Academic Enrichment +++ Cuyahoga Falls Campus +++ Week Of 1/21/2019

We learned how to multiply with the 9 tray.  We learned the terms of equation, addend and sum.

Purpose For The 9 Tray:
The Nine Tray is an important lesson in the sequence of the golden bead work.  This presentation allows the child to concretely see the growth of numbers and the progression through the hierarchy from one level to the next. Children are ready for this work when they can identify numbers 1-9 and after they have been introduced to the golden beads and the language of place value: units, tens, hundreds and thousands.


We practiced cursive… of Ll, Mm, Oo, Pp.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 20 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog,  Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, and Welsh).


Next Week:
Lesson- Subtraction

Sight Words Of The Week- first than

Synonym Of The Week- Appropriate:  suitable, fitting, apropos, correct, proper

The next language will be- Dutch/Flemmish


Peek In Our Week +++ Mr. John’s Class +++ Week Of January 21, 2019

Line Time:
This week we looked at the skeletal system and if we didn’t have a skeleton we would be one messy blob on the ground (insert a flagellant sound).  We learned the skull protects our brain, the rib cage protects our lungs, and the spine keeps us sitting and standing straight.  We learned technical terms for our arms, leg and our digits which is a funny name called phalanges. We brought our life sized foam puzzle into our room.  His name is Elvis because we learned about the pelvis and it was a cool rhyming name.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 18 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, and Irish).


Guest Reader:

Pastor Kirk came into the classroom and read the story “The Wizard Of Wallaby Wallow” which is a story about just be happy being yourself.



Peek In Our Classroom:

In this photobombed picture you can see two students working with the knobless cylinders. This material is found in the Sensorial area.  Knobless cylinders is four sets of ten cylinders in each set, varying in height and/or diameter. … Blue cylinders vary in height (thickness/the diameter is the same). The purpose of these cylinders is to develop child’s fine-motor movements, concentration, hand-eye coordination, and visual perception of dimension.


this is a scene in my Practical Life area. Practical Life exercises are just that, they are exercises so the child can learn how to do living activities in a purposeful way. The purpose and aim of Practical Life is to help the child gain control in the coordination of his movement, and help the child to gain independence and adapt to his society.


Ms. Ashlie is showing a group of students an unplanned lesson something. Sometimes impromptu lessons happen in the classroom.


Last week I introduced you to the phenomenon of False fatigue and I wanted to explain a bit more. False fatigue is similar to adults taking a coffee break after working hard. If children are disrupting others, they can be quietly redirected, but too much interference actually prolongs the period of false fatigue. An experienced teacher will just observe the classroom and let the false fatigue run it’s course. This student was photographed during a false fatigue episode.



Next Week:
Line Time- Internal Organs

Letter Of The Week- R r

Rhyming Word Of The Week-but

Next Language will be- Kiswahili

Snack will be brought to you by Adelina


Upcoming Events:

<<<<<<<<  All School Dance February 9, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm  >>>>>>>

((((((((((((  Open House February 24, Sunday 2pm to 4pm  )))))))))))

—–Valentine Day Party- Friday February 15th (details to follow)

—–Recess attire….  winter coat, hat, gloves or mittens that are waterproof (not cloth or yarn), boots, and snow pants! 

        If the child does not have one or all of these items they may be asked to stay in.


Fun, Frolic, and Friends:


You should have seen the other guy.




I am Iron Man!








A Peek into Elementary Enrichments I January 2019

Welcome to 2019!

Even though it is cold outside, indoors we are having tons of fun in all the Elementary Enrichments.  Each week your children get to hone their talents and create new ones as they learn, play, design, and share with their peers and enrichment instructors.


Art gives the students many opportunities to show originality with their designs. This month the students had fun creating cartoon versions of themselves reaching up to catch a few snowflakes. As you pick up your kids take a look at the bulletin board to see the other fun creations made the Elementary students.



Whether it is Four Forners, hockey, corn hole, or the beloved game of dodgeball, pictured above, our Elementary friends have a blast in gym with Mr. Warner. Our students look forward to gym each week and to the new activities Mr. Warner has been introducing over the course of the year.



With Christmas break and our long weekend, the students have only had one Latin lesson with Mr. Matt this month but it was both educational and interesting. The students discussed Roman gods and goddesses aso well as how many myths connect back to Rome. They read myths about Romulus and Remus, Jupiter and the bee, and Pandora’s box. Where did Rome gets its name? Why do bees have stingers? How can hope change our perspective of the world?  Ask your child these questions and you are sure to get an answer!

Recently, some of the students had a lesson on the origins of the months of the year. Several of the months have Latin origins and the students used their prior knowledge to decode word meanings and make connections between the months of the year.

Latin lessons will continue this coming Monday.



Ms. Lisa is back at it with our students teaching them various musical techniques, learning new musical pieces, and creating positive experiences for the students to enjoy all that music has to offer! Her personalized lessons with her piano students is enchanting. Whether it is her gentle re-direction or her positive encouragement during their successess, both show her passion for teaching music.

One thing that makes music special each week is that students who have shown growth in a particular piece can play a solo for their peers to receive encouragement and positive feedback on their work. The Elementary students enjoy showcasing their work after having practiced so dilengtly as well as be able to practice the art of performing.

Exciting news! The students will soon be learning to play the recorder! Stay tuned for more details to come!



A Peek into Science | 1/21 1/28 and 2/4 | Tallmadge Campus

Exploding Lunch Bag: We combined warm water, vinegar and baking soda in a Ziploc bag. As soon as the bag was sealed shut it started to fill with air (carbon dioxide). Eventually, the Ziploc bag could no longer hold any more air so it popped. We learned that this is called an acid based reaction when you combine these two chemicals together.


Chemical warmer:

We combined a mineral filler, zinc and water together in a plastic bag.

Then we placed a thermosticker that changes color at around 120 °F on the plastic bag.

After that we added copper which is a less active metal than zinc. The zinc reacted with the copper, as it dissolved in the water it caused heat that was easily felt.

Thermal Chameleon:

First, we crushed up some ice and placed it in a cup.

Then we put 2 ml of water on a cork stand and placed the cup on top of it to see if the cup of ice would freeze to the cork stand.

The ice by itself didn’t freeze the water on the cork stand. So, we added some calcium chloride.

The mixture of the ice and calcium chloride ended up freezing the water on the cork stand.


Academic Enrichment | Week of January 21st | Tallmadge

Telling Time: The past week the kindergarten students have been learning how to tell time to the hour and half past.

Cursive Handwriting: The students practiced writing the lowercase cursive words dust, spit, rut, tip, at and pug.

Wax Museum Project: Using the books the students got from the library they had to research 1. The date of birth 2. The date of death 3. The place of birth 4. Where they grew up

A peek into next week: Telling Time (to the hour and half past)

Academic Enrichment | Week of January 14th | Tallmadge

Telling Time: The past week the kindergarten students have been learning how to tell time to the hour.

Cursive Handwriting: The students practiced writing the lowercase cursive words rug, act, gas, cup, it and drip.

A peek into next week: Telling Time (half past)

A Peek into Science | 1/7 and 1/14 | Tallmadge Campus

Tin Dendrite Experiment

First we prepared a tin chloride SnCl2 solution.

The solution did not coat the surface of the petri dish. To make the solution distribute evenly we needed to decrease the surface tension. We did this by adding 3 drops of liquid soap.

We then placed the electrodes into the solution and connected the electrodes to their source of electric current (batteries).

The students were then able to observe the tin ions Sn2+ near the negatively charged electrode (the black one) transform into metal tin Sn0. The tin gradually formed a long dendrite-shaped crystals throughout the solution.

To sum it up we grew a dendrite from a colorless salt solution.



Tin hedgehog

First we prepare a tin chloride SnCl2 solution.

Then we submerged a piece of  zinc  in the tin salt solution.

As soon as we submerged the zinc we observed the zinc start to dissolve into the solution, while the tin precipitated on the surface of the zinc pellet forming what looked like needles.

To sum it up we took a zinc pellet and transformed into a prickly hedgehog.



A Peek at Our Week | Ms. Courtney’s Classroom | Week of January 14th

Ocean Animals

The students learned that oceans are the largest habitat for an animal to live in. They discovered that ocean animals can be found on the coast to all depths from the surface to the deepest darkest trenches of the ocean. We also talked about how only five percent of the world’s animals live in the ocean. We looked at  the similarities and differences between dolphins, sharks, whales, seahorses, fish, squids etc.

Work Time

Cards and Counters: This child is demonstrating his knowledge that each number is made up of separate quantities. He is also able to visually see the sequence of numbers and how many separate units go together to form each number.
Bead Frame: This child is using the bead frame to do static addition. It is a more abstract way to work with the decimal system. She is also familiarizing herself with the different categories: units, tens, hundreds and thousands by looking at it in a different way.
Cutting: This child is developing his fine motor skills by using scissors to cut along the lined paper. He is also developing his sense of order, concentration, coordination and independence.


January 25 | Ms. Courtney | Bring Your Parent to Work Time

February 9 | All School Dance | Fundraiser | 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
A peek into next week: Martin Luther King Jr.

Take A Peek Into Our Week/Ms. Kate/January 18th, 2019

Happy Thursday everyone!!

This week was all about Living and Nonliving. We had so many fantastic  books that we read that really helped them understand the difference between the two. We also had fun making lists and placing different  living and nonliving pictures into their correct category. Ms. Amanda also incorporated fun songs, crafts, and activities that helped them even more get a better understanding of our theme.

One of our amazing kiddos started to read this week! Yay!!!
Our friend is working on one of our map puzzles. When working on this the child wil gain fine motor skills, will build their focus and concentration, and also they will become aware of the different countries that are on our seven continents.
It was a MAP crazy this week:)
The Binomial Cube is in preparation for the cube root. It is also an introduction for Algebra and preparation for the proof of the formula (a+b)3 at elementary level.
Our two kindergarten friends are working on the 45 layout. this work helps acquaint the child with the written symbols for the quantities and categories of the decimal system.

REMINDERS: no school Monday 21st.

Have a fun snowy weekend!!!

A Peek at Our Week | Week of January 14 | Elementary

This week, our Wax Museum research is in full swing. Our first and second year students read books and articles to find when their person was born, when they died, what their childhood was like, who their family members were, and what they did as teenagers. Our third through fifth year students researched home and family, school and education, community, and work and play information for their chosen person. Some students are learning to cite sources for the first time to prepare for a bibliography! Next week, be on the lookout for a blog all about our Upper Elementary dissection field trip written by the Upper Elementary students!

This student is working on his “Word of the Week.” Each week, Upper Elementary students choose a word they think no one will know and draw an illustration showing its meaning. During Community Meeting the following Monday, they perform a skit to show what their word means. This student chose the word “immune response” because we started discussing viruses this week.
This first year student is working on his Personal Family Timeline. He collected the ages of all of his family members (and pets) then turned that information into a timeline from oldest member of his family to the youngest! Our timelines will be displayed in our classroom so students can learn about each other’s families!
This third grade child was so excited to learn to cross multiply a binomial on the Checkerboard. This lesson shows students how to multiply units times units, then both sets of tens times units, then tens times tens. Once they add up any beads they have carried, they will have their product. When he has had a lot of practice on the checkerboard, he will learn how to cross multiply abstractly, which leads to quicker mental math!
These second year students are working with our logical preposition game. They take turns reading a preposition card and finding the noun card that best completes the phrase. For example, if they have “from,” it could be completed with “East to West.” Some prepositions have many noun cards that would be a logical match, while others don’t. Making these pairs helps build vocabulary in writing and speaking.

“A Peek at Next Week”

Next week, we will all continue researching for the Wax Museum. Lower Elementary students will continue studying the preposition, will learn about cnidarians, will build atoms on the Bohr Diagram, and will study Jupiter and Saturn. Our Upper Elementary students will continue studying ancient civilizations and early humans, will learn about viral reproduction, and some will present experiments about energy and the Earth.


  • NO SCHOOL – Monday, January 21, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Tuesday, January 29 – I will be out of the classroom to observe our incoming kindergarten students. Please let Ms. Brandy or Ms. Marlee know if you need anything throughout that day.