Peek Into Our Week // Mr. John’s Class // Week of January 7, 2019

Line Time:
We started to learn about our body and how it works.  We learned about our five senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste).  Did you know you can “feel” with any part of your body? Of course parents know that.  Who has not stepped on a Lego in bare feet and screamed in pain? But we associate touch with our fingers (hot/cold, hard/soft, rough/smooth).  We hear loud noises, quiet noises, high and low noises, “Are we there yet?”.  We need light to see and if we close our eyes we can’t see.  The lights being turned on at 5 am on a Saturday morning.   There are good smells like cinnamon, vanilla and bad smells like a dirty diaper and vinegar.  My favorite was the taste test where we tasted sweet (sugar water), salty (salt water), sour (pure lemon juice), and bitter (unsweetened baking chocolate).  The children enjoyed “most” of the tastes.  Hehe!!!!

The mad dash to discard the bitter bakers chocolate.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, and Korean).


Guest Readers:

A first grader from Dunbar read Twinkle Little Star.


Pastor Kirk read a story about treating people with respect.


A Montessori classroom consists of multi age students.  Here are our newest 4,5 year old students (January Babies): 






Peek In Our Classroom:

This is an example of an older student giving a lesson to a younger student. As with all Montessori sensorial materials, the trinomialcube has a purpose. The direct purpose of the trinomial cubes is for the child to practice the steps to properly disassemble and build the cube, while refining dexterity and visual acuity.


These students are working on the Mystery Bag found in the sensorial area. The purpose of the activity is to help children develop their stereognostic sense, our ability to identify objects based on touch alone, and support their material visualization.


Ms. Ashlie is working on rhyming words material found in the Language area and the presentation is drawing a crowd. The ability to recognize and produce rhyming words is an important phonological awareness skill. Research indicates there is a correlation between phonological awareness and reading ability. Working on rhyming skills is usually part of most programs of reading instruction for that reason.


This boy is working on The Memory Game which is found in the Math area. The aim is to train the child’s memory by asking him to retain a numerical symbol in his mind. To help the child transfer the knowledge of the numbers o to 10 from the “specific” material to the objects of daily life. The child is shown a symbol (number) and he goes to another part of the room to retrieve that number of sticks.


Next Week:
Line Time- MLK/ Diversity

Letter Of The Week- P p

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bun

Next Language will be- Hungarian

Snack will be brought to you by Rosella


Upcoming Events:

***********   No School Monday 21st   ***********

—–Valentine Day Party- Friday February 15th (details to follow)

—–Recess attire….  winter coat, hat, gloves or mittens that are waterproof (not cloth or yarn), boots, and snow pants! 

        If the child does not have one or all of these items they may be asked to stay in.


Fun, Frolic, and Friends:


I have new glasses                                 I got a new ‘do…. bangs!


Too cute                                                            You should have seen the other guy.












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