Peek In Our Week (Thee Ohio State University) Thee Buckeye Roox (Buckeyes) Week Of Novexber 21, 2022

Thee Buckeye Roox Bulletin

Line Tixe:
BUCKEYE FOOTBALL!  We went over the traditions of Script Ohio and the TBDBITL entrance to St. John’s Arena and watched xany Buckeye football clips.  Because this is xichigan week!

This is the GREATEST rivalry in all sports and this is not just a gaxe it is a way of life!  If you do not understand… watch the first 3 xinutes of this video…  This vid always brings a tear to xy eye.



Cultural Subjects: Brutus is the xascot of The Ohio State University.  Brutus throughout the years:

November 1995 vs. illinios. Eddie George rushes for 314 yards (sets record). Crowd rushes the field.




Peek Into Our Classroox:

Peek Into Next Week: Line Tixe-Practicing for the Christxas Show

Letter Of The Week- No letter Of The Week

Rhyxing Word Of The Week- No Rhyxing Work Of the Week

Next Language is No language next week

Upcoxing Events:
Christxas Show Rehearsal: 
Wednesday, Decexber 14 at 6px to 7px (not a dress rehearsal).

Christxas Show: Friday, Decexber 16.  Arrive at 5:30px (take your children to the restroox.  Even if they say they do not have to go!)

Christxas Break: Xonday, Decexber 19. Returning Tuesday January 3

Peek In Our Week +++ Thee Buckeye Room +++ Week Of November 14, 2022

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Native Americans/Thanksgiving-  We talked about Native Americans and how Indians were named Indians.  On student informed us that Christopher Columbus landed in North America but thought he was in India.  Hence, the name.  We talked about how Native Americans were indigenous.  Then the Pilgrims came over from Europe on a ship called the Mayflower.  The pilgrims had a rough go of it at the beginning because they didn’t have enough blankets or food.  They could not just go to Target or Giant Eagle to get supplies because at that time there were just woods and wild life. 

A Message From Mr. John (It is officially hate xichigan week!):

Did you know?:
Human teeth are the only part of the human body that can not heal itself. Teeth are coated in enamel which is not a living tissue. Go to the 50 second mark and you’ll see Paul has a chipped tooth. If my memory is correct he was in a minor moped accident. Don’t ask me how I remember this stuff.

Know Your Languages (Hungarian):

Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 17 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian )

Specials Spotlight (Science):

An experiment about Surface Tension.

Operation Christmas Child:

Children packing boxes/gifts for less fortunate children.
A parent volunteer entertaining students during packing boxes.

Peek In The Classroom:

She is grinding coffee beans so mom and dad can have coffee in the morning. This work is found in Practical Life.
The Pink Series is the first stage of this series designed to help children learn to decode words with short vowel sounds. It consists of 3-letter phonetic words in a CVC, or consonant-vowel-consonant, format. It is important to note that the Pink Series’ vowels are short vowels only and do not include “y.”
During inclement weather/inside pickup we sometimes do Cosmic Kids Yoga.
She is working on her continents. She will trace, color, and label.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Thanksgiving (not really… It is Buckeye Week!)

Letter Of The Week- No letter Of The Week

Rhyming Word Of The Week- No Rhyming Work Of the Week

Next Language is No language next week

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, November 23 to Sunday November 27 (returning Monday, November 28)

Christmas Show Rehearsal: Wednesday, December 14 at 6pm to 7pm (not a dress rehearsal).

Christmas Show: Friday, December 16.  Arrive at 5:30pm (take your children to the restroom.  Even if they say they do not have to go!)

Christmas Break: Monday, December 19 Returning Tuesday, January 3

Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
Currency – Identifying coins and bills

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Using a ruler (inches and centimeter)

Synonym Of The Week: No Synonym Of The Week

Sight Words Of The Week: No Sight Word Of The Week

Show me the money!

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

I am not sure. I did not ask. I did not want to know.
A lot of pink and a lot of sass.
You should have seen the other guy.
Just checking each other out, I guess.

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (Donuuuts):

Peek In Our Week ||| Thee Buckeye Room ||| Week Of November 7, 2022

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
  We traveled back in time and discovered some fascinating things about certain dinosaurs.  We learned that dinosaurs no longer exist and that they are extinct.  We know dinosaurs exist because scientist found their bones or fossils.  From these fossil we saw that some teeth were long and sharp to tear flesh from it’s prey which belonged to meat eaters or carnivores (T Rex).  Some teeth were flat for grinding plants, leaves, and branches and belonged to plant eaters or herbivores (Brachiosauras).

Who remembers Dinosaurs?  Not the Momma!

Our little Paleontologists. Wasn’t Ross on Friends one of these?

Did You Know?
The “German” part of German chocolate cake comes from an American man—not a European country. Specifically, it’s named after Sam German, who in 1852 created the formula for a mild dark baking chocolate bar for Baker’s Chocolate Company, which was subsequently named Baker’s German’s Sweet Chocolate. Fast-forward to June 13, 1957. The Dallas Morning Star published the recipe for the cake, invented and submitted by a reader identified as Mrs. George Clay, according to What’s Cooking America.

Message From Mr. John (I Love What I Do):

Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean)

Know Your Languages (Korean):

Specials Spot (Art):

Pin pricking is good for fine motor skills.

November Birthdays:
A Montessori classroom has mixed ages from 3 to 6. Here are our newest 4 and 6 year old students.

He is holding up 6 in sign language.

Peek In The Classroom:

She is working on exchanging 10 units for 1 ten, 10 tens for 1 hundred, and 10 hundreds for 1 thousand. Did you guess the magic number is 10?
Sorting is an activity students begin to enjoy as they enter the sensitive period for order. In a world so big, order gives them a sense of control and comfort. One way children create order is through categorizing, or sorting.
The key purpose of the Moveable Alphabet is to prepare children for writing, reading, and spelling. The child’s use of the material progresses from single words, to phrases, and eventually to stories. In this way, the Moveable Alphabet teaches children how to symbolize their own thoughts, and begin to write creatively.
My readers doing an impromptu reading session.

Peek Into Next Week:
Letter Of The Week- M m

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bop

Next Language is Hungarian

Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
Telling Time To the Quarter Past

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Currency, Bills and Coins

Synonym Of The Week: No Synonym of the week this week

Sight Words Of The Week: been down

Kinder Strong

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, November 23 to Sunday (Returning Monday, November 29)

Bring Your Parent To Work:

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

A rite of passage… Losing teeth.
Finally another racoon.
He was guarding his birthday donuts from Mr. John.
Her shirt…. Geez does she have it right.

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (My Dogs):

Peek In Our Week === Thee Buckeye Room === Week Of October 31, 2022

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Arachnids, Insects, Invertebrates-
This week we broke away from vertebrates and looked at some invertebrates. Namely, insects, arachnids, and some other invertebrates. We learned that insects have a head, thorax, abdomen, six legs, and two antennae. Some examples of insects are the ladybug, bee, butterfly, and ants. Arachnids are a bit different and have a fused head and thorax (called a cephalothorax) and an abdomen. Some arachnids include spiders, ticks, and scorpions.  

The ant from The Ant and the Aardvark.

The Curious
The happy
The unsure
This shirt was apropos for this week’s theme.

Did You Know? (What is that dot?)
So why is there a dot above the lowercase i and j? This diacritical mark is also called a tittle and it exists to help the reader easily distinguish them from other letterforms.

I present to you the tittle.

Message From Mr. John (Shorts in Winter):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 15 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew)

Know Your Languages (Hebrew):

Specials Spotlight (Music):

Children love music and movement in Music class.

Peek In The Classroom:

There has been an influx of interest in creating different designs with the Red Rods and Number Rods. This is called an extension.
Proud students displaying their extension/creation with said Red Rods, Number Rods, and other materials. In a Montessori environment, an “extension” is when a child takes a known material or activity and explores it in a new way. Sometimes this includes combining materials to make new connections and discoveries.
This boy is working on his skills with the consonant blends of ch, sh, and th.
She is mastering composing numbers using the Ten board. This reinforces the correlation between quantity and symbol from 11 to 99.
He is working on the Stamp Game. The Stamp Game is a Montessori maths material used by an individual child to practice the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It is a wonderfully simple but effective learning from home option that, once presented to your child correctly, they can work on independently.
She is working on the Trinomial Cube found in the Sensorial area. The direct purpose of the binomial and trinomial cubes is for the child to practice the steps to properly disassemble and build the cube, while refining dexterity and visual acuity.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time: Dinosaurs

Letter Of The Week- L l

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bot

Next Language is Korean

Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme: Telling Time To the Half Hour

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Telling Time to the Quarter Past

Synonym Of The Week: OLD- ancient, elderly, used, seasoned, mature

Sight Words Of The Week: said by

Who knows what they were doing ?

Upcoming Events:
Bring Your Parent To Work:

P/T CONFERENCES- Friday, November, 11, 2022 (follow the link to sign up!/showSignUp/4090B48A8A92DA6F94-20224)                                                         **** NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ****

THANKSGIVING BREAK- Wednesday, November 24 to Sunday November 28 (returning Monday, November 29)

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

He asked me to take his picture. How could I resist?
He was trying not to laugh with some kind of odd photobomb.
It is all about fashion.
Ya shoulda seen the other guy!

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (My dogs) :

Peek In Our Week ^^^ Thee Buckeye Room ^^^ Week Of October 24, 2022

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Birds– This week we learned about what makes a bird a bird. We learned a bird is a vertebrate and is warm blooded. A bird is born from a hard shelled egg and has feathers. Not all birds can fly and the ones that can not fly are called flightless birds which include penguins, ostriches, and the dodo bird. The jury is still out if chickens can fly.

Cute and cuddly, boys, cute and cuddly

Did You Know? What’s the diff?
Curtains and Drapes-
Curtains are fabric panels used to cover windows, and are generally cut to fit a window or drop a few inches below it. Drapes are also fabric panels but are generally made from thicker fabrics and cut to floor length or to slightly puddle on the floor.

Message From Mr. John (Thank You!):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 14 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog,)

Know Your Languages (Tagalog):


We learnedca little bit about 5he Hindu holiday of Diwali. Diwali is India’s biggest and most important holiday of the year. Also known as the festival of lights, the holiday celebrates light prevailing over darkness, or good prevailing over evil. The festival is starts on Oct. 24 and celebrated over five days, and it is associated with the Hindu goddess of wealth.

Specials Spot (Science):

The students are anticipating for the books to squash the cylinder in Science “Cylinder Strength”

Trunk or Treat:

Going Ons In The Nature Center (baby roaches):

This is what happens when a girl roach and a boy roach like each other.

Peek In The Classroom:

She is working on the Sandpaper letters found in the language area. Here she is matching pictures (beginning sounds) to the appropriate letter).
This boy is working on a rhyming work involving consonant blends.
This boy is working on a Math material named Cards and Counters. The Cards and Counters bring an abstract and concrete concept to this math activity. The cards and counters reinforces the knowledge that each number is made up of separate quantities. The child will see the sequence of numbers and how many separate units go to form each number.
She is proudly showing me her tracing activity which is practice for writing in cursive.

Peek Into Next Week: Dinosaurs

Letter Of The Week- K k

Rhyming Word Of The Week- ox

Next Language is Hebrew

Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
Telling Time To the half hour

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Telling time to the quarter past

Synonym Of The Week: NEW, novel, fresh, original, current, unused

Sight Words Of The Week: how each

Kinders showing me their favorite time (to the hour).

Upcoming Events:
Bring Your Parent To Work:

P/T CONFERENCES- Friday, November, 11, 2022 (follow the link to sign up!/showSignUp/4090B48A8A92DA6F94-20224)                                                         **** NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ****

THANKSGIVING BREAK- Wednesday, November 24 to Sunday November 28 (returning Monday, November 29)

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Twins! Did they plan this?
Gearing up for Halloween.
BFFs. Strong friendships are formed in the classroom.
Just a cool kid posing for the camera

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (My dog Cujo):

Peek In Our Week … Thee Buckeye Room … Week Of October 17, 2022

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
We learned fish are vertebrates or they have a backbone or a spine.  They are cold blooded (their body temperature changes to the temperature around them) and have slimy and scaly skin.  The unique thing about fish is that some fish are born alive and some fish are born with jelly eggs.  Some examples of fish are Trout, Bass, Sharks, and Swordfish.  And one more important point is that fish live in water.

Jabber Jaw

Did You Know?
It is physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.
This is because the average upper arm is too long for our tongues to be able to reach our elbows. Go on, try it. 

Message From Mr. John (Do you believe in the jinx?):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 13 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish).

Know Your Languages (Swedish):

Specials Spot (Science/Density): Be sure to look in Transparent Classroom for more pictures of science.

Shake shake shake, shake your bottle (tune to KC and The Sunshine Band song). Oil and water do not mix and oil is less dense than water.
I challenged my students if they shake the bottle and it remained mixed for ten minutes I would give them a dollar. Wow! That caused a stir and some would say… chaos!!!

Peek In The Classroom:

He is working on the Number Rods. The Number Rods introduce the child to quantity 1–10 and their corresponding number names. Through exploration with the material, the child also develops concepts in sequence of number, combinations of 10 and basic arithmetic. The material consists of 10 wooden rods, divided into units by alternating colors of red and blue, progressing in 10 equal steps.
He is working on the South American puzzle map that is found in the Cultural Subject area. Maps are used in every type of classroom to help students memorize continents and countries, but memorization is only one benefit. Montessori students use these maps to gain a deeper, more rich understanding of how countries fit together and their relative sizes.
This boy traced the continent of South America, colored and labeled the countries.
These girls traced, colored, and labeled different animals. This activity enhances concentration and fine motor skills.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Birds

Letter Of The Week- J j

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bip

Next Language is Tagalog

Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:
This week we talked about the parts of plants, arachnids, and  insects.

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Telling Time To The Hour

Synonym Of The Week: COLD: freezing, chilly, frigid, frozen, cool  

Sight Words Of The Week: use your

Just some cool Kindergarten Students

Upcoming Events:
Halloween Party/Trunk or Treat: 
Friday, October 28, 2022 (details in email)

Bring Your Parent To Work:

P/T CONFERENCES- Friday, November, 11, 2022 (follow the link to sign up!/showSignUp/4090B48A8A92DA6F94-20224)                                                         **** NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ****

THANKSGIVING BREAK- Wednesday, November 24 to Sunday November 28 (returning Monday, November 29)

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

The dreaded Orange Eyes
This guy is being stealth.
Goofy faces in thee Buckeye Room
If I did this I’d be in traction in the ER.

Your Child Says The Darndest Things (My sick dog):

Peek In Our Week %%% Thee Buckeye Room %%% Week Of October 10, 2022

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:

Amphibians- This week we looked at the Amphibian.  We talked about how the Amphibians are vertebrates, cold blooded (the body temperature changes to the temperature that surrounds the amphibian), their skin is soft and moist, and they are born from jelly eggs.  Some examples of Amphibians are toads, frogs, and salamanders.  We learned that the term amphibian means of two worlds.  Amphibians are born in the water but live their life on land.  Below is the ever so popular frog ichigan J. Frog…

After 50+ years this still makes me laugh.

Did You Know?: 

Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

Weird Scenes Inside The Goldmine:

Cultural Subjects:

Your children can now count to ten in 12 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian).

Know you Languages (Romanian):

Enrichments (Sign Language):

Parents volunteering to teach ASL

Peek In The Classroom:

He is working on the Movable Alphabet which is a work in the Language area. The moveable alphabet is a key material used in the Montessori approach to reading and writing. The moveable alphabet gives a child the ability to express himself in written words, without being able to hold and write with a pencil.
Ms. Angela working on the Brown Stairs with an audience.
He is working on the Number Rods found in the Math area. This activity teaches the child the concept of quantities 1 – 10 and their names.
This student is practicing pouring with a funnel. Look at his concentration.

Peek Into Next Week:

Line Time- Fish

Letter Of The Week- I i

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bin

Next Language is Swedish

Academic Enrichment:

Weekly Theme: This week we looked at the five animals which are mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and birds. Look at the fancy dancy chart showing what makes that certain animal that certain animal.

Kinders pretending to be their favorite animals.

Next Week:

Weekly Theme: Parts Of Plants, Arachnids, and Insects

Synonym Of The Week: HOT, burning, scorching, blazing, boiling, sizzling

Sight Words Of The Week: she were

Upcoming Events:

Bring Your Parent To School-

Trunk Or Treat- Friday, October 28, 2022 (details in email)

P/T CONFERENCES- Friday, November, 11, 2022 (details to follow)   ****NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ****

THANKSGIVING BREAK- Wednesday, November 24 to Sunday November 28 (returning Monday, November 29)

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

These are not shorts but sweat pants pulled up. He is resisting cold weather.
He looked different… His ears were lowered? NO He wasn’t wearing his glasses? NO He shaved his mustache? NO Oh, he got a hair cut!
You should have seen the other guy.
Older student are guiding a younger student.

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (Mom and Dad):


Peek In Our Week /// Thee Buckeye Room /// Week Of September 26, 2022

The Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
This past week we learned about Mammals.  Mammals are vertebrates (have a spine or backbone), warm blooded (their body temperature does not change), have hair or fur, live bearers, and eat/drink mother’s milk when young.  Some mammals live in the water such as dolphins and whales.  The only mammal that can fly is the bat! Cats, dogs, elephants, and rats are mammals.  Oh, and people are mammals as well. “Are we not men? We are MAMMALS………. “

I have to do this every year…. If you want to play Six Degrees Of Separation for DEVO, Mark Mothersbaugh’s (front man for DEVO) brother does the confirmation classes for my church.  Also, I do childcare at the church and I have cared for his niece’s children.  I know useless but interesting information.  Bonus trivia: Mark Mothersbaugh went to Woodridge High School.

Did you know?
Since football season is upon us it would be apropos to share this knowledge of the defensive term of “Blitz”.  The term “Blitz” comes from the German word blitzkrieg, which means, “lightning war.” In World War II, the Germans employed this tactic which emphasized mobile forces attacking with speed and surprise.

A Message From Mr. John (I got nothing):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 10 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian).

Know Your Languages (Italian):

Enrichments (Music):

In music the children are playing Freeze March.

Peek In The Classroom:

She is working on her consonant blends.
The Addition Strip Board helps a child understand basic addition, and prepares a child for more abstract math. The set contains: a wooden board (12 squares by 18 squares) with the numerals 1-18 printed across the top; a wooden box contains 9 red wooden strips and 9 blue wooden strips of varying lengths both printed with the numerals 1 to 9.
A child watches another student peel carrots. A part of learning in a Montessori classroom is simply observing.
Ms. Angela giving a lesson on the Sandpaper Letters.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Reptiles

Letter Of The Week- G g

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bid

Next Language is Russian

Academic Enrichment aka kindergarten:
Biggest to smallest where we live- We discovered we live in the vast galaxy of the Milky Way (not the candy bar), then we are still in space and live in a group of planets called The Solar System. Then the planet we live is the planet Earth.  Once we touched down we found we live in the Northwestern Hemisphere and live on the continent of North America.  Once we found land we live in the country of The United States Of America and live in the great state of Ohio (Go Buckeyes).  We all live in Summit County but live in different cities and have different addresses and phone numbers. What a journey it was!

Kindergarten students pointing at their fave kindergarten teacher.

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Landforms

Synonym Of The Week: ACTIVE: lively, energetic, dynamic, vigorous

Sight Words Of The Week: you his

Upcoming Events:
Halloween Party/Trunk or Treat: Friday October, 28, 2022 —– Details coming soon

Frolic, Friends, and Fun:

By the look of his shirt this boy really enjoyed his lunch.
Yah shouldah seen the udder guy.
Free chiropractic care.
Cutey Patooties

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (Grandma, Panera, and Chocolate):

Peek In Our Week @@@ Thee Buckeye Room @@@ Week Of September 19, 2022

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Living and Non-Living-  This week we talked about living and non-living things. Your children now know what makes a living thing.  All living things reproduce, grow, eat or take in nutrients, breathe or exchange gases, and need water. We are all in agreement that plants, animals, trees, grass, are living things!  My shoe is not a living thing nor am I at 5:00 am.  Some of the parents are not living until they have had their coffee.  My youngest son’s shoes may or may not be living.  I do not get close enough to tell due to the smell and I may have seen them move on their own….  Boys that are 16 years old, SMH.

Fun Fact:
People used to say “prunes” instead of “cheese” when having their pictures taken

In the 1840s, a big—dare I say, cheesy—grin was seen as childish, so one London photographer told people to say “prunes” to keep their mouths taut. And that look predated today’s “fish face”

A Message From Mr. John (where are my stinkin speakers??????):

Klipsch RP-6000 M Towers

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 9 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with Lebanese dialect)

Know Your Languages (Arabic with Lebanese dialect):

Enrichments (Art):

Students painted their water gardens inspired by Monet.

Peek In The Classroom:

This student is working on the Number rods found in the Math area. The Number Rods help children learn the names of numbers and their sequence and learn to correctly associate between the spoken number and its quantity. Children grow to understand that each rod represents a unique quantity and that each number is represented by a single object as a whole, separate from others.
This student is rolling her work mat. These mats are an integral part of Montessori learning. A simple task like rolling and unrolling mats is one of the first skills taught to new students. Children learn this intentional skill quickly, building a child’s confidence in their ability to perform classroom tasks early on.
It is in the Practical Life area where children learn the foundation for all other areas of the classroom, what you may have heard us refer to as O-C-C-I, which stands for orderconcentration, coordination and independence.  While the activities may appear simple, they are highly purposeful, and can be quite complicated with many steps.  It is in Practical Life children learn the basics of self-care, care of the environment, and activities that encompass everyday living, or “domestic curriculum.”
To make the child familiar with the different categories of numbers, especially with regard to reading the symbols. To give the child the wording of large numbers For the hierarchy of numbers, that is, that while the significant figure are always from 1 to 9, it is the place they occupy in the complex number which gives them the importance of 1, 10, 100 or 1000. For the fact that in a large number made up of two or more categories, the zero merely shows an empty place. That is, that one of the categories is lacking (in 1065, for instance, the hundreds are missing). For the fact that only 9 of each category are necessary to form any number.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Mammals

Letter Of The Week- F f

Rhyming Word Of The Week- big

Next Language is Italian

Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:
Since we live in the great state of Ohio I felt it was needed to become familiar with the states that surround our home state. We started with Ohio which is the Buckeye State and the abbreviation is OH.  We then looked at the state to the east of us named Pennsylvania (not Transylvania) which is called the Keystone State and the abbreviation is PA. We traveled south and discovered West Virginia which is the Mountain State and the abbreviation is WV. Moving to the west we ran into Kentucky which is the Blue Grass State and the abbreviation is KY.  Moving more westward is Indiana or the Hoosier State (what is a Hoosier anyway?) and the abbreviation is IN.  To my chagrin I introduced the students to TSUN.  I can not bring myself to even say the name….  xichigan  wolverine state.  

Let us end not on a low note like the last sentence in the previous paragraph and present the “official” things for the state of Ohio…

Mammal: White Tail Deer
Fossil: Trilobite
Tree: Buckeye
Bird: Cardinal
Flower: Red Carnation
Drink: Tomato Juice
Rock Song: Hang On Sloopy

*****  Notice how most of these things refer to Buckeye Football/ being red or scarlet.  Also, why does Hang On Sloopy have importance to Buckeye Football?  *****

O-H… I-O

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: From biggest to smallest and smallest to biggest (Milky Way to your street address).

Synonym Of The Week: SAD: miserable, gloomy, depressing, downtrodden, glum, unhappy

Sight Words Of The Week: from he

Upcoming Events:
Ramseyer Farms:
Friday September 30, 2022 — Wear RED!!!

Frolic, Friends, and Fun:

Two students enjoying snack
Her thought bubble is saying “I don’t know”
I think they were dancing.
You shouldah seen the other guy!

Your Child says The Darndest Things (little brothers, geeesh):

The photo bomb guy is a little bro, can’t you tell? lol

Peek In Our Week ^^^ Thee Buckeye Room ^^^ Week Of September 5, 2022

Line Time:
Healthy Habits-  
This week we learned how stay healthy.  We learned that we need to wash our hands thoroughly and keep our whole bodies clean by taking shower, baths, washing our hair, and brushing our teeth.  We now know how long to wash our hands by singing the ABC’s which is a good idea but we decided it would be too difficult to sing while brushing out teeth. Another way to keep healthy is to cover our sneezes and coughs with the inside of our elbow to trap germs from flying all over the place. Another healthy habit is to get enough sleep to rest our bodies and our minds. Exercise such as running, biking, climbing, and even walking leads to a healthy body and mind.  We discovered if we eat healthy food like fruits, vegetables, protein, and limited sweets that is good for our bodies.  More on that next week.

A Message From Mr. John (What you talkin about Willis?):

Fun Fact:
Honeybees flap their wings 230 times every second. That is A LOT of cardio!!!!

Notice the 80’s leg warmers???

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 6 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French)  Also, I will be posing a video with the language added for that week.   Oh ya, take a gander at the video below.

Know Your Languages (Greek):

Lets grab a gyro (pronounced year-o)

New Addition to the Classroom/ Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches:

My lovely

Enrichments (Science):

Me losing control of the situation, lol

Peek In The Classroom:

He is working on the Trinomial Cube found in the Sensorial area. The direct aim of the binomial and trinomial cubes is for the child to practice the steps to properly disassemble and build the cube, while refining dexterity and visual acuity.
The Number Rods also help children learn the names of numbers and their sequence and learn to correctly associate between the spoken number and its quantity. Children grow to understand that each rod represents a unique quantity and that each number is represented by a single object as a whole, separate from others.
The constructive triangles are used to demonstrate that all plane geometric figures can be constructed from triangles.
The direct purpose of the Sandpaper Numbers is to teach children the symbols that represent each number, allowing them to visually identify any number from 0 – 9. In Montessori education this is specifically taught separately to counting from 0 – 9, where children often fall back on rote memorization.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Food Groups

Letter Of The Week- D d

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bag

Next Language is Japanese

Upcoming Events:
Picture Day:
Wednesday September 21, 2022

Just In… Ramseyer Farms on Friday, September 30, 2022.   

Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:
The kindergarten students and I went over hemispheres, The Equator, and The Prime Meridian.  Actually, the hemispheres are made by The Equator and the Prime Meridian.  The North and South Hemisphere are created by The Equator and the East and West Hemisphere are created by the Prime Meridian.  We delved further and identified the Northwestern, Northeastern, Southwestern, and Southeastern Hemispheres.  That was not as daunting as one would expect.

Just a really nice picture of the kinders

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: North America/surrounding waters/bordering countries

Synonym Of The Week: SLOW, unhurried, gradual, sluggish, stagnant, lethargic

Sight Words Of The Week: see her

Frolic, Friends, and Fun:

Muscle men!
A penny for your thoughts
OH… they know what a camera is for.
Hammin it up

Your Child says The Dardest Things (Didn’t your mom say NOT to put things up your nose?):