Line Time: Amphibians- This week we looked at the Amphibian. We talked about how the Amphibians are vertebrates, cold blooded (the body temperature changes to the temperature that surrounds the amphibian), their skin is soft and moist, and they are born from jelly eggs. Some examples of Amphibians are toads, frogs, and salamanders. We learned that the term amphibian means of two worlds. Amphibians are born in the water but live their life on land. Below is the lesser know frog from the English cartoon Danger Mouse named Baron Silas Greenback.
A Message From Mr. John:
Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 12 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect).
Peek In The Classroom:
This student is using the golden beads to compose numbers from 1 to 9,999. The purpose of this is to make the child familiar with the different categories of numbers, especially with regard to reading the symbols. Also, to give the child the wording of large numbers. This material enforces the correlation between symbol and quantity.
She is being introduced to the beginning of the decimal system. The small bead is referred to as “unit.” After the child feels and names the unit, they will set it aside to explore the 10 bar. I may ask the child to count the units in the 10 bar with them, “How many units are there?” After counting to ten, you can then name the 10 bar. “We call this…ten”. They move on to the hundred square and thousand cube. An important aspect of the Intro Tray is allowing the child to feel the dimensions, weight, and size difference of each quantity. The unit feels very different than the 1 thousand cube!
This material focuses on the short vowel sounds/three letter words. The student matches words with pictures and match words to words. This work helps the student prepare for reading.
These girls are working on the Sensorial work called the sound cylinders. This Montessori material helps a child refine his or her auditory senses in a controlled and engaging way. The material isolates six different sounds identified shaking cylinders and matching their sounds. This enhances the skill of auditory discrimination which is needed for letter sound recognition.
This child created an extension with the Pink Tower and Brown Stair and used the material as a balance beam (I wasn’t thrilled with her stepping on the material) but I let her due to movement is essential in the Montessori classroom. The Montessori environment gives the children an opportunity to learn as they are moving. When the child is moving while they are learning the chiild will retain the information easier. The movement is also important for the physical growth of a child. Their bodies are growing and need to move throughout the day.
Peek Into Next Week: Line Time- Fish
Letter Of The Week- I i
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bin
Next Language is Italian
Academic Enrichment: Weekly Theme: This week we looked at the five animals which are mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and birds. Look at the fancy dancy chart showing what makes that certain animal that certain animal.
Handwriting: We practiced writing in cursive vowel blends of Ea ea, Ee ee, Ei ei, Eo eo, Eu eu.
Kindergarten Plant Tracking:
We are tracking the growth of the roots for the next couple weeks. She observed the start of root growth.
Next Week: Weekly Theme: Parts Of plants, Arachnids, and Insects
Synonym Of The Week: Cold:freezing, chilly, frigid, frozen, cool
Sight Words Of The Week: she were
Upcoming Events: Halloween Party: Friday, October 30 ** Putting a bug in your ear. Email coming. **
Zoom Parent/Teacher Conferences- Friday, November 13 ** Details coming soon. Really they are **