Hello Aspen families! My apologies for the time lapse and gap between blog postings! But what better way to resume a blog post than a fun filled week of Dr. Seuss inspired fun. It was a blast seeing all of the crazy socks, fun hats, mismatched outfits, mustaches, and occupational attire! At the same time, it was inspiring and interesting getting to hear what our students wanted to be when they grew up! We had lots of amazing aspirations and ideas to share with our classmates on Friday during line time. The Aspen room sure has some awesome kids with amazing goals for their future. Besides, the fun mentioned above our week included a variety of fun activities promoting the importance of literacy and word play. As a class we revisited the terms author and illustrator and discussed what those terms mean. During the work period the Aspen students were able to engage in word play with a Dr. Seuss rhyming activity where we matched pictures and words that had the same sounds, explored the vowel tree (for those students who are combining sounds), and were introduced to the pink rhyming material (for those students that have demonstrated decoding skills). The Aspen students also engaged in a group activity where we experimented writing our own rhyming story as a class. During line time, we created a list of rhyming words and created our own short story. There was a lot of silliness and laughter with this activity! Check out our story posted in the hall outside our class. The Aspen students also tried their hand at rescuing letters, counting or adding goldfish, engaged in color matching activities, and created daily Dr. Seuss themed crafts. It was a Seussical experience in the Aspen Room this week! Ask your child all about the fun we had.
In kindergarten the children started their introduction to the world of Geometry. The kindergarteners were presented lessons with the Geometric Cabinet where they learned the geometric terms for various shapes. They also discussed the concepts of angles, learned how to identify them (characteristics of angles), and learned their names. The kindergarteners then applied their geometric knowledge during the work period! They truly enjoyed finding right angles around the classroom.
During Reading Group, we took our Dr. Seuss theme and continued our fun with phonics and words by playing with different phonetic sounds. Therefore, creating many silly words. At the same time, we reviewed language rules while creating word lists. After creating our lists, we then tried our hand at recalling the words from the list we created working on retaining information and comprehending what we read! We also practiced fluency skills reading simple sentences (some with sight words).

Exploring the linear sequence of numbers to one hundred!