Learning about form or shape in art class as we read The Cat And The Bird. Did you know that form or shapes can be found all around us? We found and observed forms in our classroom!

Using blocks of different shapes (form) to create our own designs on paper. Did you know there are warm and cool colors? We discussed and experienced the differences between these colors as we explored form.

Sharing, and helping our friends as we create our artwork!

Taste the rainbow?? Nope, Skittles are for Science Experiments!! A failed experiment? Will the colors mix?

The experiment is a success! The colors are beginning to dissolve into the water and leave the candy! Will the colors mix? Create a rainbow?

Look at all that color! The Skittles are water soluble they dissolve in water and the color will dissolve and absorb into the water! Notice how the actual colors have not yet mixed? The secret to this magic, wax in the candy!