Peek In Our Week | Mr. John’s Class | Week Of April 16, 2018

Line Time:

We continued to practice for the International Festival and created The Leaning Tower Of Pisa.  I am so proud of your children for the hard work they put into this event.  They worked hard learning their lines, learning songs, and helping with the creation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.  I wanted to thank Kathleen and Sabrina for their hard work preparing your children for The International Festival.

Peek In Our Class:

We had a student’s grandmother give a presentation on India.


A student rolling clay to create the arches for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.


This student is painting the base for the tower. Notice his tongue as he is soooo focused on his task.


This student is coloring the flag that goes on top of the Tower Project.

Next Week:

Line Time:  Life Cycles

Letter of the Week: Z z

Rhyming word of the Week: bam

Farsi will be added to our languages


Upcoming Events:

Moms and Muffins: Friday 5/11 7am to 7:45am

Grandparents Day: Wednesday 5/6

Peek In Our Week | Academic Enrichment, Cuyahoga Falls | Week of 4/9/2018


Your kindergarten students have been learning how a pronoun (we learned about 6 of them .. he, she, it, we, they, you) takes a place of a noun. He is a boy, she is a girl, but never ever call a person an “it”.  we also learned that the adjective describes nouns and of course can describe the pronoun.

Just the girls

Next Week:

Lesson:  Adverbs

No sight words or synonyms due to the International Festival

Peek In Our Week | Mr. John | Week of April 9, 2018

Line Time:

We are starting to practice for The International Festival.  We are learning our individual lines and learning the songs to be sung at the International Festival.  The children are having a good time practicing.





Peek in the Classroom:

We had an alumnus read to our class.  She read a Bernstein Bears book.



The University Of Akron Field Students are working with their “Roo Buddy”  This week they are working with letter sounds and the concept of “Land, Air, and Water”.


These two students are working together on the United States Puzzle Map. They traced the states and are labeling each state.
This student is working on composing numbers from 11 to 99 with the Ten Board. The Ten Board helps the child recognize the numbers and quantities.

This student is working on a construction box which falls into the category of Geometry. This student made shapes such as a hexagon, chevron, trapezoid, parallelogram, and isosceles triangle.


Upcoming Events:

International Festival Dates-

Take your child to the restroom before dropping them off (even if they say they do not have to go)

International Festival Practice – Wednesday 4/18/2018 – 6:00 to 7:30 pm

International Festival – Friday 4/20/18 – 5:30 to 8:30 pm

Friday 4/20/2018 **** Early Dismissal at Noon — No Aftercare ****

Moms and Muffins – Friday May 11th – 7:00 to 7:45 am

Peek In Our Week | Mr. John | Week Of March 19, 2018

Line Time:

We ended the month by learning about our own state of Ohio.  The students were first taught how to spell Ohio.  OH-IO !  We learned that the flag of Ohio is the only flag that is not the shape of a rectangle.  The official nickname of Ohio is the Buckeye State and the Buckeye Tree is the official tree of Ohio.  The white tailed deer and trilobite are the mammal and fossil of Ohio.  We found a theme of the color “red/”scarlet for the rest of the official things of Ohio.  The flower is the scarlet carnation, bird is the cardinal, insect is the lady bug and the official drink is tomato juice.  The official rock and roll song is “Hang On Sloopy”


Peek In Our Classroom:


Absorbent Minds Montessori School has a relationship with the University of Akron where we welcome field students. The two field students are working with their Roo Buddy. This week they are focusing on shapes and colors.
Having fun on Pajama Day.


We are continuing to track the growth of the plant. It grew from 18 inches to 24 inches or 24 cm to 60 cm. The flower is starting to bloom.
The final measurement revealed no more growth in the stalk but the flower bloomed. The students found a work that looked very similar to the plant. A great opportunity to do a lesson on The parts of the plant.


He is working and comparing the different Geometric Solids.


Friends working with Knobless Cylinders. The purpose of this work is to identify and compare dimensions and patterns.

Cultural Subjects:

Your children can count to ten in 25 different languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo Croation, Cebuano, Malay, and Hindi).


Peek Into Next Week:

Line Time Lesson- Returning 4/3/2018 Continents/International Festival

Letter Of The Week- No letter of the week during International Festival Practice

Rhyming Word Of The Week- No word of the week during International Festival Practice.

Adding The Language Of.. No languages during International Festival Practice.


Upcoming Events:

Spring Break 3/26 to 4/2, returning 4/3/2018

Dads and Donuts 4/6/2018 (Friday)  7am to 7:45am

Peek In Our Week | Mr. John’s Class | Week of March 12, 2018

Line Time:

We had fun this week looking into the world of art.  Most of the lessons were a review of what Ms. Renee had taught the students.  We went over the primary and secondary colors.  We learned there are different ways to create art such as, drawing with pencils, coloring with crayons, and painting.  We looked at artists such as Michael Angelo, Pablo Picasso, and Andy Warhol.


Peek In Our Classroom:


Absorbent Minds Montessori School has a relationship with the University of Akron where Field Students come into the room.  This week they are working with their “Roo Buddy” on letter recognition and letter sounds.


A scene from Practical Life where each student is concentrating on their works. Practical Life enhances the child’s fine motor skills and focus to name a few skills.


Your little Michael Angelos recreating what Michael Angelo went through when painting the Sistine Chapel.


This is the continuing tracking of one of my plants. In one week the shoot we are tracking grew from 6 inches to 18 inches and 15 cm to 43 cm

Cultural Subjects:

Your children can count to ten in 25 different languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo Croation, Cebuano, and Malay).


Peek Into Next Week:

Line Time Lesson- Landmarks of USA/The State Of Ohio

Letter Of The Week- Y y

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bac

Adding The Language Of Hindi


Upcoming Events:

Spring Break 3/26 to 4/2, returning 4/3/2018

Pizza Lunch 3/23/2018 (Friday).  You do not have to bring a lunch !!!!  Also pajama day and show and tell.

Dads and Donuts 4/6/2018 (Friday)  7am to 7:45am

Peek Into Our Week | Mr. John | Week Of March 5, 2018

Line Time:

The month started off by going back in time and studying the Ancient Romans.  The Ancient Romans had similar Gods as the Ancient Greeks.  The king of all Gods in Rome was Jupiter and his wife Juno who was the Goddess of Marriage and childbirth.  Pluto was the God of the Underworld, Neptune was the God of the Seas, and finally we came across the God of War, Mars.  Did you notice that a lot of these Gods had planets named after them?


Cultural Subjects:

Your children can count to ten in 25 different languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo Croation, and Cebuano).


Pastor Kirk reading a story that is a spin off/reboot of the Three Little Pigs.


Peek Into The Classroom:

The Kindergarten Students received a shelf exclusively for their use. This picture depicts kindergarten students organizing their shelf how they wanted it organized without adult intervention.
The Kindergarten Students are tracking the growth of one of my plants. More to come next week.


This student is using the Movable Alphabet to compose her Kindergarten BFF’s names. The purpose of this material is to help the child with the analysis and exploration of the language which is known to him/her and to reproduce words with graphic symbols. Also, it prepares the students for writing and reading.


This student is working on three letter words/short vowel sounds Rhyming Words. Rhyming teaches children how language works and It helps them notice and work with the words that look answer sound similar.
This child is using the Pink Tower and Brown Stairs. He is making his own creation while matching the two materials.

Next Week:

Line Time Weekly Theme: Art

Letter of the Week: X x

Rhyming Word of the Week: bel

Language to be added: Malay


Upcoming Events:

Art Museum Field Trip March 15, 2018 (Thursday)

Parent Teacher Conferences (Pre K and Pre 1st Grade ONLY)  Fridays 3/9/2018 and 3/16/2018

Peek Into Our Week | Mr. John’s Classroom | Week Of February 26, 2018

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can count to ten in 24 different languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, and Serbo Croation).




We did a time lapse science experiment where we put eggs in vinegar.  The result was rubber eggs.  The shell of an egg (typically a chicken egg) is made up of primarily calcium carbonate. If you soak this egg shell in vinegar (which is about 4% acetic acid), you start a chemical reaction that dissolves the calcium carbonate shell. The acetic acid reacts with the calcium carbonate in the egg shell and releases carbon dioxide gas that you see as bubbles on the shell.


Line Time Lesson:
This week we went back in time and took a look at Ancient Greece and talked about Greek Mythology. The Greek Gods hung out on Mt. Olympus and we learned the King of all Gods was Zeus and if you made him angry he had a lightning bolt in his hand that he would throw at you.  Zeus had a wife named Hera and she was the Goddess of Marriage.  If you were a sailor you dare not make Posiden angry because he was the the God of the Seas and held a trident( a fork like spear) in his hand.  Zeus had a brother that he sent to the under world and that God was named Hades.  Hades had a pet that was a three headed dog named Cerberus.  We also learned about Pan and Medusa.


Peek Into Or Room:

We could never stress enough the importance and how often how the older students assist the younger students. Younger students react well to the older students lessons and the older students gain leadership skills and reinforce their knowledge with that material when giving lessons to younger students.


The metal Insets aims are to strengthen the fine motor skills, practice handwriting, and become familiar with geometric shapes.


This student is proud of her penmanship with cursive. Students use several mediums for practicing handwriting. Dry erase markers are one of them.  The different colors of the markers make the material that more appealing.


The purpose of the Constructive Triangles is to allow the child to explore and experiment with form and geometry. They are “constructive” because the triangles are used to form other figures. Eventually, the child comes to the realization of how new shapes and figures can be formed using only varying triangles and come appreciate the relationship between figures.


Next Week:

Line Time:  Ancient Rome

Letter Of The Week: W w

Rhyming Word Of The Week: beg

Language Added: Cebuano


Upcoming Events:

Art Museum Field Trip, March 15th, Thursday

Look for information for pre kindergarten and pre elementary conferences.










Peek In Our Week : Mr. John’s Class : Week Of February 19, 2018

The two people make make the school run as smoothly as it does is the office staff.  Kelly and Lisa prepare the field trips, prepare for our open houses, The Dance, Christmas Show, International Festival, and do billing (hehe). They do it all. The teachers get most of the fanfare but Kelly and Lisa need recognition as well. Koudos to the office staff!



Cultural Subjects:
Your children can count to ten in 22 different languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, and Polish).

Line Time:
We went back in time and learned about Ancient Egypt.  We learned that the leaders or kings were called Pharaohs and when a king died they used a method to preserve them called mummification.  The pharaohs that were mummified look nothing like you see at Halloween or on cartoons.  The ancient Egyptians had a a written language called hieroglyphics which incorporated symbols such as cats, humans, and other daily objects. We also l;earned that the ancient Egyptians were responsible for building the Great Pyramids and The Sphinx which has the body of a lion and a head of a man. 

Image result for hieroglyphics    Image result for sphinx


Peek In Our Room:

I was giving lessons to two students at the same time. At times, more than one student is at the same place academically and I am able two give group lessons. Small group lesson give the opportunity for the students to help each other.
The two girls are looking at the book that go with our thematic unit (this week was Ancient Egypt). Students get to explore the books and their curiosity is piqued prompting 5hem to ask questions and explore.
hn I was going to break this little gathering until I over heard what they discussing… The Presidents of the United States of America. They were discussing JFK, Barrack Obama, George Washington, and Abe Lincoln.
They boys are working on the Addition Strip Board. The Montessori addition strip board is one method used by students to assist them in their abstract memorization of addition facts up to 18. While the materials are somewhat abstract, the process is still concrete.

Next Up In The Classroom:

Line Time:  Ancient Greece

Letter Of The Week: V v

Rhyming Word Of The Week: ben

Language Added: Polish



Coming Down The Pike:


 ^^^^^  Art Museum Field Trip Thursday March 15, 2018  ^^^^^


Parents of Kindergarten Students and Pre-K Students look for info regarding Parent Teacher Conferences


Spring Break March 26th through April 2


Dads and Donuts April 6th 7am to 8am









Peek In Our Week = Mr. John’s Room = Week Of February 12, 2018

Valentine Party:







Cultural Subjects:
Your children can count to ten in 20 different languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, and Welsh).


Line Time Lesson:
Presidents Of The United States Of America (wasn’t that a 90’s band? Gunna eat a lot of peaches!) We  first learned about George Washington and how he was our first president and was the General of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. Our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln came from a poor family,  freed the slaves and was president during the Civil War.  We were introduced to Franklin F. Roosevelt and how he was president during World War II and how John F. Kennedy fought for equal rights.  We then learned that Donald Trump was current president. The children were taught that the president’s wives are called the first lady and that the president lives in the white house in Washington DC, and flies on a jet called Air Force 1.  We discussed what responsibilities the President has.  The children came up with keeping us safe, keeping the world safe, and running the country. 


Peek In Our Classroom:

This boy is performing the operation of Dynamic Division (with borrowing) with the Stamp Game. This is a fairly long and involved process that takes a fair amount of time and patience. It seems he has a happy face while working on his equations.


There were two students that dropped some materials under the animal cages. At first they tried to get the pieces by using a broom handle and yard stick. That just pushed the pieces further back. Then they realized that the shelves were not solid but grated. They asked me to move a cage and she was able to easily reach the pieces. No adults were used in the thought process.
The Kindergarten Students are given special more complex tasks such as greeting the children and entering the time of arrival on the attendance sheet.


These girls are working with one of my science bins (The Ocean). Here they are looking at the physical shells and finding them in the book.



In The Near Future:

Line Time For Week Of 2/19/2018: Ancient Egypt
Letter Of The Week:  U u
Rhyming Word Of The Week:  bet
Language:  Polish will be added


****** Open House on February 24, 2018 from 9am to Noon ******


NO SCHOOL  2/19/2018 (MONDAY)


An email was sent for information for the second round of Parent Observations

Follow the link below to sign up to observe in my classroom.





Peek In Our Week ~ Mr. John ~ Week Of February 5th, 2018


Best friends, besties, BFF’s, call it what you will but the camaraderie in the Montessori Classroom runs deep.


Happy Birthday:
The Primary Montessori Classroom is comprised of students ranging ages from 2 1/2 to 6 years.  Here are my newest 5 year old student, 6 year old student, and our 29 year old teacher.



Healthy Teeth:
We had a Dental Hygienist visit our room and she explained the importance of brushing and flossing.  Also, the students played a game of healthy/unhealthy foods for your teeth.



Cultural Subjects:
Your children can count to ten in 20 different languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, and Welsh).


Line Time Lesson:
The class went green for the week learning about recycling, conserving energy, and pollution.  I explained that pollution was anything that made our environment dirty.  We learned there is littering.  Littering can be people throwing trash on the side of the road or dropping a candy wrapper in the woods.  We now know that we need to put trash in an appropriate container.  We learned that air pollution is created by factories’ smokestacks and cars exhaust, because everyone love their clasiq cars now a days, some even get special protection for their windows as you can see in this website for more information, but cars are just one of the factors that produce air pollution, there are also other reasons.  Water Pollution is caused by factories dumping chemicals in the water or people throwing trash in the water instead of putting it in a trash can.  The 3 R’s were introduced and now we all know to reduce, reuse and recycle!  We thought of ways to conserve energy.  We came up with turning off lights in rooms we are not in or turning off the TV if we are not watching it.  We thought of turning off the water while we are brushing our teeth or turning down the heat and wearing a sweater instead.  During the kindergarten lesson a student realized the room was just as light with the lights off as it was if the lights were on.  Now we do our kindergarten lesson without lights.


Peak In Our Room:

Kindergarten Students have deadlines of work that is assigned. These girls are feverishly working to get their work done before the deadline or face “The Wrath Of John” . Just a play on words for you Trekkies.  For Non -Star Trek Fans it’s the movie named “Wrath Of Khan”.


This boy combined two weeks of lessons by putting together Elvis The Pelvis and placing internal organs where they are supposed to go. I did not teach him this and he came up with this himself. The Montessori classroom gives the child room to explore and create.


This student is receiving a lesson on The 9 Tray. He was in awe with how tall the thousand cubes stacked and this may have been an “ah ha” moment where he physically sees “how big/much” nine thousand is compared to nine units.


These two students are practicing writing cursive with the sand tray and writing on paper. The uninterrupted movements of the hand may make cursive letters easier for children to form, and for this reason, Absorbent Minds Montessori School introduces children to cursive writing first.


What’s Next:

Line Time For Week Of 2/12/2018: Presidents of the USA
Letter Of The Week:  T t
Rhyming Word Of The Week:  bed
Language:  Dutch/Flemish will be added


Mark your calendar


~~~~   Daddy/Daughter, Mommy/Son Dance ~~ Saturday February 10, 2018, 2 pm to 4 pm  ~~~~


An email was sent for information for the second round of Parent Observations

Follow the link below to sign up to observe in my classroom.


Valentine Day Party on 2/14/2018- 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Follow the link for the information.


NO SCHOOL 2/16/2018 (FRIDAY) AND 2/19/2018 (MONDAY)


Lunar New Year commonly known as Chinese New Year 2/15/2018  Year of the Dog