What a short week we had! I hope everyone enjoyed being inside and staying warm and cozy! The few short days that we were here was all about Martin Luther King Jr. We had fun learning about what he did for our country through books, crafts, and discussions.
Our friend is working on our Introduction to the decimal system. With this work the child is introduced to the numerals of the decimal system. The child will also become familiar with the names and relative size of the categories. When working on the knobless cylinders the child is able to observe and compare the different series with each other. They are also getting a clear understanding for the different dimensions and their interplay. Picture to picture matching is one of the most important pre-reading skills.It helps children develop vocabulary skills and visual discrimination a completely abstract way. When working on color box three the child is learning to grade the colors from darkest to lightest. They are also orienting themselves in a world of color!
Book share is always on Friday!
Our Dance is next week!! Don’t forget to buy your tickets!