February, 2019

Kate Case

Happy Friday Eve everyone!!

This week was all about Hibernation and Migration! I loved that your kiddos had a blast with this and that they really and truly grasped both definitions! This week we had so much fun reading fabulous books, having fun with crafts, charting which animals belong under hibernation or migration, singing songs and more!! We had so much fun!!

When working on the Brown stair and Pink tower the child learns the visual discrimination of dimensions.
Our friend is working on our Land, Water, and Air card work. With this work the child wil classify and explore the elements of the earth.
This little cutie is working on our Living and Nonliving cards. When working on this your child will be able to classify objects as living and nonliving. They will also be able to identify what living things need to survive.
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why learning cursive at an early age is so important? Research suggests that writing in cursive activates different parts of the brain. Learning cursive is good for children’s fine motor skills, and generally helps students retain more information and generates more ideas!!
When journaling your child will build writing skills, fine motor skills, process feelings, as well as communicating their ideas.


THIS Saturday is our Fundraiser Dance!!

Book Share is Tomorrow!

Please check out our Valentine’s Day Sign ups I sent out! We still are in need!

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