Weekly Theme:
The Kindergarten Students learned about the Cardinal Directions. We learned north is always on top, south is always on the bottom, east is always to the right, and west is always to the left. We went into a bit more detail when using the Cardinal Directions. In between north and east is called northeast and so on… We traveled from continent to continent asking what direction we needed to go to get to the appointed continent.
We practiced writing D d, E e, F f, G g in cursive.
Cultural Subjects:
We now can count to ten in 5 languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek).
Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Hemispheres, Equator, Prime Meridian
Synonym Of The Week: sad: miserable, gloomy, depressing, downtrodden, glum, unhappy
Sight Words Of The Week: up so
Adding Japanese to the languages