A Peek into our Week – Cherry Blossoms – week of 9/18/23

Our Focus Lesson:

This week we learned all about the Four Seasons. We learned that we are currently in the season of summer but that the season will change this Saturday to fall or autumn! We discussed what sort of activities we could do in all of the seasons, what the different temperatures would feel like in each season, and some of the things we can observe with our scientist eyes. We also learned that because of the tilt of the Earth on its axis, that while we are having summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere is having winter! We’re really looking forward to exploring all that fall has to offer us over the next months!

Ms. Sam giving a group lesson about what we would see in each of the 4 seasons.
This child completed the 4 seasons sorting activity we have in Science!
“Let’s sing the 4 seasons song! Winter, spring, summer, fall!” We love to sing along with Jack Hartmann!

Preschool Corner:

Our preschoolers have been busy sorting in both the Practical Life and Sensorial areas of the classroom. All year long we will be practicing sorting by color, shape, size, and then by two attributes at once! Why is sorting so important? Grouping objects by color, size or shape helps develop visual memory, a skill that assists with problem solving!

This preschooler is sorting butterflies by color.
This preschooler is sorting the characters by shape.
This preschooler is sorting by both shape and color!

Kindergarten Corner:

Our Kindergarteners have been so busy working on their individual reading skills with Ms. Tonya in the classroom and Ms. Kelley during Reader’s Workshop. They love to read their books to their teachers! They also completed their lessons on the different types of triangles with Ms. Sam this week in the Sensorial area of the classroom. In Math, we are diving into our Addition unit!

These Kindergarteners had a lesson on how to use the Addition Strip Board to practice their addition math facts!


A big Happy Birthday to our newest 4 year old and our newest 5 year old!

A Peek into Work Time:

Our individual work periods are getting longer and we are well on our way to being a normalized classroom. What is a normalized classroom? Maria Montessori wrote, “The greatest sign of success for a teacher… is to be able to say ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’” Some characteristics of a normalized classroom would be a room where the children are freely choosing their work activities, concentrating on their work, and finding joy in the work that they are doing.

Here’s a snapshot of what work time looks like in our classroom!

Ramseyer Farms!

We had a BLAST at Ramseyer Farms! It was such a beautiful, perfect day! A huge THANK YOU to all of the parents and grandparents that helped make our field trip such a success! We couldn’t have done it without you!

A Peek into Next Week:

Our Focus Lesson: Apples

Important Dates:

October 27: Trunk or Treat event

November 10: Parent/Teacher Conferences (No School for students)

A Peek into our Week – Cherry Blossoms – week of 9/11/23

Our Focus Lesson:

We learned all about our 5 Senses this week in the Cherry Blossom classroom! Our 5 senses are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. We learned that we use our 5 senses to learn all about the world around us every day. We practiced using our sense of sight to match pictures, our sense of hearing to pair sound cylinders, our sense of touch to match fabrics, and our sense of smell and taste during lunch!

This child is using our sound cylinders. He is listening to the sound the red cylinder makes and matching it to the blue cylinder that makes the same sound using his sense of hearing.
This child is using our fabric box. The fabric box contains different types of fabrics that feel different from each other. The child may use a blindfold, if they choose to, to match the two pieces of fabric together using their sense of touch.

Ms. Sam introduced the Blossoms to the Where I Am in the World lesson. She started by introducing the children to their planet, then continent, country, state, city, and finally our school. This is an introductory lesson that we will build upon all school year long!

OH – IO!

Preschool Corner:

I am sure you are familiar with the sandpaper letters. This beautiful work is well known in the Montessori classroom environment. But the children use these letters in so many different ways! In the Blossoms class the letters a, c, r, and t can be found in the red pouch. If your child ever mentions the red pouch, then they are working on these letter sounds! We always teach sound first, and letter name later.

This preschooler is tracing the sandpaper letter and writing the letter in the sand tray, while being introduced to the sound!
This preschooler knows the sounds these letters make, so he is now isolating the beginning sound of the word and matching the corresponding picture to the letter sound.
These two preschoolers are playing I Spy. They are helping each other practice isolating the beginning sound of words.

Kindergarten Corner:

Reader’s Workshop and Writer’s Workshop are going so well with this group of Kindergarteners! In Reader’s Workshop, children played games with Ms. Kelley to isolate the beginning sounds of words. Readers also read short stories and answered comprehension questions.

In Writer’s Workshop, our young authors began adding labels to their illustrations. We worked on stretching our words out slowly and writing down the sounds they hear.

This Kindergartener drew an amazing under the sea picture. You can see she is labeling the animals in her illustration with the first sound she hears in the word.
This Kindergartener labeled her zoo illustration and it is wonderful!

Enrichment Spotlight: Tae Kwon Do Demo!

Blossoms had so much fun at the Tae Kwon Do demo this week with Master Barnick! Master Barnick introduced stretching, punching, kicking, and a fun game. We also practiced yelling “Yes, sir!” after directions were given.

A Peek into Work Time:

Blossoms were introduced to Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh in art class this week. We brought this lesson into the classroom and made beautiful pictures using markers.
This Kindergartener was introduced to “magic e” this week! He is working with the Vowel Tree to practice reading words where the vowel says its name.

A Peek into Next Week:

Wednesday 9/20 is Picture Day!

Friday 9/22 is the Ramseyer Farm field trip!

A Peek into our Week – Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of September 4, 2023

Our Focus Lesson:

This week all of our Blossoms learned characteristics of living things and characteristics of non-living things. We learned that living things need food, water, and air. Living things also grow and make more of themselves, or reproduce. Your child practiced identifying if items were living or non-living. You can practice this concept with them at home!

Blossoms were also introduced to categorizing in the Science area. Children practiced identifying if something was an animal or a plant. We learned that animals move on their own, while plants stay where they are. Animals also eat food while plants make their own. Another concept you can practice with your children at home!

This is Spike, one of our classroom plants. We discussed how Spike is a living thing because it needs food, water, air, it grows, and it makes more of itself.
This is Fred, another of our classroom plants. Fred is a non-living thing. It does not need food, water, or air. It will not grow and it will not make more of itself.
Ms. Sam is reading one of our favorite books, I am Josephine and I am a Living Thing.

Preschool Corner:

Preschoolers worked on their Handwriting skills this week!

This child is working with our cursive booklets. We work on holding our marker correctly and following the line from the apple to the tree. This is a beginning handwriting work that prepares our hands for writing!
This child is using the chalkboard to practice writing her name. We use this chalkboard to not only focus on correct formation of letters, but also practice keeping our letters within the box. We are developing those fine motor skills!
This child traced and labeled a horse! This work activity can be found within the Science area of our classroom, but also works on our handwriting skills!

Kindergarten Corner:

Our Kindergartners continued their study of the seven continents this week! They traced and labeled our world map puzzle on posterboard which we proudly displayed in the classroom for all to see!


A big Happy Birthday to our newest four year old and our newest five year old!

A Peek into Work Time!

We bring the concept we are learning in Art Class with Ms. Varela into the classroom on a tray in the art area. This week we focused on pasting small pieces of paper onto a line. More fine motor development!
This child is working on his one to one correspondence in Math with counting objects! We will tell the child a number and then have them count out the correct amount of popsicle sticks!
This child is working with our object to picture matching activity in the Language area of the classroom. This is just one of our many prelanguage works – the activities we do before we begin letters!

Oh My, Butterflies!

Remember those caterpillars you saw at Open House? Well they have completed their metamorphosis! (Metamorphosis is one of my most favorite words!) Our butterflies hatched this week and we were excellent scientific observers as we watched how the butterfly moved its wings.

This female monarch butterfly is off to Mexico for her long migration!

Movement Fridays!

We are all about moving on Fri-yays! This week we had a wonderful dance party in the gym with our Aspen friends, and we also met Ms. Jaime from Cosmic Kids Yoga in the classroom! Check out our awesome yoga poses!

A Peek into Next Week!

Our Focus Lesson: The 5 Senses

Important Dates:

September 11 – Tae Kwon Do Demo

September 20 – Picture Day

September 22 – Ramseyer Farm Field Trip

A Peek into our Week – Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of August 28, 2023

Our Focus Lesson:

We continued to work on Expected Behaviors within the classroom and the school this week. The children are quickly learning the routines and are staying busy during our work periods!

Preschool Corner:

Preschoolers were busy this week! Ms. Sam introduced our younger students to the prelanguage materials in Language and one to one correspondence in Math. Older preschool students worked with both teachers on composing numbers in the teens and tens in Math, letter sounds in Language, and name writing in Handwriting. They’re all doing great!

Ms. Sam is giving a lesson to a group of preschoolers on the characteristics of living and non-living.
This preschooler is working with our cursive booklets. The child traces various shapes to develop their fine motor skills and prepare for cursive handwriting.
This preschooler is playing “I Spy” with a teacher. Our “I Spy” objects allow the child to practice isolating beginning, middle, and ending sounds of words – an important stepping stone on the way to reading!

Kindergarten Corner:

Kindergarteners had a very busy week this week. They began their Kindergarten Lessons within the classroom where they were introduced to the continents, golden bead materials, the types of triangles, and writing their names in cursive. They worked individually on their reading skills with their teachers and are bringing home books to read at home this weekend! Kindergarteners also traveled to Writer’s Workshop, Reader’s Workshop, and Science Lab this week!

This is what our Kindergarten Lessons look like! Children are learning the names of the different continents, reviewing land and water, and being introduced to some fun facts about each continent.
Here are our Cardinals during Writer’s Workshop! We brainstormed ideas of what we could write about this school year and started our first illustrations!


A very Happy Birthday to our newest 6 year old!

A Peek into Work Time!

This child was very interested in the Sandpaper Globe so we followed the child’s interest and had a lesson! She was introduced to land and water on our planet, but she just really loved how “rough” the sandpaper felt on her fingers!
This child is all smiles as she has mastered the Spindle Box! She has a better understanding of the correlation between quantity and symbol and is now ready to be introduced to a new Math activity!

Enrichment Spotlight!

Our first Music Class with Ms. Lisa on Monday! We sang songs and danced a bit too!
Our first Art Class with Ms. Varela on Tuesday! We worked on pasting paper on a line!
Our first Science Class with Mr. John! We started the year with a chemical reaction, creating carbon dioxide and filling a balloon!

A Peek Into Next Week!

Our Focus Lesson: Living and Non-Living Characteristics

Important Dates:

September 4 – No School/Labor Day

September 11 – Tae Kwon Do Demo

September 20 – Picture Day

September 22 – Ramseyer Farm Field Trip

A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of August 21, 2023

Our Focus Lesson:

We are so excited to have our Blossoms at school with us! It has made our hearts so full to see returning faces and new faces in our classroom!

We were busy this week! Your children learned the “expected behaviors” of our classroom and our school. We practiced walking in a line throughout the building, eating lunch at the lunch tables, sitting for line time, carrying work trays, and walking around work mats.

Reading one of my favorite books, Mrs. Spitzer’s Garden. A wonderful metaphor about how each student grows and learns in their own way. These kiddos may not understand the metaphor yet, but they do appreciate the beautiful illustrations.
Check us out having lunch in the lunch room! We did AMAZING at opening and closing our lunch containers. (Thank you parents!) We also ate so well while still having conversations with our friends!

Preschooler Corner:

Our First Year Preschoolers were introduced to the Practical Life area of the classroom this week. They poured beads from a pitcher into a cup, tonged pom poms into a pumpkin tray, sorted butterflies by color, and used a screwdriver! The Practical Life area of the classroom is so important. This area not only teaches your child real life skills, but it also focuses on developing fine motor skills that your child will later use in handwriting.

Our Second Year Preschoolers came right back to school like they hadn’t been gone at all! They stepped into their new leadership roles and proudly helped the younger students as they learned all about the Cherry Blossom classroom. They worked on the 100 Board, letter sounds, and explored the new life cycle trays in the Science area.

This preschooler is sorting butterfly beads by color. As you can see, she’s using her pincer grasp to pick up the butterflies which means she is strengthening those handwriting muscles!
This preschooler LOVED our screwdriver work. We love to present the children with opportunities to use real life tools that are just their size!
This older preschooler is working on the 100 Board. This work is always a classroom favorite as they put numerals from 1 to 100 in order.

Kindergarten Corner:

Our Kindergarteners settled into their new roles as the oldest children in the classroom wonderfully! We discussed the importance of being strong leaders in the classroom, and how the younger students will be watching them to see what to do. They were helpful and kind to all of the preschool children, while also showing us how much they know! Kindergarteners practiced their reading skills this week, refreshed their math skills, and had their first assignment to turn into Ms. Tonya so they could learn where her mailbox is!

This Kindergartener is using the Vowel Tree to practice reading CVC words, by changing the middle vowel sound. He had a blast deciding if the word was a real word or a “nonsense” word.
This Kindergartener is working with the Phonetic Object Box. He is reading the CVC word and then matching that word to the appropriate picture.

Oh My, Butterflies!

In the Cherry Blossom class, we begin the school year with a butterfly study and end the school year with a butterfly study. If you attended Open House, you met our two Monarch Caterpillars! They were very hungry guys and ate lots of milkweed leaves. By Thursday, they had created their J shape at the top of our observation house on their way to forming their chrysalis. We are so excited to observe this life cycle with our scientist eyes!

This Kindergartener is being a respectful observer to our caterpillars. We can’t wait to see their chrysalis and count down the days until they hatch!

A Peek Into Work Time!

This preschooler is all smiles as they work with the Tens Board to compose numbers between 10 and 99!
This preschooler built a snake with the Pink Tower and Brown Stairs!
This preschooler was SO EXCITED to find the matching parrot pictures on our Bird tray in the Science area!

Enrichment Corner:

Enrichments will begin next week and we are so excited!

A Peek Into Next Week:

Our Focus Lesson: Expected Behaviors and Grace & Courtesy

Classroom Chores begin next week!

Important Dates:

Monday, September 4 – No School/Labor Day

A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Class – week of May 15, 2023

Our Focus Lesson:

This week we learned about pollinators! There are four main types of pollinators – bees, butterflies, bats, and hummingbirds. We learned that when these animals eat the nectar from flowers they then take that pollen to another flower. That flower uses the pollen the pollinator brought to create a new seed or fruit for the plant.

We also took some time to learn more about butterflies and bees. We learned the parts of these insects, their life cycles, and then followed a bee through collecting pollen/nectar and using it to make honey.

This preschooler is creating a booklet of the parts of a butterfly. We have come so far with our handwriting skills this school year!
This future Kindergartener is working on a parts of the bee booklet! We loved studying pollinators this week!

Our Preschool Lesson:

Ms. Sam taught our younger Blossoms all about insects this week. We learned the characteristics that make an insect an insect. Insects hatch from eggs, they are colded blooded, they have an exoskeleton, and they have a head, thorax and abdomen.

Ms. Sam also introduced us to a super fun work – creating insects with loose parts!

A loose part butterfly!
This future Kindergartener is reading the labels we have with the loose parts work! Yay for new readers!
This future Kindergartener is working with our ladybug addition work. This work was a big hit this week!

Kindergarten Lesson:

We completed our Poetry Books! We cannot wait for you to see them at Kindergarten Graduation next week!

Special Visitors!

We had a few special visitors this week! We had our very last ASL lesson for the school year. We also had a visitor come to our class that read us Brown Bear, Brown Bear in French! We were so excited to learn so many new words in new languages!

Our final ASL lesson was reviewing all that we have learned this school year. We signed animals, colors, and the ABC’s!
We loved our French lesson! We learned animals and counting, and we sang a song about a “petit” fish!

Butterfly Release!

We released the butterflies we raised in our classroom this week! It is always such a joy to observe this life cycle with the students. They are full of wonder and curiousity at each stage of the cycle!


Happy Birthday to our newest 5 year old!

Peek Into Next Week!

It’s the Last Week of School! We will be reading books about the end of the school year, and summertime! We will sprinkle some fun throughout all of our days that are left. What an AMAZING school year with AMAZING children!


Wednesday – Kindergarten Graduation

Thursday – Family Picnic and Bash & Splash!

A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of May 8, 2023

Our Focus Lesson: Flowers

This week the Cherry Blossoms studied flowers! This unit allowed us to review the parts of a plant and their important jobs – roots, stem, and leaves. We learned that flower petals are so colorful so that they can attract pollinators – which we will be learning all about next week! We also learned other parts of a flower; the calyx holds the flower to the stem, the stamens produce the pollen, and the pistil recieves the pollen from other flowers to make seeds.

We ended our week by using our 5 senses to explore flowers and then dissected them!

We looked at flowers, smelled flowers, touched flowers, and listened to flowers.
And then we dissected them to see what the insides of a flower look like!
We also “planted” flowers in Practical Life!

Our Preschool Lesson: Seeds

Our younger Blossoms learned about seeds this week! Plants all begin with a seed, so we learned what seeds need in order to grow – soil, sun, and water! We also learned about what happens when a seed sprouts into a plant – first the root grows down, then the stem grows up, and finally the plant grows leaves! We reviewed the special jobs that all of those parts of a plant do.

Blossoms also had a chance to observe different types of seeds in plants that we eat at home! We explored an apple, an avacado, a lemon, and a strawberry. We were very surprised to learn that the seeds of a strawberry are on the outside of the fruit, not on the inside like the others!

Our little scientists observed different types of seeds found in fruits this week.
They then wrote down their observations.
This young preschooler is creating her All About Seeds book during our work time.

Kindergarten Lesson:

Our older Blossoms continued their grammar symbol lessons with Mr. John this week, and continued their Poetry Books with Ms. Kelley and Ms. Tonya. They are writing the final drafts of their poems and created the covers of their poetry books this week. They can’t wait to put their final books of the year together!

Check out these beautiful poetry book covers!


The weather was so nice this week that we had our first picnic outside!

Yay for sunshine and warm weather!

Yoga and Music Recitals!

We had a special visit from Ms. Amanda and Ms. Brittany from The Wellness Den this week! We participated in an animal inspired yoga class and enjoyed stretching and acting like elephants, cheetahs, spiders, and much more!

Two of our Blossoms also showcased what they have learned in their piano classes this school year! We loved listening to them play and cheering them on from the audience!

Stretch all the way up to the sunshine!
Swing those trunks like an elephant!
So proud of our friends that performed at the piano recital!
They did an amazing job!

Butterflies and Killdeer Nests!

Our butterflies hatched out of their chrysalis this week!!!! We were so lucky that three of them hatched during the school day and we were able to see them as soon as they came out. We watched as they dried their weeks and observed the extra color that drips off of their wet wings. We can’t wait to release them next week!

We also were lucky enough to observe a Killdeer mother and her nest this week. We watched as she puffed herself up and called to us to stay away as we walked past her nest to play in our outdoor space. Sadly, by Friday, our Killdeer mother and father birds were nowhere to be found and the nest had been abandonded. We talked about how sometimes that will happen when birds feel unsafe.

Painted Lady Butterflies are so beautiful!
Observing the butterflies right after they came out of their chrysalis!
Taking a closer look!
Mama Killdeer sitting on her nest!

Peek into Next Week!

Focus Lesson: Pollinators

Preschool Lesson: Insects

Kindergarten Lessons: Interjections and Poetry!

Important Dates:

May 24 – Kindergarten Graduation 4pm

May 25 – Last Day of School! Bash & Splash school event!

A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of 5/1/23

Focus Lesson: Birds

This week the Blossoms studied Birds! We learned about Bird Classification, or what makes a bird a bird! We know that birds are vertebrates, are warm blooded, are covered in feathers, lay hard shelled eggs, take care of their babies, and have two wings and two feet! We enjoyed looking through many different bird books and learning the names of the different species of birds that we can see outside of our classroom window or at home.

This child is tracing and labeling the bird puzzle. He has found a picture of a robin in the Birds of Ohio book and colored his picture appropriately!
Our class made many different species of birds this week during their trace and label activities using this amazing Birds of Ohio book! We had to hang them up because they were so beautiful!
Bird Week is the best week to wear your flamingo shirt! Twinsies!

Preschool Lesson: Eggs

Preschoolers learned some very big words with Ms. Sam this week. They learned the word Oviparous – which is an animal that lays eggs! We learned that fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and insects are all oviparous. But mammals, including humans, are Viviparous – they birth live babies! Our favorite work activity this week was sorting the animals in our science area by weather they lay eggs or don’t lay eggs.

We learned that birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and insects all lay eggs in order to reproduce. This means that they are oviparous!

Kindergarten Lesson:

Kindergarteners learned about conjunctions with Mr. John this week in Kindergarten Lesson. Conjunction Junction, what’s your function? I hope you sang that! Writer’s Workshop and Reader’s Workshop continued writing their poetry.

All of our Kindergarten lessons have been connecting lately! We are writing sentences in cursive, using alliteration, and then marking these sentences using our grammar symbols!

We Are Proud of Our Hard Work!

This preschooler has mastered her yellow sound pouch!
This preschooler is learning how to write letter c, what letter c sounds like, and some words that begin with letter c!
This Kindergartener read 45 phonogram sentences and matched the appropriate picture to the sentence!
This preschooler completed the 100 Board!

A Peek Into Next Week!

Focus Lesson: Flowers

Preschool Lesson: Seeds

Kindergarten Lessons: Prepositions, Writing Poetry

Important Dates:

Our Final Bring Your Parents to Work Day is May 10!

Kindergarten Graduation – May 24

Last Day of School – May 25

A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of April 24, 2023

Ms. Tonya’s Lesson:

Our Cherry Blossoms began some zoology units with Ms. Tonya this week. We currently have both tadpoles and caterpillars in our classroom! We started the week reviewing the life cycle of a frog from eggs to tadpoles, to tadpoles with legs, to froglets, and then to adult frog. We are using a magnifying glass to observe the tadpoles in the observation container in our classroom and are enjoying feeding them fresh lettuce each day after we have lunch! We also began our life cycle of a butterfly observation booklets. We currently have 5 painted lady caterpillars eating and growing within our classroom. We look forward to watching them complete their whole life cycle before the end of the school year! Lastly, Ms. Tonya introduced the Blossoms to some interesting landforms, animals, and cultures that can be found in the continents of Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica!

Ms. Sam’s Lesson:

Ms. Sam also focused her lessons on the seven continents this week. She reviewed the globe with the Blossoms and introduced them to some vocabulary words such as Equator and Prime Meridian. She also introduced the class to interesting landforms, animals, and cultures found in North America, South America, and Europe! Ms. Sam has been to Europe, so she brought in some objects from her travels for us to observe this week. We loved the nesting dolls, jumping toys, and the Christmas Pyramid!

Kindergarten Lesson:

Kindergarteners continued their study of grammar symbols both in the classroom and with Mr. John this week. They were introduced to adverbs this week. With Ms. Kelley, in Reader’s Workshop, Kindergarteners wrote an Acrostic poem this week with a focus on adjectives. With Ms. Tonya, in Writer’s Workshop, our young writers wrote a List poem about a noun, focusing on using pronouns throughout the middle of their poem.

“This gym is huuuuuggggeeee!”:

We were able to use the gym this week during recess. We played dodgeball and Duck, Duck, Goose with our Aspen friends!

A Peek Into Worktime:

Buddy Works are our favorite works!

These two students are working with Brown Stairs and Pink Tower to build extensions. They use a picture card to figure out the pattern and then recreate the patter with the blocks.
These two children are working together with one of our sound pouches. They work together to practice their letter sounds and then match the object with the correct beginning sound.

A Peek Into Next Week!

Focus Lesson: Birds

Preschool Lesson: Eggs

Kindergarten Lesson: Grammar Symbols and Poetry

A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of April 17, 2023

Welcome Back Blossoms!

We are so excited to be back together at school! Also, I apologize for the delay in getting the blog out to you – I was experiencing some technical difficulties. Everything should be good to go now!

Ms. Tonya’s Lesson: Spring

Ms. Tonya led a discussion about the season of Spring this week. We reviewed the 4 seasons and then discussed the characteristics of spring. Spring brings lots of rain, but it also brings flowers! Lots of animal babies are born in the spring. Spring is a good time to begin your vegetable garden, and farmers are planting seeds as well. We took a close up look to some of the best spring flowers – tulips and daffodils! We also explored some cherry blossoms!

This preschooler is sorting pictures by season.

We used 4 of our 5 senses to learn more about daffodils and tulips!
The best time of the year – when the Cherry Blossom class gets to learn about the cherry blossom tree!

Ms. Sam’s Lesson: Earth Day

Ms. Sam introduced our Blossoms to Earth Day this week. We learned about different ways we can take care of our planet. We talked about ways to Reduce our impact. We explored items that can be Recycled and sorted them by the materials they are made out of. We practiced Reusing by making bird feeders out of toilet paper tubes. We hung the bird feeders outside so that we can meet the birds that live outside of our classroom window!

We sorted recyclables by metal, glass, plastic, and cardboard/paper.
We reused toilet paper tubes to make bird feeders.
Our bird feeders hanging in the tree waiting for birds… and also our new horse friend in the background. What a view!

Our Kindergarten Lesson: Grammar Symbols & Poetry

Kindergarteners dove into Grammar Symbols this week, both in Kindergarten Lesson and the classroom. They practiced finding nouns, verbs, articles, pronouns, and adverbs within sentences. Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop continued their study of Poetry. Kindergarteners wrote acrostic poems and color poems this week!

The Kindergarteners are working on their rough draft of their color poem. We worked on getting our ideas onto paper first, and then building our poem from there.

Enrichment Spotlight: Music, Art, & Science!

Music with Ms. Lisa, Art with Ms. Varela, and Science with Mr. John all resumed this week in their new spaces!

Music class with Ms. Lisa includes Gerry the Giraffe! We practice singing hello to Gerry with our piano and forte voices!
We made collage bird houses in Art with Ms. Varela!
Mr. John’s science experiment was a chemical reaction with baking soda and vinegar!


A HUGE Happy Birthday to all of our April birthdays!!!!

Happy Birthday to our newest 5 year old, 6 year olds, and 7 year old!

We LOVE Our New Space!

Your children have had an amazing first week back to school! We love our new classroom and the extra space that it gives us. We absolutely love the view of the wildlife we see outside – horses, birds, and squirrels right outside of our classroom window this week! The field that we visit during our recess time is so big and giggles were had by all as they ran back and forth!

Our first line time in our beautiful new classroom space!
Lunch time with a view of the horses!
Check out our squirrel friend!
We can just run and run and run and run and run!