This past week we learned about Mammals. Mammals are vertebrates (have a spine or backbone), warm blooded(their body temperature does not change), have hair or fur, live bearers, and eat/drink mother’s milk when young. Some mammals live in the water such as dolphins and whales. The only mammal that can fly is the bat! Oh and people are mammals!
Cultural Subjects: During line time we can count to ten in 7 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, and Japanese).
We had an alumnus visit our classroom and read. This special alumni student is in 4th grade and goes to Resnick Elementary School.
In the Math area you can find the Addition Charts. The purpose of this material is to practice with addition problems which will lead to memorization to facts.This is a math work called the Exchange Game. This is the introduction to addition “carryovers” while still reinforcing the comprehension of quantities in the unit, ten, hundred, and thousand columns.Cursive writing falls into the Language area. Research indicates that cursive trains the brain to have better hand-eye coordination and reading efficiency.This material is the famed 9 tray. It connects the symbol(numbers) and quantity. This student is using this material to do addition equations. Students learn the operation of addition, visual representation of addition, and learn vocabulary of addition such as addends and sums.Geography, YAY! We were focusing on the bodies of water that are adjacent to the continent in which we live, North America. To the north is Hudson Bay. To the South is Gulf of Mexico. To the East is the Atlantic Ocean. To the west is the Pacific Ocean. In our neck of the woods are the Great Lakes.
Peek into next week: Reptiles! Their characteristics and example of reptiles.
Letter The Week: G g
Rhyming Word Of The Week: bid
Parent Education Night Wednesday, October 25th at 6:30pm You can register to attend and for childcare by clicking this link