The Buckeye Room Bulletin
Line Time:
Reptiles- This week we learned about reptiles and what makes a reptile a reptile. Reptiles are vertebrates, cold blooded (body temperature changes to the temperature around them), they are born from hard shelled eggs and their skin is dry, with scales. Some examples of reptiles are snakes, turtles, and lizards. Below was my childhood Saturday TV entertainment.
Who is afraid of snakes?
Did you know?
Does hot water freeze faster than cold water? This is known as the Mpemba effect. … Evaporation is the strongest candidate to explain the Mpemba effect. As hot water is placed in an open container the water begins to cool, the overall mass decreases as some of the water evaporates. With less water to freeze, the process can take less time. My thoughts is that it is a misnomer due to less ice is produced. But who am I to say?
A Challenge From Mr. John:
Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 11 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese).
October Birthdays:
Peek In The Classroom:
She is working on the material found in the language area called Pink Rhyming. This material focuses on words with short vowel sounds /three letters. The ability to rhyme is a sign your child has an understanding of phonemic awareness.
Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Amphibians
Letter Of The Week- H h
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bit
Next Language is Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect
Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
We looked at ten different land forms. We looked at the pairings of islands and lakes, bays and capes, peninsulas and gulfs, and chain of lakes and archipelago.
We practiced writing in cursive Aa, Ae, Ai, Ao, Au
Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Parts Of Animals
Synonym Of The Week: HOT: burning, scorching, blazing, boiling, sizzling
Sight Words Of The Week: for with
Upcoming Events:
Picture Day- Wednesday, October 14th
Zoom Parent/Teacher Conferences- Friday, November 13 ** Details coming soon **
*** BOX TOPS BOX TOPS BOX TOPS Mr. John REALLY wants pizza! Due 10/23/2020 ***
Friends, Frolic, and Fun: