Peek In Our Week | Mr. John’s Class | Week of November 2, 2020

Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
This week we learned about insects and arachnids. Creepy Crawly, creepy crawly creepy creep creepy crawly (reminds me of The Who song, Boris The Spider).  When we went over the five animals all of them were vertebrates (having a backbone and spine) but looking at Insects and arachnids they were invertebrates (no back bone or spine).   Most had what we call an exoskeleton which is the skeleton is on the outside.  This gives the creature support and protection.  We learned insects have a head, thorax, and abdomen, six legs, and two antennae.  We sang the characteristics of an insect to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Some insects are ants, bees, and butterflies. Arachnids have a head and abdomen, and eight legs. Some examples of arachnids are spiders, scorpions, ticks and mites.






Who is afraid of a little spider?:



Did You Know:
Since it is the season… Did you know there is a difference between apple juice and apple cider?  Here is the explanation.  Apple cider is made from apples that are washed, cut and ground into an “apple mash” similar to applesauce. The mash is then wrapped in cloth and pressed into fresh juice. On the other hand, apple juice undergoes filtration to remove pulp and is then pasteurized to extend the shelf life.  I am not sure how hard apple cider is made.


Message From Mr. John (Spunk):


November Birthdays:
A Montessori classroom consists of students ranging in age from three years to six years.  Here are our newest four and five year old students.


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 12 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian).


Know Your Languages (Swedish):


Peek In The Classroom:

My newest reader!!!!! There is no better feeling for a teacher than to experience a child reading for the first time.


These bead bars with their characteristic colors are used to learn countless math concepts from basic counting and identifying the correlation between symbol and quantity to skip counting, to addition, to multiplication, and even to the squaring and cubing of numbers. This boy is now working on counting and finding the correct number for the corresponding Color Bead Bar.


Remember my explanation of extensions in the Montessori Classroom? No? here it is again…The Montessori extension lessons help the child to have further experience with the concepts of the materials. Often times the extension activity draws the child towards a more abstracted view of the original concrete concept that was introduced. This boy found he can stagger the blocks and keep the original aim by stacking from biggest to smallest. He discovered this all on his own.


These girls are working with Color Box 4 and the aim is to grade the colors from darkest to lightest. The child is learning precise refinement. There are subtle differences between some of the shades and tint and even between colors at the lightest or darkest levels. These differences matter and reinforces visual discrimination which helps in identifying and distinguishing symbols such as 6/9,  3/8,  b/d,  q/p…


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Dinosaurs

Letter Of The Week- L l

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bot

Next Language: Swedish


Upcoming Events:
Zoom Parent/Teacher Conferences- Friday, November 13  (NO SCHOOL)    Sign up for a slot..Sign up Genius Link:

Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 661 484 2878
Passcode: AMMS

Thanksgiving Break:  We are off Wednesday November 25th and returning Monday November 30.


Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
This week the K-kids did addition with carry overs (Dynamic) using the manipulatives of the Golden Beads.  Did you know the two numbers added together are called addends and the answer is called the sum?

I did ask for goofy!

Handwriting:  We practiced writing in cursive words: cat, bed, wig, mop, tub

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Addition with other materials

Synonym Of The Week: BIG, vast, gigantic, huge, large, enormous, colossal

Sight Words Of The Week: said by


More tracking the growth of roots. We did discover that five more roots sprouted and the existing roots grew longer. No more leaves appeared but we are confident that new leaves will grow.


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

S squared


Boy Buddies!


Posing for the camera.


Geez, Mr. John let me get back to work.


Your Children say The Darndest Things (Gone Fishin):
Follow the link….










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