December, 2018

Courtney Owens

Over the past couple of week the children read a lot of holiday books and did a lot of different crafts. I am so proud of how hard they worked during our Christmas Show practices. They did such a great job on their performance last Friday!

Work Time

Sandpaper Letters: This child is tracing and identifying the sounds of the letters ‘p’ and ‘t’ and connecting the sounds with the initial sounds of different objects like purse and turtle.
Movable Alphabet: This child is saying the words of different objects and phonetically spelling them:cup, dog and pom. He used both the print and cursive movable alphabet so that he could compare them.
Stamp Game: This child is doing static addition (a sum without exchanging) problems using the stamp game. He is practicing addition at a higher level of abstraction.
Rhyming Cards: This child is identifying and matching the rhyming object pictures. He is able to understand and hear when two words sound the same.

Guest Readers


School Resumes | January 7, 2019

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