Buckeye Room Bulletin
Line Time:
Birds- We ended our journey of studying animals with the bird. We learned birds are vertebrates and are warm-blooded, which means that they can make their own body heat even when it is cold outside. Whether it is sunny and hot outside or there is a snowstorm and it is very cold, warm-blooded animals have body temperatures that usually stay the same. They are born from hard shelled eggs and have feathers. A lot of birds fly but some do not. The flightless birds are the ostrich and penguin. We are not sure if chickens fly.
Below are Foghorn Leghorn and Eggburt Jr…. Iah say, Iah say that boy aint right.
Speaking Words Of Wisdom… (from Mr. John):
Have you ever gone out and had toothpaste on your face and clothes? Of course you have. My advice is to brush your teeth right before hopping in the shower. No toothpaste on your face and certainly no toothpaste on your clothes. Problem solved!
Message From Mr. John (Short look at my philosophy in the classroom):
Know your Languages (Romanian):
Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 11 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian).
Halloween Party:
Peek In The Classroom:
Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Insects, Arachnids, Invertebrates
Letter Of The Week- K k
Rhyming Word Of The Week- ox
Next Language is Romanian
Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:
This week we started our journey into MATH…. EEEEK! We started out by composing numbers with beads and symbols then worked our way into doing addition with manipulatives with the nine tray.
We practiced writing in cursive vowel blends of Ua ua, Ue ue, Ui ui, Uo uo, Uu uu
Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Addition manipulatives (Dynamic/Carry Overs)
Synonym Of The Week: OLD: ancient, elderly, used, seasoned, mature
Sight Words Of The Week: how each
Upcoming Events:
Zoom Parent/Teacher Conferences- Friday, November 13 (NO SCHOOL) Sign up for a slot..Sign up Genius Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B48A8A92DA6F94-zoom
Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 661 484 2878
Passcode: AMMS
Thanksgiving Break: We are off Wednesday November 25th and returning Monday November 30.
Friends, Frolic, and Fun:
Your Kids say the Darndest Things (Let go of my Snacko!):
Follow the link to view the vid…