Fall is Finally here! Hooray, for the best season of all! Well….in my opinion it’s the best! This week your children learned all about leaves. We learned that leaves have a very important job, that a leaf has different parts, why they change colors and fall, how to identify or classify leaves, and we observed leaves with a magnifying glass to look at each part up close. Your children are now leaf experts and tberefore have a homework assignment to collect and bring in two different types of leaves. I can’t wait to see all the colorful leaves they will return to school with next week.
This week the kindergarten students learned all about landforms! They now know how to identify a lake, an island, peninsula, gulf, cape, bay, system of lakes, and an archipelago. We also explored these landforms geographically with classification cards depicting examples of each landform from around the globe. They also identified some of these landforms on our continent coloring maps.
Next week it’s all about Pumpkins!!! How do they grow, what’s inside them, and what are they used for? We will explore ” Pumpkin Math” and our Practical Life area will be filled with pumpkin themed fun! Kindergarten students will be exploring the characteristics of animals within the animal kingdom. See you next week for more Aspen Room fun!

See You Next Week!!!!!