Adventures In Aspen – A Peek At Our Week – 01/13/25 – 01/17/25 – Snow And Snowflakes And 01/20/25 – 01/24/25 – Martin Luther King Jr. And Rosa Parks

Welcome to the Mega Blog! This blog will cover everything the Aspen class has focused on for the past two weeks! My apologies in regards to not sending last week’s blog out prior to today! However, things worked out, as we received a surprise two day school week due to the severe cold and Arctic weather here in Ohio! I hope that everyone stayed nice and warm and had lots of family fun! All the children recalled and shared their stories of all the fun they had! Did anyone attempt any fun cold weather science experiments?? Please share them with us!

Week Of 01/13/25 – 01/17/25

This week in Aspen we reviewed the concept of matter and explored the Water Cycle even further. Aspen discussed the vocabulary terms precipitation, evaporation, and condensation. One of the things we discovered was that the term precipitation refers to water that falls from the Earth ‘s atmosphere to the Earth’s surface. Aspen also discovered that precipitation encompasses different kinds of weather. Such as: rain, snow, sleet, and hail. At the same time, we also found out that temperature plays a huge role in determining what kind of precipitation we receive. Currently, in Stow our temperature is very cold, so if we get precipitation, it will fall in the form of snowflakes. Therefore, we decided collectively to take a closer look at snowflakes. In doing so, Aspen watched a really interesting SciShow Kids video on snowflakes and a really fascinating video where we got to view snowflakes under a microscope on YouTube. Aspen learned that snowflakes start as hexagons because water molecules bond together in a six- sided lattice structure as they freeze. From here they form dendrites when they fall through the clouds. Molecules will then attach themselves to the six points of the hexagon forming branches or dendrites. We further learned that temperature and humidity also determine what kind of snowflakes form. For instance, the more moisture or humidity there is in the air the more intricate the snowflakes will be with more branches (dendrites).

Aspen also engaged in an in class science experiment. We collected snow from a very clean looking portion of our schoolyard area. We then brought our snow indoors and practiced our observation skills! Observation means to look, observe, watch and not touch! As we observed and kept our snow undisturbed we noticed something shocking! Our clean snow contained lots of dirt and particles that were only visible once it melted! This reinforced what we learned about water molecules attaching to dust particles in the atmosphere as they formed snowflakes. It also reinforced why it’s not a great decision to eat snow! What a fun filled wintery week we had in Aspen!

Week Of 01/20/25 – 01/24/25

This week in Aspen we learned all about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. Aspen learned that many years ago there were unfair laws that involved discriminating people based on their appearances. Those individuals with dark skin were discrimanted against and were treated differently than those with light skin. Aspen was shocked to discover that based on how a person looked they were treated differently and unfairly. In fact, many unfair laws were established and people were not treated equally. We then discussed how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to change these unfair laws. He sought to show the world how unfair they were by protesting peacefully emphasizing the unjustice. We read one of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’.s famous quotes stating , “Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. ” After reading this quote we discussed what it meant. Aspen learned that by modeling kindness and respectful behaviors you can show others the error of their ways. We then talked about what protesting peacefully meant and learned all about Rosa Parks. We learned that some of those unfair laws involved how and where individuals could sit on a bus. Therefore, one law stated that if you had dark colored skin you had to sit at the back of the bus . At the same time, those individuals would also have to give up their seat to a light skinned individual if no seats were available! Even if you had been sitting there first, giving up your seat was expected! If you didn’t give up your seat , you could go to jail! Aspen learned that this is exactly what happened to Rosa Parks. Rosa refused to give up her seat to a light skinned (white) man and was sent to jail because of it! The entire class agreed this was completely unfair!! We learned that Rosa and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used this situation as an example to change the world by changing those unfair laws. The change began with the bus laws and eventually lead to other unfair/unjust laws being changed as well. As a result, many of those unfair laws were changed and now people are treated more fairly! Because, of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, and all of the individuals involved in the Civil Rights Movement you can no longer discriminate based on looks and differences. Everyone is entitled to receive the same opportunities and should be treated with respect, kindness, and love no matter what!

In order to illustrate how unfair these laws were, and how it affected those involved we role played or re-enacted the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Aspen students got to take turns playing Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, bus riders, the man asking for Rosa’s seat, the police officer, and the bus driver. We all got to experience what it must have been like for Rosa! Many children mentioned how unfair it was, and how sad or scared Rosa must have felt. We all agreed as a class that everyone should be treated equally and fairly no matter what! We then discussed ways we could also help change the world ! Our Aspen students had so many great ideas! Take a look at our door and the wall in the hallway to see some of our ideas.

Our thematic topic for the week of 01/27/25 – 01/31/25 is the Arctic and Antarctic. We will be exploring how many animals have adapted to living in a cold and harsh environment. We will also discuss the concepts of migration and hibernation.

Fun with the I Spy objects game! Matching objects to their corresponding sounds.

Practicing sounding out phonetic words with the CVC Words activity.

Transferring water using a baster!

Practicing cursive handwriting.

Everyone loves Amora’s braids and beads! There is a huge interest in doing hair in the Aspen classroom! Therefore, our Aspen students were our inspiration for our newest Practical Life activity! We all get to learn how to braid and bead hair!!

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