Line Time: Birds- We ended our journey of studying animals with the bird. We learned birds are vertebrates and are warm-blooded, which means that they can make their own body heat even when it is cold outside. Whether it is sunny and hot outside or there is a snowstorm and it is very cold, warm-blooded animals have body temperatures that usually stay the same. They are born from hard shelled eggs and have feathers. A lot of birds fly but some do not. The flightless birds are the ostrich and penguin. We are not sure if chickens fly.
Below are Foghorn Leghorn and Eggburt Jr…. Iah say, Iah say that boy aint right.
Speaking Words Of Wisdom… (from Mr. John): Have you ever gone out and had toothpaste on your face and clothes? Of course you have. My advice is to brush your teeth right before hopping in the shower. No toothpaste on your face and certainly no toothpaste on your clothes. Problem solved!
Message From Mr. John (Short look at my philosophy in the classroom):
Know your Languages (Romanian):
Cultural Subjects: Your children can now count to ten in 11 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian).
Halloween Party:
Halloween Bingo!
Cookie decorating.
Peek In The Classroom:
These two girls found the relationship between two materials found in the Sensorial area (Knobbed Cylinders and Knobbless Cylinders). They found the relationship of diameter and height. They were pretty proud of themselves by the looks of the high five that is about to happen.
These rods may seem familiar to you and they should if you’ve ever seen the Red Rods. They are exactly the same except for one feature: alternating blue and red segments. The child will typically work with the Number Rods after mastering the Red Rods. If you recall, the Red Rods help establish visual discrimination of length. The Number Rods are a natural progression, naming the quantity shown on each Number Rod with red and blue demarcations. The aim of the Number Rods is to associate the written symbol with the right quantity and to be able to build rods and/or numbers 1-10. Building up the different combinations to 10 gives an indirect preparation for addition. The taking away of rods gives the impression of subtraction.
These girls are working on the equations (The Stamp Game) I have assigned. The Montessori Math Stamp Game lesson comes at the end of place value and decimal system work. The goal is to reinforce the four operations introduced with the Golden Beads but in a more abstract way. The work is familiar to them, but different enough to keep it interesting and intriguing.
She is working on the Ten Board which is a Math material. Before she composed only “tens” but now she is adding “units”. This strengthens the correlation between quantity (colored beads) and symbols (numbers) from 11 to 99.
Peek Into Next Week: Line Time- Insects, Arachnids, Invertebrates
Letter Of The Week- K k
Rhyming Word Of The Week- ox
Next Language is Romanian
Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten: This week we started our journey into MATH…. EEEEK! We started out by composing numbers with beads and symbols then worked our way into doing addition with manipulatives with the nine tray.
I don’t even know what to say about this picture. lol
Handwriting: We practiced writing in cursive vowel blends of Ua ua, Ue ue, Ui ui, Uo uo, Uu uu
Next Week: Weekly Theme: Addition manipulatives (Dynamic/Carry Overs)
Synonym Of The Week: OLD: ancient, elderly, used, seasoned, mature