Line Time:
Fish- We learned fish are vertebrates or they have a backbone or a spine. They are cold blooded (their body temperature changes to the temperature around them) and have slimy and scaly skin. The unique thing about fish is that some fish are born alive and some fish are born with jelly eggs. Some examples of fish are Trout, Bass, Sharks, and Swordfish. And one more important point is that fish live in water, and many people decide to have fishes for pets since they’re easy to maintain, and you can even get an aquarium and fish decor for it.

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 10 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Greek, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, and Russian)
Peek In Our Classroom:

Next Week:
Line Time- Birds
Letter Of The Week- J j
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bip
Next Language will be Romanian
Snack will be brought to you by Harper K.
Upcoming Events:
11/15/2018 Thursday– Operation Christmas Child Packing
11/16/2018 Friday– Parent Teacher Conferences <<< NO SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN >>>
11/20/2018 Tuesday– Harvest Party
<<<<< If you haven’t observed my classroom there is still time. >>>>>

Before and after haircut pictures
It is like “Find the Differences”