Welcome back Aspen families! We are so happy to be back in the classroom following our daily routine while learning! We are so appreciative of all our parents for being so understanding and patient throughout this unique journey! Aspen is happily settling into their new classroom and appear to be adjusting to their new school environment! It was so nice to finally return to the classroom, play with friends we missed, and continue our learning! We really missed working with the activities and playing with our friends.
This week, group lessons have centered around acclimating to our new environment, reviewing classroom expectations, and picking up where we left off before our unexpected and extended break from classroom fun! This week we also began our more in-depth research on Asia and Australia, learning the names and locations of countries, exploring culture and ways of life on these continents, and discussing Asian and Australian Biomes while learning about animals living in these biomes. It was a very busy but happy week in Aspen!
In Kindergarten Workshop, the kindergarteners learned all about the Parts Of Speech and engaged in a few review lessons. In Readers Workshop, the Cardinals and Chickadees reviewed their thematic unit on poetry and wrote an All About Me Poem. Both groups then created their very own self portrait. While writing our poems we explored phonics, phonograms, and rhyming. We also discovered repetition of sounds when writing our sentences. In Writers Workshop the Cardinals and Chickadees explored the world of color and created and wrote our own a Color Poems

Exploring quantity with the Spindle Boxes!

Pouring Water! Learning how to control movements, focus, and complete tasks independently. Check out that smile!!!

Fun with Phonics!! Creating words with the Moveable Alphabet!

Practicing tricky letters in cursive with the dry erase board.

Lots of group activities during the work period this week. We really missed our friends!

See you next week!