October, 2017

Kate Case

I truly love this time of year. The perfect smell of fall, the beautiful colors we see all around us, and all of the really fun things our class gets to talk and learn about! This week we focused on Autumn. We had a blast heading outdoors together and collecting the different kinds of leaves we saw. As a group, we discussed the different types of leaves and then sorted them into different colors and created a leaf color graph. We also learned about chlorophyll and what happens to the tree and leaves as the different seasons go by. The children were also very excited  to  explore their leaves they found with leaf rubbings. It was a fantastic week!

Here is our leaf color chart that the children made. Having the children sort and classify is helping the children organize their understanding of language, people and the objects in their environment. This process is the child’s first step into math and science!
Our two friends are working on copy writing the basket of sight words. When you copy write the children refine their fine motor skills, are able to form letters and understand the purpose from just seeing a word and now writing it on to paper. Children also feel proud and gain more confidence in themselves when they see what they can do while they are writing. It can also spark their creativity.
Having a special moment in the library with one of our field students from the University of Akron.
This week our children were able to explore the different types of leaves that they brought in. One of our lessons was leaf rubbing. This lesson provides knowledge of the different leaves, fine motor skills as they color back and forth. They also have to follow step by step directions.


A Peek Into Next Week

Next week is all about pumpkins! Another one of my favorites ☺ Together we will…

  • discuss the life cycle of a pumpkin
  • have fun investigating a pumpkin from the inside out
  • sink or float science experiment
  • use our five senses to explore a pumpkin

Parent Education Night Wednesday, October 25th at 6:30pm (Tallmadge Campus) click on the link to register: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090b48a8a92da6f94-montessori

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