January, 2019

Courtney Owens

Ocean Animals

The students learned that oceans are the largest habitat for an animal to live in. They discovered that ocean animals can be found on the coast to all depths from the surface to the deepest darkest trenches of the ocean. We also talked about how only five percent of the world’s animals live in the ocean. We looked at  the similarities and differences between dolphins, sharks, whales, seahorses, fish, squids etc.

Work Time

Cards and Counters: This child is demonstrating his knowledge that each number is made up of separate quantities. He is also able to visually see the sequence of numbers and how many separate units go together to form each number.
Bead Frame: This child is using the bead frame to do static addition. It is a more abstract way to work with the decimal system. She is also familiarizing herself with the different categories: units, tens, hundreds and thousands by looking at it in a different way.
Cutting: This child is developing his fine motor skills by using scissors to cut along the lined paper. He is also developing his sense of order, concentration, coordination and independence.


January 25 | Ms. Courtney | Bring Your Parent to Work Time

February 9 | All School Dance | Fundraiser | 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
A peek into next week: Martin Luther King Jr.

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