Line Time:
Food Groups, This week we had fun learning about the food groups in our class. Grains and Cereals (pasta, rice, bread, cereal, crackers), Fruit (apples, grapes, kiwi, mango which is my favorite), Vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, potato, broccoli, eggplant, which is my favorite) Dairy (my favorite… milk, cheese, yogurt), meats (beef, pork, chicken), and proteins, fats and sugars and how many servings we should have per day.
Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 8 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese)
Fun Fact: Did you know Fruit Loops are all the same flavor? No need eating one color before the others. I guess I was misled my whole life and I am bitter! Toucan Sam you disappoint me. hehe
Peek In The Classroom:
Peek Into Next Week: Line Time- Living and Non-Living Things
Letter Of The Week- E e
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bad
Next Language is Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect
Person bringing snack for week of 9/23/2018 is Amelia
Upcoming Events:
Picture Day- Wednesday October, 16th
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