?  RIGHT ?!?!


Peek In The Classroom:

She is working on the color beads with symbols. This reinforces the Math concept of quantity and numbers.


Our high school intern Emily presenting a lesson she created.


She made the letter A


Again, Angela creates excitement with her new works. Angela looks just as excited as the students.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Family

Letter Of The Week- N n

Rhyming Word Of The Week-bog

No new languages until the next year


Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
Addition with the Golden Beads (Dynamic/Carry Overs)

We practiced writing in cursive three letter words

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Multiplication with the Golden Beads (Static/No Carry Overs)

Synonym Of The Week: No Synonyms

Sight Words Of The Week:  No Sight Words

Half of the kinders were absent and the remaining students are confused why.


Upcoming Events:
Pajama Day and Show and Tell: Friday, December 17 (Please No Weapons)

Christmas Break: Monday, December 20. Returning Monday January 3


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

My redheads.


At times I confuse these two handsome boys.


We work em hard here at AMMS!


More handsome boys.


Your Children Say The Darndest Things (Must Be Santa):




Peek In Our Week \\\ Thee Buckeye Room /// Week Of November 29, 2021

The Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
We are practicing our lines and practicing the songs for the Christmas Show

Practicing For The Christmas Show


Did You Know?
Glaciers store about 69 percent of the world’s fresh water.



December Birthdays:
A Montessori classroom prides itself on a mixed aged classroom of ages between 2 1/2 and 6.  Here is our newest 5 year old student.



A Message From Mr. John (Angela and Emily):


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean)


Peek In The Classroom:

Our high school intern helping a student work with the Knobless Cylinders found in the Sensorial area. The purpose of these cylinders is to develop child’s fine-motor movements, concentration, hand-eye coordination, and visual perception of dimension. The material also provides experiences of seriation and gives the child basic language important in math.


He is working on the 9 Tray that is found in the Math area. The Montessori 9 Tray is an early place value work. Your child explores and builds a physical place value chart on the floor with Golden Beads and large number cards, units through thousands.


Ms. Angela is creating quite a stir while presenting a lesson with the Square Bead Chains. Also called the Square Chains. This activity teaches the child skip counting which is preparation for multiplication. It also indirectly prepares the child to understand squaring numbers.


Friends working on sorting together. Maria Montessori’s sensorial work uses “sorting” in specific ways that work to use all of the child’s senses, one at a time, in order to refine them. The goal is to train the brain to create more organized thoughts and ways of retrieving information.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Practicing For The Christmas Show

Letter Of The Week- No Letter Of The Week

Rhyming Word Of The Week- No Rhyming Word Of The Week

No new languages until the next year


Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
Addition with the Golden Beads (Static/No Carry Overs)

We practiced writing in cursive three letter words

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Addition with the Golden Beads (Dynamic/Carry Overs)

Synonym Of The Week: No Synonyms

Sight Words Of The Week:  No Sight Words

The magic number is 10.


Upcoming Events:
Christmas Show Rehearsal: Wednesday, December 8 at 6pm to 7pm (not a dress rehearsal).

Christmas Show: Friday, December 10.  Arrive at 5:30pm (take your children to the restroom even if they say they do not have to go!)

Pajama Day and Show and Tell: Friday, December 17 (Please No Weapons)

Christmas Break: Monday, December 20. Returning Monday January 3



Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

The Great Cornholio



I’m not sure if he has an eyelash in his eye or he is winking at me.


We found a nest of students on the playground.


Group hug


Your Children Say The Darndest Things (Flowers):





Peek In Our Week ### Thee Buckeye Roox ### Week Of Novexber 22, 2021

Thee Buckeye Roox Bulletin

Line Tixe:

BUCKEYE FOOTBALL!  We went over the traditions of Script Ohio and the TBDBITL entrance to St. John’s Arena and watched xany Buckeye football clips.  Because this is xichigan week!

This is the GREATEST rivalry in all sports and this is not just a gaxe it is a way of life!  If you do not understand… watch the first 3 xinutes of this video…  This vid always brings a tear to xy eye.






Cultural Subjects:
Brutus is the xascot of The Ohio State University.  Brutus throughout the years:





Peek Into Our Classroox:




Peek Into Next Week:
Line Tixe-Practicing for the Christmas Show

Letter Of The Week- No letter Of The Week

Rhyxing Word Of The Week- No Rhyxing Work Of the Week

Next Language is No language next week


Upcoxing Events:
Christmas Show Rehearsal: Wednesday, Decexber 8 at 6px to 7px (not a dress rehearsal).

Christmas Show: Friday, Decexber 10.  Arrive at 5:30px (take your children to the restroox.  Even if they say they do not have to go!)

Pajaxa Day and Show and Tell: Friday, Decexber 17. (Please No Weapons)

Christmas Break: Xonday, Decexber 20. Returning Xonday January 3













Peek In Our Week “”” Thee Buckeye Room “”” Week Of November 15, 2021

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Native Americans/Thanksgiving-  We talked about Native Americans and how Indians were named Indians.  On student informed us that Christopher Columbus landed in North America but thought he was in India.  Hence, the name.  We talked about how Native Americans were indigenous.  Then the Pilgrims came over from Europe on a ship called the Mayflower.  The pilgrims had a rough go of it at the beginning because they didn’t have enough blankets or food.  They could not just go to Target or Giant Eagle to get supplies because at that time there were just woods and wild life. 



A Message From Mr. John (This Is Us):


Did you know?:
Apparently, if you microwave grapes cut in half they’ll catch fire! PLEASE TRY THIS AT HOME AND TAKE A VIDEO, PLEASE!!!!!!



Know Your Languages (Korean {Squid Games}):


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean)


Specials (Taekwondo)

Stretching before class.


Peek In The Classroom:

This student is working on the 9 Tray. The Montessori 9 Tray is an early place value work. Your child explores and builds a physical place value chart on the floor with Golden Beads and large number cards, units through thousands.


Our intern helps a student with a lesson with the Knobless Cylinders. The purpose of these cylinders is to develop child’s fine-motor movements, concentration, hand-eye coordination, and visual perception of dimension. The material also provides experiences of seriation and gives the child basic language important in math.


Ms. Angela creates a buzz and has interested observers while presenting a lesson on the Square Chain. This activity teaches the child skip counting which is preparation for multiplication. It also indirectly prepares the child to understand squaring numbers.


These three girls are having fun sorting colored marbles. Maria Montessori’s sensorial work uses “sorting” in specific ways that work to use all of the child’s senses, one at a time, in order to refine them. The goal is to train the brain to create more organized thoughts and ways of retrieving information.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Thanksgiving 

Letter Of The Week- No letter Of The Week

Rhyming Word Of The Week- No Rhyming Work Of the Week

Next Language is No language next week


Upcoming Events:
THANKSGIVING BREAK: Wednesday, November 24 to Sunday November 28 (returning Monday, November 29)

Christmas Show Rehearsal: Wednesday, December 8 at 6pm to 7pm (not a dress rehearsal).

Christmas Show: Friday, December 10.  Arrive at 5:30pm (take your children to the restroom.  Even if they say they do not have to go!)

Christmas Break: Monday, December 20 Returning Monday January 3


Academic Enrichment:

“Show Me The Money” gesture

Currency – Identifying coins and bills

We practiced writing sentences in cursive Ea ea, Ee ee, Ei ei

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Using a ruler (inches and centimeter)

Synonym Of The Week: No Synonym Of The Week

Sight Words Of The Week: No sight words of the week.


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:




Either he went face first in an orange frosting cupcake or he is growing an orange goatee.


I’m not sure if he is winking at me, has an eyelash in his eye, or he is looking at me like I have three heads.


We uncovered a nest of students.


Your kids Say The Darndest Things (All About Mom… My mom is a relaxing girl that likes rainbows):





Peek In Our Week ^^^ Thee Buckeye Room ^^^ Week Of November 8, 2021

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
  We traveled back in time and discovered some fascinating things about certain dinosaurs.  We learned that dinosaurs no longer exist and that they are extinct.  We know dinosaurs exist because scientist found their bones or fossils.  From these fossil we saw that some teeth were long and sharp to tear flesh from it’s prey which belonged to meat eaters or carnivores (T Rex).  Some teeth were flat for grinding plants, leaves, and branches and belonged to plant eaters or herbivores (Brachiosauras).

Who remembers Dinosaurs?  Not the Momma!


Did You Know? (What’s The Diff?)?
I am a week late since this would have been apropo during Halloween…. hehe.  The word cemetery (from Greek κοιμητήριον, “sleeping place”) implies that the land is specifically designated as a burial ground and originally applied to the Roman catacombs. The term graveyard is often used interchangeably with cemetery, but a graveyard primarily refers to a burial ground within a churchyard.


Message From Mr. John (My Mop):


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 15 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew)


Know Your Languages (Hebrew):



Specials (Music):

Freeze Dance!


Peek In The Classroom:

This student is working on the Phonics Folder which is an pre-reading exercise. Phonics is a reading method that allows a child to learn the sounds of letters by developing an understanding of how these sounds are used individually, in groups and whole words. Phonetic instruction is the foundational stepping stone in a Montessori Language Arts program.


Look at this guy focusing on a work in Practical Life (you can almost see the tongue sticking out, lol). Practical Life in Montessori is purposeful activity, develops motor control and coordination, and develops independence, concentration, and a sense of responsibility.


She is working on her Kindergarten Binder and is practicing cursive. Dr. Montessori chose lower case cursive because the gentle curved lines are an extension of the natural movement of the child’s hand. When writing in cursive the act of connecting the letters that form a word help the child’s mind to see those letters as a word.


A Kindergarten student showing g me his daily workplan. Work plans are an essential element to the Montessori education. Each day students are to check off the work that they have completed, and present it to the teacher.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Pilgrims/Thanksgiving

Letter Of The Week- M m

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bop

Next Language is Korean

**Did you noticed that the letter of the week and rhyming word of the week are  Mm Bop!**

I couldn’t resist, lol


Academic Enrichment:

Kinder students using arms to make “quarter after” or 12:15


Weekly Theme:
Telling Time To the Quarter Hour

We practiced writing in cursive vowel blends Ao Au

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Currency, Bills and Coins

Synonym Of The Week: No Synonym of the week this week

Sight Words Of The Week: been down


Upcoming Events:
THANKSGIVING BREAK: Wednesday, November 24 to Sunday November 28 (returning Monday, November 29)

Christmas Show Rehearsal: Wednesday, December 8 at 6pm to 7pm (not a dress rehearsal).

Christmas Show: Friday, December 10.  Arrive at 5:30pm (take your children to the restroom.  Even if they say they do not have to go!)

Christmas Break: Monday, December 20 Returning Monday January 3


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

The “Unknown Student”


I wish I could get away with the hair and yogurt on the shirt without being judged. lol


Cutey pututey times 6


BFFs. Strong friendships are formed in the classroom.


Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (I Like Carrots):



Peek In Our Week {} Buckeye Room {} Week Of October 18, 2021

The Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Fish- We learned fish are vertebrates or they have a backbone or a spine.  They are cold blooded (their body temperature changes to the temperature around them) and have slimy and scaly skin.  The unique thing about fish is that some fish are born alive and some fish are born with jelly eggs.  Some examples of fish are Trout, Bass, Sharks, and Swordfish.  And one more important point is that fish live in water.


I saw this movie when it was originally released in the theater. 1975 ish. Does this make me old?


Did You Know? (Ants Sleep zzzzzzzz)
A recent study of ants’ sleep cycle found that the average worker ant takes approximately 250 naps each day, with each one lasting just over a minute. That adds up to 4 hours and 48 minutes of sleep per day.  The research also found that 80 percent of the ant workforce was awake and active at any one time.



Message From Mr. John (Calamity Days) 



Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 10 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian).

Know Your Languages (Romanian):


Our Intern:

This Emily that will be interning in the Buckeye Room this year. You will see her during end of day pick up and aftercare. Notice the semi photo bomb by Angela?


Peek In The Classroom:

She is working on the Three Part Cards focusing on three letter words/short vowel sounds. Montessori Classified Cards Montessori 3-part cards or classified cards can be used to enrich the children’s vocabularies, to develop their classification, reading and writing skills and their knowledge of the world around them.


This student is working on her Kindergarten Binder. She is practicing her handwriting in cursive.


Ms. Angela is giving a lesson in Practical Life as another child intently observes. Practical life in Montessori is purposeful activity and develops (O.C.C.I.) Order, Coordination, Concentration, and, develops independence.


This student is working on the Binomial Cube found in the sensorial area in the room. The Binomial Cube is introduced to children from around 3.5 years to 4 years old. In these early stages, the purpose of the material is less focused on the complex mathematics behind the material, and rather is to provide a challenge for a child’s ability to find patterns and relationships between the blocks. the mathematics mentioned of the binomial cube is actually an Algebraic equation….. (a+b)3=a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Birds

Letter Of The Week- J j

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bip

Next Language is Swedish


Specials Spot (Music):

What is going on here? They are warming up for music class by doing “Pop Goes The Weasel”


Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:
This week we talked about the parts of plants, arachnids, and  insects.

Kinders pretending to be their favorite insect.

Handwriting: This week we practiced writing cursive vowel blends Ii Oo Uu

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Telling Time To The Hour

Synonym Of The Week: COLD: freezing, chilly, frigid, frozen, cool  

Sight Words Of The Week: use your


Upcoming Events:
Halloween Party- Friday, October 29, 2021 (details to follow)

Book Fair- Monday, October 25, 2021 through Monday, November 1, 2021

P/T CONFERENCES- Friday, November, 12, 2021 (details to follow)                                                         **** NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ****

THANKSGIVING BREAK- Wednesday, November 24 to Sunday November 28 (returning Monday, November 29)


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

When you see a student arriving at school still in pajamas you know the parent raised the white flag and says “you pick you battles”. And yes, we all have been there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Dreaded Red Pepper Eyes!


You should have seen the other guy.


Boys Just Wanna Have Fun (Cyndi Lauper tune)


Your Child Says The Darndest Things (My Brother Ethan):

***** During this filming I was quite aware of the shennanigans going on in the background.  After the filming I did put a quick end to the game of fetch!!!! *****