Peek In Our Week ||| Mr. John’s Class ||| Week of February 04, 2019

Line Time:
The class went green for the week learning about recycling, conserving energy, and pollution.  I explained that pollution was anything that made our environment dirty.  We learned there is littering.  Littering can be people throwing trash on the side of the road or dropping a candy wrapper in the woods.  We now know that we need to put trash in an appropriate container.  We learned that air pollution is created by factories’ smokestacks and cars exhaust,  but cars are just one of the factors that produce air pollution, there are also other reasons.  Water Pollution is caused by factories dumping chemicals in the water or people throwing trash in the water instead of putting it in a trash can.  The 3 R’s were introduced and now we all know to reduce, reuse and recycle!  We thought of ways to conserve energy.  We came up with turning off lights in rooms we are not in or turning off the TV if we are not watching it.  We thought of turning off the water while we are brushing our teeth or turning down the heat and wearing a sweater instead.  During the kindergarten lesson a student realized the room was just as light with the lights off as it was if the lights were on.  Now we do our kindergarten lesson without lights.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 19 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, and Welsh ) Thanks to our teachers that have taken the TEFL Thailand course we are able to teach your child a new language.


February Birthday:
A Montessori Classroom is comprised of multi aged students.  Students range from 2 1/2 to 6 years of age.  Here is our newest 5 year old!

Continue reading…

Peek In Our Week === Mr. John’s Class === Week Of January 28, 2019

Line Time:
This week we learned about Internal Organs.  We learned the brain is the control center of your body that sends and receives.  Our lungs help us breathe, the heart pumps our blood and the stomach begins to digest our food with acid.  The small intestines digest the food and send nutrients to the rest of our body and the large intestines push through the waste that creates our bowel movements (poop). The children were fascinated that our kidneys process the body’s water and the liver filters toxins, that’s why is important to take lots of water, even when you’re not home. The waste water is called urine (pee).  The children learned where the organs are located with the help of our Living Internal Organ T-shirt.  The shirt helped the children find the organs location by velcroing the organs to the spot on the t-shirt. 


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 19 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili).


Peek In Our Classroom:

Between the ages of 3 to 6, the child needs to practice, perfect, and consolidate the body’s movements. For this reason, Dr. Montessori began using the “Walking on the Line” as a Practical Life exercise. This exercise helps the child control his body, develop balance and perfect equilibrium, as well as to strengthen the mind’s control of its body’s movements. The “line” used during this exercise is a continuous and permanent shape in the environment.  During this exercise, you may want to play some soft, steady, and calm music in the background. I use Pachelbel’s Canon D Major which is exactly 5 minutes (well, 4 minutes 57 seconds but who is splitting hairs?). You can notice the “safe hands” and “bubbles” as the students walk the line



You may already know a bit about the Montessori work period, also known as the work cycle. A Montessori work cycle is an uninterrupted block of time. During this time children are able to explore the prepared environment and engage with materials of their own choosing. Walk into any Montessori classroom and you will see children completely engaged in their work. This is due to the fact that the heart of a Montessori program is the three-hour work cycle. The early childhood environment focuses on concentration, coordination, order, and independence. Therefore, children must be given the time they need to fully submerge themselves in the work in order for these traits to manifest themselves. Everything in a Montessori classroom has and educational purpose. Yes, children do what they like AND like what they do in a Montessori classroom.  Here you notice, a typical scene, (left to right)  some socializing, individual work, putting back materials/cleaning after herself, a teacher giving a lesson, and two friends working together.


Next Week:
Line Time- Pollution/Recycling

Letter Of The Week- S s

Rhyming Word Of The Week-bup

Next Language will be- Welsh

Snack will be brought to you by Ever


Upcoming Events:

<<<<<<<<  All School Dance February 9, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm  >>>>>>>


((((((((((((  Open House February 24, Sunday 2pm to 4pm  )))))))))))


—–Valentine Day Party- Friday February 15th follow the link for the information—–


***** Bring Your Parent To School ***** follow the link to sing up


—–Recess attire….  winter coat, hat, gloves or mittens that are waterproof (not cloth or yarn), boots, and snow pants! 

        If the child does not have one or all of these items they may be asked to stay in.


Fun, Frolic, and Friends:






Peek In Our Week +++ Mr. John’s Class +++ Week Of January 21, 2019

Line Time:
This week we looked at the skeletal system and if we didn’t have a skeleton we would be one messy blob on the ground (insert a flagellant sound).  We learned the skull protects our brain, the rib cage protects our lungs, and the spine keeps us sitting and standing straight.  We learned technical terms for our arms, leg and our digits which is a funny name called phalanges. We brought our life sized foam puzzle into our room.  His name is Elvis because we learned about the pelvis and it was a cool rhyming name.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 18 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, and Irish).


Guest Reader:

Pastor Kirk came into the classroom and read the story “The Wizard Of Wallaby Wallow” which is a story about just be happy being yourself.



Peek In Our Classroom:

In this photobombed picture you can see two students working with the knobless cylinders. This material is found in the Sensorial area.  Knobless cylinders is four sets of ten cylinders in each set, varying in height and/or diameter. … Blue cylinders vary in height (thickness/the diameter is the same). The purpose of these cylinders is to develop child’s fine-motor movements, concentration, hand-eye coordination, and visual perception of dimension.


this is a scene in my Practical Life area. Practical Life exercises are just that, they are exercises so the child can learn how to do living activities in a purposeful way. The purpose and aim of Practical Life is to help the child gain control in the coordination of his movement, and help the child to gain independence and adapt to his society.


Ms. Ashlie is showing a group of students an unplanned lesson something. Sometimes impromptu lessons happen in the classroom.


Last week I introduced you to the phenomenon of False fatigue and I wanted to explain a bit more. False fatigue is similar to adults taking a coffee break after working hard. If children are disrupting others, they can be quietly redirected, but too much interference actually prolongs the period of false fatigue. An experienced teacher will just observe the classroom and let the false fatigue run it’s course. This student was photographed during a false fatigue episode.



Next Week:
Line Time- Internal Organs

Letter Of The Week- R r

Rhyming Word Of The Week-but

Next Language will be- Kiswahili

Snack will be brought to you by Adelina


Upcoming Events:

<<<<<<<<  All School Dance February 9, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm  >>>>>>>

((((((((((((  Open House February 24, Sunday 2pm to 4pm  )))))))))))

—–Valentine Day Party- Friday February 15th (details to follow)

—–Recess attire….  winter coat, hat, gloves or mittens that are waterproof (not cloth or yarn), boots, and snow pants! 

        If the child does not have one or all of these items they may be asked to stay in.


Fun, Frolic, and Friends:


You should have seen the other guy.




I am Iron Man!








Peek In Our Week ….. Mr. John’s Class ….. Week Of January 14, 2019

Line Time:
To honor the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we learned a bit about his life and his accomplishments.  The students became actresses and actors as they recreated Rosa Parks making her stand on a bus in Montgomery Alabama.  The students enjoyed playing the part of the bus driver, Rosa Parks, “the mean guy”, a police officer, Martin Luther King Jr., and passengers on the bus.  We discussed our differences such as skin color, eye color, hair color, and gender.  Then we discussed how we are similar.  We talked about discrimination and segregation.  We talked about if someone with red hair wouldn’t be allowed to do art “just because” they have red hair or if anyone who had blue eyes would have to go to a different classroom with less materials, broken crayons, or no books “just because” they have blue eyes.  I had only boys fetch the chairs for the skit and brought that to the attention of the class.  We had some very sad girls…. I did let the girls take the chairs back after the skit.


Children celebrating Rosa Park’s victory where anyone can now sit anywhere they want.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 17 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, and Hungarian).


Peek In Our Classroom:

The purpose and aim of Practical Life is to help the child gain control in the coordination of his movement, and help the child to gain independence. In the Preliminary Exercises, the child learns the basic movements such as pouring, folding, and carrying. This boy is learning to use a roller and when the playdo is rolled he then uses a cookie cutter.


This student is working with the Africa puzzle map. Not only is she placing the pieces in their place but she is also tracing the countries. Tracing and coloring will strengthen her fine motor skills.


Ms. Kathleen is giving a lesson on Matching which is found in the Language area. Matching at this age is important due to common everyday activities that involve sorting are the beginning concepts of children developing math skills. Children continue sorting and classifying by organizing their understanding of language, people and objects in their environment.


This may look like a Duck and Cover drill but it is actually a student feeling the effects of False Fatigue. False fatigue is a Montessori phenomenon that takes place in EVERY Montessori school. Experienced teachers realize that this phenomenon is “False Fatigue”. This is when students “check out” (roll on the floor, noise level in the room rises, or children will just loose focus).  Teachers realize that the children will return to work on their own, and their work will be at an even higher level than before. An episode of False Fatigue happens roughly the same time every day and lasts about 15 minutes. In my class False Fatigue starts around 9:55am/10:00am.


Next Week:
Line Time- Skeletal System

Letter Of The Week- Q q

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bub

Next Language will be- Irish

Snack will be brought to you by Mason


Upcoming Events:

***********   No School January 21st, Monday   ***********

<<<<<<<<  All School Dance February 9, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm  >>>>>>>

((((((((((((  Open House February 24, Sunday 2pm to 4pm  )))))))))))

—–Valentine Day Party- Friday February 15th (details to follow)

—–Recess attire….  winter coat, hat, gloves or mittens that are waterproof (not cloth or yarn), boots, and snow pants! 

        If the child does not have one or all of these items they may be asked to stay in.


Fun, Frolic, and Friends:

Each Montessori classroom is unique just as are the students in the classroom. Her sense of style is ________ (you fill in the blank).


You shoulda seen the other guy!


Meet our newest student, Dorothy.


It is a diverse crowd.









Peek Into Our Week // Mr. John’s Class // Week of January 7, 2019

Line Time:
We started to learn about our body and how it works.  We learned about our five senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste).  Did you know you can “feel” with any part of your body? Of course parents know that.  Who has not stepped on a Lego in bare feet and screamed in pain? But we associate touch with our fingers (hot/cold, hard/soft, rough/smooth).  We hear loud noises, quiet noises, high and low noises, “Are we there yet?”.  We need light to see and if we close our eyes we can’t see.  The lights being turned on at 5 am on a Saturday morning.   There are good smells like cinnamon, vanilla and bad smells like a dirty diaper and vinegar.  My favorite was the taste test where we tasted sweet (sugar water), salty (salt water), sour (pure lemon juice), and bitter (unsweetened baking chocolate).  The children enjoyed “most” of the tastes.  Hehe!!!!

The mad dash to discard the bitter bakers chocolate.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, and Korean).


Guest Readers:

A first grader from Dunbar read Twinkle Little Star.


Pastor Kirk read a story about treating people with respect.


A Montessori classroom consists of multi age students.  Here are our newest 4,5 year old students (January Babies): 






Peek In Our Classroom:

This is an example of an older student giving a lesson to a younger student. As with all Montessori sensorial materials, the trinomialcube has a purpose. The direct purpose of the trinomial cubes is for the child to practice the steps to properly disassemble and build the cube, while refining dexterity and visual acuity.


These students are working on the Mystery Bag found in the sensorial area. The purpose of the activity is to help children develop their stereognostic sense, our ability to identify objects based on touch alone, and support their material visualization.


Ms. Ashlie is working on rhyming words material found in the Language area and the presentation is drawing a crowd. The ability to recognize and produce rhyming words is an important phonological awareness skill. Research indicates there is a correlation between phonological awareness and reading ability. Working on rhyming skills is usually part of most programs of reading instruction for that reason.


This boy is working on The Memory Game which is found in the Math area. The aim is to train the child’s memory by asking him to retain a numerical symbol in his mind. To help the child transfer the knowledge of the numbers o to 10 from the “specific” material to the objects of daily life. The child is shown a symbol (number) and he goes to another part of the room to retrieve that number of sticks.


Next Week:
Line Time- MLK/ Diversity

Letter Of The Week- P p

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bun

Next Language will be- Hungarian

Snack will be brought to you by Rosella


Upcoming Events:

***********   No School Monday 21st   ***********

—–Valentine Day Party- Friday February 15th (details to follow)

—–Recess attire….  winter coat, hat, gloves or mittens that are waterproof (not cloth or yarn), boots, and snow pants! 

        If the child does not have one or all of these items they may be asked to stay in.


Fun, Frolic, and Friends:


I have new glasses                                 I got a new ‘do…. bangs!


Too cute                                                            You should have seen the other guy.












Peek In Our Week — Mr. John’s Class — Week Of December 17, 2018

Line Time:
This week we learned about Christmas around the world and how different countries celebrate Christmas.  In Italy many children believe in Befana which is a kind old witch that leaves candy at children’s houses.  In England Christmas crackers (not a food) are used.  They are small tubes covered with colorful paper and when pulled a crack noise is made and a small toy and a joke falls out.  The Germans call the Christmas tree the Tannenbaum.  In France they say Joyeux Noel which means Happy Christmas.  In Sweden have St. Lucia Day on December 13th.  St Lucia was a young Christian girl who lived  circa 304. The most common story told about St Lucia is that she would secretly bring food 
to Christians in Rome, who lived in hiding in the catacombs under the city. She would wear candles on her head so she had both her hands free to carry things. Lucy means ‘light’ so this is a very appropriate name.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 15 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, and Hebrew).


Guest Reader:
Pastor Kirk read a story about a Christmas Tree that was not perfectly formed. 


Peek In Our Classroom:

Beginning handwriting exercises include tracing. She is tracing her line time name tag. Students like to trace and collect their name tags or they trace the name and give it that particular student.


This boy is working on the metal insets (aka metal insects, hehe). The purposes of this material ( and there are a lot) is grip and hold the pencil (and hold the pencil upright), refine hand control to steady the pencil, develop movements of straight and curved lines, in preparation for letter formation or a continual line which can assist with cursive. Develop hand-eye coordination, to make small coordinated movements, develop fine muscles in the hand but also the larger muscles required for sitting and maintaining posture for writing, and focus the mind, develop and strengthen the child’s concentration. Make movements up and down and left to right (when filling in or shading), this is significant when reading and writing, practice order, repetition, and memory recall, develop geometric sense including the name of each shape, how it is constructed, how it looks when turned or moved, how it relates to other shapes.  **** We got our money’s worth out of this material ****


This student is working on the construction boxes. This material(s) is found in the Sensorial Area. The use of the shapes and vivid color attracts the student to this material. The aims for this material is Direct- To show that by joining together different triangles, four-sided figures are formed.  Indirect- Preparation for geometry: to show that all plane figures constructed with straight lines are composed of triangles.




This student just completed and mastered the Color Bead Bars found in the Math area. This material reinforces the relationship between quantity and symbol (the number). Each bead is colored which is attractive to the student and each color has a different physical quantity. She just matched the bead to the corresponding number.  *** Look how proud she is as looks upon her work ****


Next Week:
Line Time- The 5 Senses

Letter Of The Week- O o

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bug

Next Language will be- Korean

Snack will be brought to you by Josie


Upcoming Events:

****************  Winter Break: December 22, Saturday through January 6, Sunday  ****************

                                         — Have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season —  



Fun, Frolic, and Friends:



Buddies just hanging out.


My Lunch Bunch













Peek In Our Week | Mr. John’s Class | Week Of December 10, 2018

Line Time:
Practiced for the Christmas Show.  A lot of blood, sweat, and of course, tears.  I want to thank Kathleen and Ashlie who were in charge of the show. But how cute was it and what a great job by those kiddos!  The picked the songs and got the students prepared!


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 13 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, and Tagolog).


December Birthday:
A Montessori Classroom is comprised of multi aged students.  Students range from 2 1/2 to 6 years of age.  Here is our newest 4 year old!


Peek In Our Classroom:

This student is still in a Sensitive Period (Sensorial Extensions). He combined and found the relationship between two materials. Sesnitive Period-Montessori sensitive periods refer to a period of time when a child’s interests are focused on developing a particular skill or knowledge area. During what Maria Montessori describes as the child’s absorbent mind, birth to age 6, is when most sensitive periods occur. Extension-Montessori extension lessons offer additional experiences that increasingly become more complex and abstract than the baseline concept.


These children are doing a matching activity. Children continue sorting and classifying by organizing their understanding of language, people and objects in their environment. This process of making sense of the environment is a child’s first step in the math activities of matching, sorting and classifying.


This student is reading as story about a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly. This caterpillar is named Gus.


This boy is teaching younger students how to work with Color Box 3. A box with 9 partitions, each partition holding 7 tablets in shades of one color. Seven shades of each of the following: crimson red, scarlet red (both shading to pink), blue, yellow, purple, green, orange, brown, and grey. There is only a slight difference between any two shades in succession in order to educate the eyes to see very slight variations of hue. This helps in identifying letters and numbers that look similar (2/5, 6/9, b/d, p/q).


Next Week:
Line Time- Christmas 

Letter Of The Week- Giving the students a break before break

Rhyming Word Of The Week- Giving the students a break before break

Next Language will be – Giving the students a break before break

Snack will be brought to you by Cam Jam


Upcoming Events:
12/21/2018– Pajama Day and  Show and Tell.  We will supply a Pizza Lunch since we won the box tops.


**************  December 22, Saturday through January 6, Sunday Winter Break **************


Fun, Frolic, and Friends:

You should have seen the other guy… no, it’s just ry with a stye on his eye.










Peek In Our Week | Mr. John’s Class | Week of December 3, 2018

Line Time:
We will be practicing for the Christmas Program.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 13 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, and Tagolog).


Peek In Our Classroom:

Same boy, different material/ extension. This boy is in a Sensitive Period where he loves working in the Sensorial Area particularly making creations (extensions). Montessori sensitive periods refer to a period of time when a child’s interests are focused on developing a particular skill or knowledge area. During what Maria Montessori describes as the child’s absorbent mind, birth to age 6, is when most sensitive periods occur.


During inclement weather we put on kid’s yoga or kid exercise videos and the students love to follow along, sometimes we go to the mma gyms for kids and they completely love it. Working on gross motor skills helps a child gain strength and confidence in his/her body. It also helps them get exercise and physical activity, which is important for a healthy lifestyle, our teacher has been trained by the best PE coaching companies, she knows what the proper exercises are for a toddler. Developing these skills helps a childs ability to do more complex skills in future activities, such as playing soccer with a team.


This boy discovered that the difference in size per block is the size of the smallest piece of the Pink Tower.

The aim for the Pink Tower:
-Visual discrimination of dimensions.

– Refinement of voluntary movement by placing the cubes one on top of the other with one single movement of the hand.
While doing this movement, the child is refining visual-motor coordination and is called upon to concentrate.
– Preparation for mathematics.


Friends working on Knobbless Cylinders. The aim of these cylinders is to develop child’s fine-motor movements, concentration, hand-eye coordination, and visual perception of dimension. The material also provides experiences of seriation and gives the child basic language important in math.


Next Week:
Line Time- Christmas Show Practice

Letter Of The Week- No Letter of the Week  due to Christmas Show Practice.

Rhyming Word Of The Week- No Rhyming Word of the Week  due to Christmas Show Practice.

Next Language will be – No Language of the Week due to Christmas Show Practice.

Snack will be brought to you by Finn


Upcoming Events:
12/12/2018 Wednesday—  Practice for Christmas Show at Cuyahoga Falls High School 6pm

12/14/2018 Friday– Christmas Show at Cuyahoga Falls High School 6pm  ((( All students to be picked up by 3:15 )))

12/21/2018– Pajama Day and  Show and Tell.  We will supply a Pizza Lunch since we won the box tops.


**** Student attire for the Christmas Show is white tops with gray or navy blue pants/stockings or tights. ****


**************  December 22, Saturday through January 6, Sunday Winter Break **************


Fancy dancy crazy curls and making crazy face


  • H (squared)


Ms. Kathleen working with a child on What Goes Together Cards.


Christmas Show practice



Peek Into Our Week ### Mr. John’s Class ### Week Of November 26, 2018

Line Time:

We will be practicing for the Christmas Program.

I’m still savoring the victory!


Second most point xichigan has given up, ever!


Enough said!


That “Revenge Tour” was cancelled November 24, 2018 in Columbus Ohio. As this guy’s shirt says Final Stop in Columbus, LOL

Go Buckeyes Beat Northwestern!

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 13 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, and Tagolog).


Peek In Our Classroom:

Two buddies working on the Pink Tower and Brown Stairs. Unfortunately, Joseph is moving and we have to say good bye.  🙁



If you remember this boy was featured in the last few blogs working on Sensorial Extensions. He has continued to work on these extensions and creating multiple creations. Once again, this is an example of being in a Sensitive Period. Let’s see if he will continue with this interest next week.


This girl is working on a beginning material in the Language Area, Matching Picture to Picture. It allows a child to demonstrate their knowledge. Activities like this can also be lessons in vocabulary, for a child matching animals this is also an opportunity for the child to demonstrate their knowledge in the names of the animals and can be a great conversation starter for the student and teacher which can develop into a lesson on animals (where they live, if they are a mammal, etc).


These two girls are working on the Africa puzzle map. They are working together by tracing and coloring the individual countries of Africa. I like the team work and how this activity turned into an activity that helps the fine motor skills and handwriting.


Next Week:
Line Time- Christmas Show Practice

Letter Of The Week- No Letter of the Week  due to Christmas Show Practice.

Rhyming Word Of The Week- No Rhyming Word of the Week  due to Christmas Show Practice.

Next Language will be – No Language of the Week due to Christmas Show Practice.

Snack will be brought to you by Henry


Upcoming Events:
12/12/2018 Wednesday—  Practice for Christmas Show at Cuyahoga Falls High School 6pm

12/14/2018 Friday– Christmas Show at Cuyahoga Falls High School 6pm  ((( All students to be picked up by 3:15 )))

12/21/2018– Pajama Day and  Show and Tell.  We will supply a Pizza Lunch since we won the box tops.


**********  December 22, Saturday through January 6, Sunday Winter Break **********



Telling secrets?


Muscle Man


Long time friends


She knows what a camera is for.


It looks like both are pained but they really were happy to take this picture.








Peek In Our Week *** Mr. John’s Class *** Week Of November 19, 2018

Line Time:

We read the story Stone Soup to get the children familiar with our own concoction of Stone Soup.  I do thank all the parents that contributed and helped out.  We told what we are thankful for and we watched a few Buckeye Football videos and learned about the tradition of Script Ohio for The Game.  Go Buckeyes Beat xichigan


                                                  Buckeye Pride !!!!


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 13 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, and Tagolog).


Peek In Our Classroom:

These girls are working with the Pink Tower and Brown Stairs. When they work with the material beyond the presentation it is called and extension.


This boy is working with the Knobbless Cylinders. Again, he is working with this as an extension. {{{ Extensions are activities that are introduced after the initial presentation with a material, in order to encourage the child to re-visit the material and solidify the skills and/or concepts it’s designed to provide. }}}


Another extension is being used with the Color Box. Instead of just matching them on the mat, they have half of the box in another part of the room where they have to walk, remember, and retrieve the color tablets.


This student is working with the 9 Tray. She is using this work to do equations of addition. This work will enhance the correlation between quantity and symbol giving the student a concrete concept of math. Once again a small crowd is gathered to observe her working.


Next Week:
Line Time- Winter Program Practice

Letter Of The Week- No letter of the week during Christmas Show Practice

Rhyming Word Of The Week- No Rhyming Word of the week during Christmas Show Practice

Next Language will be – No new language of the week during Christmas Show Practice

Snack will be brought to you by Lilliana M.


Upcoming Events:
12/12/2018 Wednesday—  Practice for Winter Program at Cuyahoga Falls High School 6pm

12/14/2018 Friday– Winter Program at Cuyahoga Falls High School 6pm  ((( All students to be picked up by 3:15 )))

12/21/2018– Pajama Day and  Show and Tell

*****  December 22, Saturday through January 6 Sunday Winter Break *****




Cuddle time.





Wouldn’t you like to know what the look on his face means ????????