Peek Into The Week | Mr. John’s Classroom | Week of January 8th, 2018



Girls Just Want To Have Fun– and so do boys…   Sometimes we just get goofy in the classroom.



Cultural Subjects:
Your children can count to ten in 15 different languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, and Korean).

Happy Birthday:
A Montessori Classroom has students ranging from 2.5 to 6 years of age.  Here are the newest 5 year old students.


Peeking Into The Classroom:

Doing Chores in the Montessori Classroom is a staple activity. Here you can see students emptying the trash, sweeping the floor, and wiping the table tops.  Everyday a child is given a different task to do.   Doing chores helps the child enhance focus and confidence, gives them a sense of accomplishment, gives them self-reliance and purpose, increases empathy by learning to be responsive to others’ needs, instills a work ethic, and improves a sense of belonging.

This student is working on equations with the Stamp Game. The Stamp Game is a tool for learning and reinforcing knowledge of the four maths operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It is just more abstract, yet concretely demonstrates the maths process to students that are ready for this material. This student is working on equations of multiplication, with multiple carry overs in all columns. For example 654 x 6.

This student is working on one of my Science Boxes (frogs and toads). She is reading a book on frogs and toads and has four pieces Jelly eggs, tadpole, froglet, and frog. She puts them in order to reinforce the life cycle of a frog/toad.

Here are two friends working on the sandpaper numbers. The aims of sandpaper numbers are to give the child a sensorial impression of the form of the symbol. To show the succession of numbers. To show base 10 Recognition of numerals 0-9 Preparation for writing numbers.

Upcoming Stuff:

Line Time Lesson: The 5 Senses

Letter Of The Week: P p

Rhyming Word Of The Week: bun

Family Trees
Recess Attire
Chinese New Year

***  NO SCHOOL Monday 1/15/2018  ***




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