Welcome back Aspen families! We hope that you all had a very relaxing, fun, and family filled Winter Break!! This week in Aspen we were all glad to be back! The classroom was alive with learning and buzzing with activity. We had so much fun learning, reconnecting with friends, and returning to our weekly classroom routines. This week our thematic topic was All About Matter! The Aspen students learned that Matter is all around us. We learned that everything around us that we can touch is made up of matter! Aspen also discovered that matter is made up of atoms and molecules. Matter exists in three states solids, liquids, and gases and each of these states have different properties. At the same time matter has mass, and mass can be described as the amount of matter within an object. For instance, we learned that solids have a rigid structure and the molecules within a solid are tightly packed together and do not move freely. Solids have a definite shape and a definite volume. Solids cannot change their shape unless they are broken or cut. Liquids have a definite volume but no shape! The molecules inside a liquid are not tightly packed together like a solid. Their molecular particles can slide past each other resulting in their fluidity. Liquids will therefore take the shape of whatever container they are held in. Gases have no fixed shape and no fixed volume. You cannot see them and the molecular particles within them are spaced out and move freely.
After learning all of the above information regarding matter we then applied our knowledge to the world around us. The Aspen students engaged in hands on learning activities exploring solids, liquids , and gases. The Aspen children practiced sorting objects into their matter categories, experimented with liquids by pouring them into different containers, trapped a gas (air) into containers, and read books exploring the different states of matter. Our favorite book was Ice Boy by David Ezra Stein, it explored the various states of matter and the concept that matter can occasionally change it state! For example, the book illustrated the concept of liquids changing into a solid when it freezes. It also discussed the concepts of water vapor, steam, and evaporation. Therefore, describing the Water Cycle in a fun and simple manner. Finally, the Aspen students had the opportunity to color their very own Matter coloring book.
Kindergarteners returned to school eager to learn and used this week to revisit concepts they were exploring before Winter Break. They also received new Kindergarten lessons involving handwriting, reading, and sight words. All kindergarten students received their first take home phonetic reader and are encouraged to read them to siblings, pets, and parents for learning reinforcement to improve fluency skills.
Next week our topic is Snow and Snowflakes !

Exploring the properties of a liquid! Liquids change their shape depending on the container that holds them.

Gluing molecules to represent the properties of the different states of matter.

Fun with friends during indoor recess!!

Group work with the Mystery Bag! Identifying objects using only our sense of touch!

Tracing the Animal Puzzles!