Academic Enrichment, Cuyahoga Falls Campus, Week Of 9/2/2019

Weekly Theme:
The Kindergarten Students learned about the Cardinal Directions.  We learned north is always on top, south is always on the bottom, east is always to the right, and west is always to the left.  We went into a bit more detail when using the Cardinal Directions.  In between north and east is called northeast and so on…  We traveled from continent to continent asking what direction we needed to go to get to the appointed continent.






Meet the 2019/2020 Cuyahoga Falls Kindergarten class.


We practiced writing D d, E e, F f, G g in cursive.

Cultural Subjects:
We now can count to ten in 5 languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek).

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Hemispheres, Equator, Prime Meridian

Synonym Of The Week:  sad: miserable, gloomy, depressing, downtrodden, glum, unhappy

Sight Words Of The Week: up so

Adding Japanese to the languages












Academic Enrichment | Cuyahoga Falls Campus | Week Of 8/26/2019

Weekly Theme:
The first week back to school we looked at the globe of the Earth.  It is in a shape of a sphere.  We noticed the Earth is covered mostly in water but does have land.  The pieces of land are divided and called continents.  There are seven continents and each have a fun fact.  North America is where we live, South America has the Amazon Rain Forest, Europe has many countries, Africa has really cool animals, Asia is the biggest continent, Australia is an island and is called The Land Down Under, and Antarctica is the coldest continent and no humans live there.  We went over what countries are in each continent (except for Antarctica).


We practiced writing A a, B b, C c in cursive.

Cultural Subjects:
We now can count to ten in 5 languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, and French).

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Cardinal Directions (N,S,W,E)

Synonym Of The Week:  FAST (hurried, speedy, brisk, quick, swift)

Sight Words Of The Week: will him

Adding French to the languages

Academic Enrichment ||| Cuyahoga Falls Campus ||| Week Of 5/27/2019

Lesson:  With the holiday , field trip, and the fun field day on Thursday we did not have kindergarten lesson.  Although, on Wednesday we watched School House Rock/ Grammar.  The students absolutely enjoyed it and said I taught them the same stuff from the show.  Ya, Mr. John is not as dense as he looks.  LOL

Cultural Subjects:
We can now count to ten in 28 different languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay, Hindi, Farsi, Turkish).


Next Week:
Line Time: Gone Fishin

Sight Words of the Week: None Scheduled

Synonym of Week:None Scheduled

Adding Language of None Scheduled


Have a great Summer!!!!

Academic Enrichment *** Cuyahoga Falls Campus *** Week Of 5/20/2019

Lesson: Capitalization- Our last official weekly lesson was on Capitalization.  You children now know that the word at the beginning of the sentence it is always capitalized.  When you refer to yourself with “I” the I is always capitalized.  Also, any proper nouns are capitalized.


Cultural Subjects:
We can now count to ten in 28 different languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay, Hindi, Farsi, Turkish).


Next Week:
Line Time: REVIEW

Sight Words of the Week: None Scheduled

Synonym of Week:None Scheduled

Adding Language of None Scheduled

A Peek Into Reading Group

This last week the kindergartners listened to another Mo Willems book called We Are in a Book!.  In this book Piggie and Elephant (Gerald) figure out that they are in a book and readers are reading them. They start interacting with the reader and make him/ her say words. Gerald and Piggie are very entertained by the fact that they can make the reader say silly words. The kindergartners were entertained as well and thought the characters were hilarious. They were so excited that they wanted me to read the story again!

After the readings the students got to share what they thought about the book and discussed how the characters were feeling throughout the story. They wrote and drew about what they were wondering about after the first reading. For the last reading group, they made Piggie and Elephant puppets and acted out the story while I read. The students were thoroughly engaged during the readings of the Piggie and Elephant series. It was a joy to teach reading group this year and see the kindergarteners grow in their reading skills. I hope you all have a fun and safe summer!

Academic Enrichment | Week of May 13th | Tallmadge

Adverb: The kindergarten students learned that an adverb is a word that describes a verb and usually ends in “ly”.

Cursive Handwriting: The students practiced writing the lowercase cursive words: left bag, wag fast, bell top, big craft, pop it and cut sod.

A peek into next week: conjunctions

A Peek Into Reading Group

Over the last two weeks the students listened to a Mo Willems book, My New Friend is So Fun. In the story, Gerald and Snake are talking about how their best friends Piggie and Brian Bat just met and are having fun. Gerald and Snake start to worry that their best friends are having fun without them and that they will lose their best friends. They go find Piggie and Brian Bat and it ends up that they were drawing pictures of Snake and Gerald together. The two aren’t worried anymore and tell them to have fun.

The kindergarteners worked on evaluative activities after the readings to enhance their comprehension of the story. They drew pictures of scenes from the book and wrote responses from writing prompts. For our last reading they decided to read along with me, and even used proper inflection based on the punctuation.

The kindergartners are drawing a picture of Piggie and Brian Bat having best friend fun.


A Peek Into Next Week

-The students will listened to another Mo Willems book called We’re In A Book.

-The students will be making puppets to act out the story while I read.

-Next week will be the last reading group of the year.

Academic Enrichment ^^^ Cuyahoga Falls Campus ^^^ Week Of 5/13/2019

Lesson:   Punctuation at the end of sentence- We discovered the period and when using is just kind of gives a statement without much excitement or emotion.  We learned more about the explanation point and when used there is excitement and emotion!  Finally, we learned the question mark is at the end of a sentence when a question is asked.  These children are smart, right?



Cultural Subjects:
We can now count to ten in 28 different languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay, Hindi, Farsi, Turkish).


Next Week:
Line Time: Capitalization

Sight Words of the Week: way my

Synonym of Week:DULL (dark, dreary, somber, boring, tedious)

Adding Language of None planned













Academic Enrichment +++ Cuyahoga Falls Campus +++ Week of 5/6/2019

Lesson:   Interjection-  An interjection is a part of speech that demonstrates the emotion or feeling. These words can stand alone, or be placed before or after a sentence.  You’ll notice many interjections are followed by an exclamation point when excitement or strong feelings are present.  When the feeling is not as strong interjections are followed by a comma and/or a period.


Senioritis or kinderitis? Actually, I just told them we were not doing the use of the grammar symbols on this day. That is why thew long faces.


Cultural Subjects:
We can now count to ten in 28 different languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay, Hindi, Farsi, Turkish).


Next Week:
Line Time: End Of Sentence Punctuation

Sight Words of the Week: there their

Synonym of Week: BRIGHT (shiny, glowing, dazzling, lighted, vivid)

Adding Language of None planned











Academic Enrichment | Week of April 29th | Tallmadge

Pronoun: The kindergarten students learned that a  pronoun is a word that takes the place of a particular person or thing. For example the word “dog” is a noun and the words “it” “she” and “he” are pronouns that can replace the noun “dog”.

Cursive Handwriting: The students practiced writing the lowercase cursive words: cot, bag, stop, frog, bell, will.

A peek into next week: Adjectives