Peek In Our Week {}{}{} Thee Buckeye Room {}{}{} Week Of May 16, 2020

Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Animals Groups- This week we talked about what groups of animals are called.  Here is a list of what we learned…

Pack of dogs
Muster of peacocks
Pride of lions
Gaggle of geese
Murder of crows
School of fish
Pod of dolphins
Heard of cows, horses, and elephants
CONGRESS of Baboons
Mischief of rats (I am tearing)
Not a Flock Of Seagulls (I ran) but a colony of seagulls
And we have a sorority of female Bettas in the room!


I could not get a good shot of my sorority and mine isn’t this impressive.
What do you call a group of children? A stomach ulcer. JK, hehe I love your children!!!


Did You Know? (Tires… Who? What?  Read and it will make sense):
If you could win a million dollars just by answering the question “Who is the world’s largest manufacturer of tires?” what would your guess be? Michelin? Goodyear? Bridgestone? Those are all good tries, but they’re all wrong. Surprised?

Well you’ll be even more surprised to know which company does make the most tires every year. It’s LEGO.  That’s right. Since 2011, LEGO has held the Guinness World Record for being the world’s largest tire manufacturer.  “The largest annual volume toy tire manufacturer ever,” and though it includes the specification of “toy,” the numbers surpass regular tire manufacturers.  This is really a bit of a misnomer.

Ooooooooo Grave Digger



A Message From Mr. John (Six steps of separation/Jerry Seinfeld edition):


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 27 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Irish, Kiswahili, Irish, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay, Farsi, Turkish).



Do you see how mean my coworkers are? They said no donuts unless I wear the sash. YOY!


Enrichments (Science/Soup Souflette):

These boys are touching a piece of soup/Ivory after it has been microwaved for a little over a minute. It went in as a solid piece of soap and came out fluffy.


Peek In The Classroom: 

Angela creating a buzz when presenting new materials to the students.


He is working on the Movable Alphabet found in the Language area. The key purpose of the Moveable Alphabet is to prepare children for writing, reading, and spelling. The child’s use of the material progresses from single words, to phrases, and eventually to stories. In this way, the Moveable Alphabet teaches children how to symbolize their own thoughts, and begin to write creatively.


This boy is making sure the correct number of Field Trip Forms were given to us. Ms. Sandy was without error handing them out.


In this early math activity, the child uses coloured bead bars that represent the quantities: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. Each bar’s length contains as many beads as its corresponding number. The child uses these bead bars to make combinations that equal 10.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Solar System

Letter Of The Week- Uu

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bec


Academic Enrichment:
Line Time: We added the interjection to our plethora parts of speech. YIKES!

We practiced writing sentences in cursive.

Next Week’s Lesson:
Weekly Theme: Capitalization/Punctuation (end of a sentence)

Synonym Of The Week: SNEAKY, underhanded, dishonest, tricky, secretive, sly

Sight Words Of The Week: there their

You Know the saying “it’s like hearing cats”. This is how it feels like getting them to stand still for a picture.


Upcoming Events:
A few days off and other stuff. 

No School: Monday, May 30th (Memorial Day)

Fire Station Fieldtrip: Friday, May 27th 9:30am
Field Day/Last Day Of School: Thursday, June 2nd


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Its all about the bow!


This competition is becoming intense but I do feel defeat approaching. Notice the photo bomb?


Buds with a photobomb.


Teal Team Two




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