This week our class had a blast learning about spiders, bats, jack- o-lanterns, special traditions our families have for Halloween, and super fun crafts for our party!
I introduced the children to a tree map. With this activity we first read a book about spiders. We then discussed everything that spiders are, what they have, and what they can do. This activity is great for reading comprehension. We did this same activity when we learned about bats but in a different format.This is just one of the many fun crafts that the children made with Me, they love doing personalized note cards. Ame. With each crafts they made there was a lesson that went with them. When doing a craft the children have to follow a one step direction. They also gain fine motor skills when coloring, cutting, and gluing. Crafts also gain there concentration and focusing skills, which will then help them later on with our longer more challenging works.Our friend is working on our What does not belong work. The purpose of this work is to help prepare the student for reading. This teaches the child how to hold interest and gain their concentration skills.Our North America map teaches the child the different counties in our continent, gains their fine motor skills, and helps with their focus and concentration.
A Peek Into Next Week
Next week is all about Nutrition. We will be learning about healthy habits, the importance of exercise, filtration water systems as Pureosmosis for better water, learning about My food plate, creating our own salad together and much much more!