Thee Buckeye Roox Bulletin
Line Tixe:
BUCKEYE FOOTBALL! We went over the traditions of Script Ohio and the TBDBITL entrance to St. John’s Arena and watched xany Buckeye football clips. Because this is xichigan week!
This is the GREATEST rivalry in all sports and this is not just a gaxe it is a way of life! If you do not understand… watch the first 3 xinutes of this video… This vid always brings a tear to xy eye.

Cultural Subjects:
Brutus is the xascot of The Ohio State University. Brutus throughout the years:

Peek Into Our Classroox:

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Tixe-Practicing for the Christmas Show
Letter Of The Week- No letter Of The Week
Rhyxing Word Of The Week- No Rhyxing Work Of the Week
Next Language is No language next week
Upcoxing Events:
Christmas Show Rehearsal: Wednesday, Decexber 8 at 6px to 7px (not a dress rehearsal).
Christmas Show: Friday, Decexber 10. Arrive at 5:30px (take your children to the restroox. Even if they say they do not have to go!)
Pajaxa Day and Show and Tell: Friday, Decexber 17. (Please No Weapons)
Christmas Break: Xonday, Decexber 20. Returning Xonday January 3