Exploring Winter Wonders in the Cherry Blossom Classroom
The winter months bring a wealth of learning experiences as our young students explored the fascinating concepts of hibernation, migration, and adaptation this week. With the season’s chill in the air, it was the perfect time to delve into how animals survive the cold, and these curious learners embraced the opportunity to discover the wonders of winter.

The Science Behind Winter Survival: Hibernation, Migration, and Adaptation
Our little scientists engaged with the themes of hibernation, migration, and adaptation by exploring how animals prepare for the winter. They learned that some animals, like bears, hibernate to conserve energy during the colder months, while others, such as birds, migrate to warmer climates. They discovered how some animals adapt to the cold by growing thick fur or blubber to stay warm.

A Hands-On Science Experiment: Blubber and Cold Weather Survival
One of the highlights of the unit was a science experiment designed to show the importance of blubber in keeping animals warm in freezing conditions. The children eagerly participated in an experiment using Crisco, which acted as a stand-in for animal blubber. Each child placed their hand in ice water while wearing a sandwich bag coated with Crisco, experiencing how blubber helps insulate and protect animals from the cold. This tactile experiment not only brought the concept to life but also sparked discussions about how different animals use unique adaptations to thrive in winter.

A Cozy Winter Tale: The Mitten by Jan Brett
As part of our winter theme, we read Jan Brett’s The Mitten, a beautifully illustrated story that captivates young imaginations. The book tells the tale of a mitten dropped in the snow, where various animals seek shelter inside, creating a cozy, snug fit. The children loved discussing the animals in the story and drawing parallels between the animals in The Mitten and the real-life adaptations and behaviors they had been learning about.

Learning About Feelings – Yellow, Green, Blue, and Red
In addition to exploring the wonders of winter, our Blossoms also focused on emotional awareness and expression. Through engaging activities, they’ve been learning to identify and associate different feelings with specific colors. The children discovered that happiness is often represented by the color yellow, calmness by green, sadness by blue, and anger by red. This color-emotion connection will help them articulate their feelings more clearly, allowing for better self-awareness and empathy toward others.
Coming Up Next: DINOSAURS!
Monday, January 20: NO SCHOOL/Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Thursday, January 30: Grandparent’s Day!
Monday, February 3: 100th Day of School – dress like you are 100 years old! (Date subject to change in case of a snow day.)
Friday, February 14: NO SCHOOL/Teacher Inservice
Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL/President’s Day