December, 2018

Kate Case

What a fun and busy week we have had! We have been focusing on kindness, and what the word giving means. Together we charted the different ways we can show kindness to one another. I loved hearing such sweet answers from all of them. We also had fun acting out different scenarios and talked through together the different kind things we could do or say in those different situations. Throughout the week we started to prepare our parent gifts… you are going to adore them!!!

This little cutie is working on one to one correspondence with pom poms and christmas trees! When working on this work the child has the ability to match an object to the corresponding number and recognize that numbers are symbols to represent a quantity.
Our friend is working on our new holiday ribbon weaving work. Lacing and stringing activities help young children develop manual dexterity and manipulative skills. Also, by using there hands, children fully intergrate learning experiences.
When working on the trinomial cube the child is challenged to find patterns and spatial relationships.
Our two cuties are working together on tracing, coloring our plant and animal puzzles. When working on this they are gaining fine motor skills, pincher grip, and learning the different parts of the animal and plant. 
We had so much fun decorating our classroom Christmas tree! 


Next Wednesday is our dress rehearsal. Please be there no later then 545, we will be starting at 6 sharp!!

Girls dress in red, boys wear a gree shirt and black or khaki pants. Everyone please wear a santa hat!! If you have any questions just ask!


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