Wow!! I can’t believe we only have a few short weeks left of the school year… its flown by! This week was all about space! We had so much fun learing about our 8 planets, the moon, sun, the space shuttle, the international space station, stars and constellations, as well as astronaunts. During our week we read some AMAZING books, had fun with crafts, and also watched some really cool videos of people washing their hair, brushing their teeth, sleeping, and life in the space shuttle!! What a fun week we had!!
When working on the geometric solids the child will use the appropriate languge for each geometric solid.In the early stages, the purpose of the Binomial Cube is less focused on the complex mathematics behind the material, and rather is to provide a challenge for a child’s ability to find patterns and relationships between the blocks. Our cutie here is working on our sandpaper letters. When working on this it teaches the sounds of the alphabet by means of muscular and visual memory. When working with the Addition Snake game the child is able to memorize their addition math facts in a fun way!!The goal of this work is to turn the colorful snake into a golden snake by counting to ten! The Stamp game directly corresponds to the golden bead material which gives the child exposure to the decimal system. It is just more abstract, yet concretely demonstrates the maths process to young children. It prepares the child for pencil and paper work, and memorization of facts.
Tomorrow is book share day!!
If you haven’t turned in your permission slip yet for the field trip, they are due TOMORROW!!