This week it was all about apples in Aspen! We learned all about the life cycle of an apple, where they grow, how they grow, and practiced labeling the parts of an apple. The Aspen class engaged in a variety of follow-up activities such as apple slicing, apple classification, labeling the parts of an apple, and exploration/observation of apples with our botany tray. At the same time, we took the opportunity to learn about fractions and used apples to demonstrate whole, half, and one -fourth. After learning about fractions, the Aspen children took turns learning how to safely slice apples. We then used their sliced apples to create apple prints for an extra special art project with Ms. Lindsey. Aspen also created their own taste testing science experiment by seeing if Red Apples, Green Apples, and Yellow Apples taste different! The Aspen children discovered that each type of apple had its own distinct taste. Ask your child that type of apple was their favorite!
The kindergarteners have continued their exploration of Geography and North America by focusing on Ohio and the States that surround it. The kindergarteners also learned many interesting Ohio facts and practiced identifying states on a map. In Reading Workshop, kindergarteners continued their lessons on phonics, identifying sound clues, and combining sound clues together. The Chickadee Reading group practiced the above and played the “Change It” game. We wrote words on a dry-erase board and then changed one of the sounds to see if we could create a new word! Chickadees also practiced slowing down and paying attention to each letter sound in a word. We all tried very hard to not get tricked by paying close attention to each sound! The Cardinals Group practiced the above a well, but they also focused on sight words and words that don’t always follow your typical language rules. The Cardinals now know five sight words: of , the , and , a, and once (a super silly word that does not follow the rules having an o making a w sound)! The Cardinals also practiced tapping out their sight words and then worked on identifying colors words. In Writers Workshop the kindergarteners continued creating their own books and some even started a brand new book! Each kindergartner received instruction involving the proper formation of the cursive letter r. They then applied what they learned independently through various writing activities in Writer’s Workshop
Next week our thematic topic will be color! We are going to explore the world of color by learning the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors; we will discuss the gradation of colors (shades); we will engage in color mixing activities; and we will investigate the colors used in various works of art.
Completing patterns using apples and then creating our own apple patterns.
Creating apple prints from the apples we sliced during our fractions lesson. Note the pincer grasp being used to hold the apple! Each Practical Life activity is designed to indirectly prepare the hand for future handwriting activities!
Tweezing Sunflower Seeds at the Peace Table! A great way to relax and refocus!