Over the past week the children started practicing for their Christmas Show multiple times a day. This will be their main focus for the next few weeks. We are doing a Christmas Tree theme. Feel free to dress your child up in anything Christmas Tree related for the show next Friday and practice singing the songs “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree” and “O’ Christmas Tree” with them!
Work Time
Sandpaper Letters: This child is tracing and identifying the sounds of the letters ‘r’ and ‘q’ and connecting the sounds with the initial sounds of different objects like rabbit and quilt.Movable Alphabet: This child is saying the words of different objects and phonetically spelling them: pan for pan, flowr for flower, pi for pie and str for star.Cursive Chalkboard Writing: This child is practicing writing the uppercase cursive B on a chalkboard. He is developing multiple skills involving his eyes, arms, hands, memory, posture and body control.Stamp Game: This child is doing static addition (a sum without exchanging) problems using the stamp game. He is practicing addition at a higher level of abstraction.Dishwashing: This child is using many motor skills while also remembering the order and sequence of each action to successfully wash dishes, which naturally leads to the development of concentration.Cards and Counters: These children are demonstrating their knowledge that each number is made up of separate quantities. They are also able to visually see the sequence of numbers and how many separate units go together to form each number.
Guest Reader
Christmas Show Rehearsal | December 12 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (Cuyahoga Falls High School Auditorium, 2300 4th St.)
Christmas Show | No Afterschool care available (student pickup by 3:15pm) | December 14 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (Cuyahoga Falls High School Auditorium, 2300 4th St.)