Line Time: Practiced for the Christmas Show. A lot of blood, sweat, and of course, tears. I want to thank Kathleen and Ashlie who were in charge of the show. But how cute was it and what a great job by those kiddos! The picked the songs and got the students prepared!
Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 13 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, and Tagolog).
December Birthday: A Montessori Classroom is comprised of multi aged students. Students range from 2 1/2 to 6 years of age. Here is our newest 4 year old!
Peek In Our Classroom:
Next Week: Line Time- Christmas
Letter Of The Week- Giving the students a break before break
Rhyming Word Of The Week- Giving the students a break before break
Next Language will be – Giving the students a break before break
Snack will be brought to you by Cam Jam
Upcoming Events: 12/21/2018– Pajama Day and Show and Tell. We will supply a Pizza Lunch since we won the box tops.
************** December 22, Saturday through January 6, Sunday Winter Break **************